in the coming decade by developing cross-CZO science that helps to establish:
a unifying theory of CZ evolution;
coupled systems models to explore how CZ services respond to anthropogenic, climatic, and tectonic forcing;
data sets that document differing CZ geologic and climatic settings, inform the theoretical framework, constrain conceptual and coupled systems models, and test model-generated hypotheses
CZ Network Cyberseminar Series. The CZOs will work to run six cyberseminars/yr. Seminars will follow the following framework; all viewers can see the slides; the speaker can point and annotate, and participants can comment and question by voice or text. This cyberseries will build upon the series of six talks run for CZO by CUAHSI in 2011-2012. In the next 5 years, we will highlight scientists, postdocs, and students working on CZ questions, including those that are not a member of a CZO team. In some cases, a cyberseminar may be scheduled as follow-up after one of the cross-network activities outlined below. All CZ topics will be included.
CZ Network Research (CZNR) Workshops. Each observatory will run one ~2.5-day CZNR Workshop on an interdisciplinary topic. Workshop size will be ~12 scientists and students from in and outside of the CZO network. Each CZO host will provide travel allowances, housing, and meals. The intent is to stimulate researchers to work together and across disciplines. The broadly advertised workshops will result in a proposal, synthesis paper, or integrative model. CZO data will be highlighted appropriately in the context of data from other sites.
Drill-the-Ridge. Access to the bottom of the weathered rock zone is difficult to gain but is widely recognized as the CZ region we understand the least. In recognition of this, the CZO network produced a special issue in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, and ran a special session at AGU. Pilot coring projects have been run at all six original CZOs, and will be extended. The idea, called “Drill the Ridge” was proposed at the International Workshop on Design of Global Environmental Gradient Experiments using International CZO Networks (8-9 Nov 2011, University of Delaware). The goal at each site will be to reach the water table and fresh rock, typically by wireline drilling, extracting core and overburden. Downhole logging will also be pursued, i.e., electrical logging, calipers, acoustic televiewer, optical televiewer, compensated density caliper, thermal neutral (relative porosity), heat pulse flowmeter, and hydrophysical logging. If possible, the borehole will be completed as a well, and instrumented with water level and temperature sensors, and will be used to collect water samples monthly using the method of choice (bailing or pump) at each site. These pilot coring projects will provide training for students in drilling technologies. The data from this initial Drill-the-Ridge campaign will provide preliminary data to be used to inform future proposals to core in more locations, with accompanying geophysical surveys, pump testing, and microbiological sampling. The depth of these initial pilot holes will vary from site to site. Holes will vary from 10 to 300 m in depth.
Joint Research Field Campaigns. All observatories will run three 5-day CZ Joint Research Field Campaigns spread over the next five years. Each site will host one field campaign, similar in format but with different foci. The host will support travel and accommodation for a total of 12 students, postdocs or scientists from other CZOs in each campaign. The intent is to stimulate researchers to develop shared data, to work together across disciplines, and to introduce students to new sites and techniques. It is expected that results from each Campaign will become part of the CZO community data resources. If appropriate, the CZOs may use the CZ Network Research Workshops to develop focused questions for the field campaigns, or for the CZ Network Research Workshops.
Cross-CZO modeling. Ongoing modeling activities at each of the CZOs will be communicated and integrated across the network through a series of cross site visits to other CZOs. During those visits, modelers will be cross-fertilized in terms of conceptualizations and codes and will learn how to make best use of available data. To facilitate this effort, each CZO will support travel to enable modelers to visit or travel to other CZOs.
Jill Marshall of the University of Oregon has been recently awarded an NSF postdoctoral fellowship for her cross-CZO proposal: Cracking the critical zone: Tree roots in fractures and a proposed mechanistic soil production function. The study’s overarching objective is to parameterize and calibrate a soil production function (a geomorphic process law) for forested landscapes based on observations of the mechanics of root-driven bedrock damage and detachment. The lack of a mechanistic bedrock to soil production function has hampered progress on a broad array of problems in critical zone science. This project will enable numerical experiments that explore how the presence and absence of vegetation control surface and near-surface processes and landscape form. Project mentors are Dr. William Dietrich (Director Eel River CZO), UC Berkeley (primary host institution), and Dr. Robert Anderson (Investigator Boulder Creek CZO), University of Colorado. Jill will start research during mid-summer 2015, working at the Eel River, Boulder Creek, and Southern Sierra CZOs where she can take advantage of the three CZO’s exposed roots in bedrock fractures, and site-specific differences in climate-driven rock-water availability and rock properties.
Read about more cross-CZO work of previous fellowship recipients: Dr. Adrian Harpold and Dr. Diana Karwan
Jill Marshall
Only includes items marked with the "national" tag. To see additional cross-CZO website content, visit individual CZOs:
National | Boulder | Calhoun | Catalina-Jemez | Christina | IML | Luquillo | Reynolds | Shale Hills | Sierra
Ecological and genomic attributes of novel bacterial taxa that thrive in subsurface soil horizons. Brewer, Tess E., Emma L. Aronson, Keshav Arogyaswamy, Sharon A. Billings, Jon K. Botthoff, Ashley N. Campbell, Nicholas C. Dove, Dawson Fairbanks, Rachel E. Gallery, Stephen C. Hart, Jason Kaye, Gary King, Geoffrey Logan, Kathleen A. Lohse, Mia R. Maltz, Emilio Mayorga, Caitlin O’Neill, Sarah M. Owens, Aaron Packman, Jennifer Pett-Ridge, Alain F. Plante, Daniel D. Richter, Whendee L. Silver, Wendy H. Yang, Noah Fierer (2019): mBio Oct 2019, 10 (5) e01318-19 Cross-CZO National
Reassessing the dissolved molybdenum isotopic composition of ocean inputs: The effect of chemical weathering and groundwater. King, E.K. and Pett-Ridge, J.C. (2018): Geology 46 (11): 955-958 Cross-CZO National
Using research networks to create the comprehensive datasets needed to assess nutrient availability as a key determinant of terrestrial carbon cycling. Vicca, S.; Stocker, B.D.; Reed, S.; Wieder, W.R.; Bahn, M.; Fay, P.A.; Janssens, I.A.; Lambers, H.; Peñuelas, J.; Piao, S.; Rebel, K.T.; Sardans, J.; Sigurdsson, B.D.; Sundert, K.V.; Wang, Y.P.; Zaehle, S.; Ciais, P. (2018): Environmental Research Letters Cross-CZO National
Interdisciplinary Teaching about Earth and the Environment for a Sustainable Future Book Chapter: Implementing and Assessing InTeGrate Critical Zone Science Materials in an Undergraduate Geoscience Program. Ashlee Dere, Carol Engelmann, Timothy White, Adam Wymore, Adam Hoffman, James Washburne, Martha Conklin (2018): Springer Cross-CZO National
Mercury sourcing and sequestration in weathering profiles at six Critical Zone Observatories. Richardson, Justin B., Arnulfo A. Aguirre, Heather L. Buss, A. Toby O'Geen, Xin Gu, Daniella M. Rempe, and Daniel deB. Richter (2018): Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 32(10):1542-1555 Cross-CZO National
Clays in the Critical Zone. Paul A. Schroeder (2018): Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK Cross-CZO National
Ideas and perspectives: Strengthening the biogeosciences in environmental research networks. Richter, D.D., S.A. Billings, P.M. Groffman, E.F. Kelly, K.A. Lohse, W.H. McDowell, T.S. White, S. Anderson, D.D. Baldocchi, S. Banwart, S. Brantley, J.J. Braun, Z.S. Brecheisen, C.W. Cook, H.E. Hartnett, S.E. Hobbie, J. Gaillardet, E. Jobbagy, H.F. Jungkunst, C.E. Kazanski, J. Krishnaswamy, D. Markewitz, K. O’Neill, C.S. Riebe, P. Schroeder, C. Siebe, W.L. Silver, A. Thompson, A. Verhoef, G. Zhang (2018): Biogeosciences 15: 4815-4832 Cross-CZO National
2018 (In Review)
Critical zone science informs landscape management through quantification of slow and often elusive (episodic) constraints on ecosystem services. Lohse, K.A., Commendador, A., Stalder, S., Glossner, K., Macek, C., and R. MacNeille (2018): Earth's Future Cross-CZO National
CZO Network Attributes Table. CZO Network (2018): CZO National Office Cross-CZO National
Geomorphic influences on the distribution and accumulation of pyrogenic carbon (PyC) following a low severity wildfire in northern New Mexico. Galanter, A., Cadol, D., and K.A. Lohse (2018): Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43: 2207–2218 Cross-CZO National
The Frontier Beneath our Feet. Grant, G., and Dietrich, W.E. (2017): Water Resources Research 54 (4): 2605-2609 Cross-CZO National
Fostering Collaboration Across the US Critical Zone Observatories Network. Sharkey, S. and White, T. (2017): 2017 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 11-15 Dec Cross-CZO National
How soil water storage moderates climate changes effects on transpiration, across the different climates of the Critical Zone Observatories. Heckman, C.; Tague, C. (2017): Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 2017. Abstract H23H-1777. Cross-CZO National
New Opportunities for Critical Zone Science. Sullivan, P.L., Wymore, A.S., McDowell, W.H. et al. (2017): 2017 CZO Arlington Meeting White Booklet Cross-CZO National
Critical zone structure controls concentration-discharge relationships and solute generation in forested tropical montane watersheds. Wymore, A.; Brereton, R. L.; Ibarra, D. E.; Maher, K.; McDowell, W. H. (2017): Water Resources Research 53, 6279–6295 Cross-CZO National
Characterizing hyporheic exchange processes using high-frequency electrical conductivity-discharge relationships on subhourly to interannual timescales. Singley, J. G., Wlostowski, A. N., Bergstrom, A. J., Sokol, E. R., Torres, C. L., Jaros, C., Wilson, C. E., Hendrickson, P. J., Gooseff, M. N. (2017): Water Resources Research 53, 4124–4141 Cross-CZO National
Snowmelt controls on concentration‐discharge relationships and the balance of oxidative and acid‐base weathering fluxes in an alpine catchment, East River, Colorado. Winnick M.J., Carroll R.W.H., Williams K.H., Maxwell, R.M., Dong, W., Maher K. (2017): Water Resources Research 53, 2507–2523 Cross-CZO National
Colloidal transport in the Gordon Gulch catchment of the Boulder Creek CZO and its effect on C‐Q relationships for silicon. Aguirre A.A., Derry L.A., Mills J.T., Anderson S.P. (2017): Water Resources Research 53, 2368–2383, Cross-CZO National
The influence of mixing on stable isotope ratios in porous media: A revised Rayleigh model. Druhan J.L, Maher K. (2017): Water Resources Research, 53, 1101–1124 Cross-CZO National
Concentration-Discharge Relations in the Critical Zone: Implications for Resolving Critical Zone Structure, Function and Evolution. Chorover, J., Derry, L. A., McDowell, W. H. (2017): Water Resources Research 53(11): 8654–8659 Cross-CZO National
Growing new generations of critical zone scientists. Wymore, Adam S., Nicole R. West, Kate Maher, Pamela L. Sullivan, Adrian Harpold, Diana Karwan, Jill A. Marshall, Julia Perdrial, Daniella M. Rempe and Lin Ma (2017): Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42 (14): 2498-2502 Cross-CZO National
Regional sensitivities of seasonal snowpack to elevation, aspect, and vegetation cover in western North America. Christopher J. Tennant, Adrian A. Harpold, Kathleen Ann Lohse, Sarah E. Godsey, Benjamin T. Crosby, Laurel G. Larsen, Paul D. Brooks, Robert W. Van Kirk, Nancy F. Glenn (2017): Water Resources Research 53 Cross-CZO National
Geochemical evolution of the Critical Zone across variable time scales informs concentration-discharge relationships: Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory. McIntosh J.C., Schaumberg C., Perdrial J., Harpold A., Vázquez-Ortega A., Rasmussen C., Vinson D., Zapata-Rios X., Brooks P.D., Meixner T., Pelletier J., Derry L., Chorover J. (2017): Water Resources Research 53(5): 4169–4196 Cross-CZO National
Designing a network of critical zone observatories to explore the living skin of the terrestrial Earth. Brantley, S.L., McDowell, W.H., Dietrich, W.E., White, T.S., Kumar, P., Anderson, S., Chorover, J., Lohse, K.A., Bales, R.C., Richter, D., Grant, G., and Gaillardet, J. (2017): Earth Surface Dynamics, 5, 841–860 Cross-CZO National
Reviews and syntheses: on the roles trees play in building and plumbing the critical zone. Brantley, Susan L., David M. Eissenstat, Jill A. Marshall, Sarah E. Godsey, Zsuzsanna Balogh-Brunstad, Diana L. Karwan, Shirley A. Papuga, Joshua Roering, Todd E. Dawson, Jaivime Evaristo, Oliver Chadwick, Jeffrey J. McDonnell, Kathleen C. Weathers (2017): Biogeosciences, 14, 5115-5142 Cross-CZO National
Prevalence and magnitude of groundwater use by vegetation: a global stable isotope meta-analysis. Jaivime Evaristo and Jeffrey J. McDonnell (2017): Scientific Reports 7 Cross-CZO National
Enhancing Interoperability and Capabilities of Earth Science Data using the Observations Data Model 2 (ODM2). Hsu, Leslie, Emilio Mayorga, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, Megan R. Carter, Kerstin A. Lehnert and Susan L. Brantley (2017): Data Science Journal, 16: 4, pp. 1–16 Cross-CZO National
Conference Program - AGU Chapman Conference on Extreme Climate Event Impacts on Aquatic Biogeochemical Cycles and Fluxes. Inamdar, S., McDowell W.H., Shanley J. B., Minor E., Park J. (2017): AGU Chapman Conference, San Juan, PR 2017 Cross-CZO National
Controls on deep critical zone architecture: a historical review and four testable hypotheses. Riebe, C. S., Hahm, W. J., Brantley, S. L. (2017): Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42 (1): 128–156 Cross-CZO National
Earth Surface Processes in the Critical Zone: An Introductory Course Designed for Teachers. White, T. (2016): The Earth Scientist XXXII, no. 3 (Fall 2016): 22–24 Cross-CZO National
Drought in the Critical Zone: Engaging Students in Authentic Inquiry Through Data Jam. McGee, S., and Rodríguez Báez, N. (2016): The Earth Scientist XXXII, no. 3 (Fall 2016): 19–21 Cross-CZO National
Using Scientist-Teacher Partnerships to Create Student-Driven Environmental Field Research Experiences in Primary and Secondary Education Classrooms. Gilmore, M., Stacy, E.., Meadows, M. and Sullivan, L. (2016): The Earth Scientist XXXII, no. 3 (Fall 2016): 28–32 Cross-CZO National
Monarchs and the Critical Zone: A new spin on the study of butterflies. Cook, K., Augustinsky, M., Dye, A., Flowers, J., and McGee, S. (2016): The Earth Scientist XXXII, no. 3 (Fall 2016): 4–6 Cross-CZO National
Special issue of The Earth Scientist about the Critical Zone and the US NSF Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) program. CZO Education/Outreach team (2016): The Earth Scientist, Volume XXXII, Issue 3, Fall 2016 Cross-CZO National
Steering Committee report for Reynolds Creek CZO site visit and PI meeting. Keller K., Grant G. (2016): CZO Steering Committee Cross-CZO National
Critical zone architecture and processes: a geophysical perspective. Holbrook, W. Steven (2016): American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA Cross-CZO National
Learning from the "deep changes in the land": The Critical Zone perspective in environmental science education. O'Neill, K., and Richter, D. (2016): The Earth Scientist 32 (3): 25-27 Cross-CZO National
Influence of terrain aspect on water partitioning, vegetation structure, and vegetation greening in high elevation catchments in northern New Mexico. Zapata-Rios X., Brooks P.D., Troch P.A., McIntosh J. and Guo Q. (2016): Ecohydrology 9(5): 782-795 Cross-CZO National
Geophysical imaging reveals topographic stress control of bedrock weathering. St. Clair, J., S. Moon, W. S. Holbrook, J. T. Perron, C. S. Riebe, S. J. Martel, B. Carr, C. Harman, K. Singha, D. deB. Richter (2015): Science 350 (6260): 534-538 Cross-CZO National
Chapter 2 – The Role of Critical Zone Observatories in Critical Zone Science. White T., Brantley S., Banwart S., Chorover J., Dietrich W., Derry L., Lohse K., Anderson S., Aufdendkampe A., Bales R., Kumar P., Richter D., McDowell B. (2015): Developments in Earth Surface Processes 19: 15–78 Cross-CZO National
Laser vision: lidar as a transformative tool to advance critical zone science. Harpold, A. A., Marshall, J. A., Lyon, S. W., Barnhart, T. B., Fisher, B. A., Donovan, M., Brubaker, K. M., Crosby, C. J., Glenn, N. F., Glennie, C. L., Kirchner, P. B., Lam, N., Mankoff, K. D., McCreight, J. L., Molotch, N. P., Musselman, K. N., Pelletier, J., Russo, T., Sangireddy, H., Sjöberg, Y., Swetnam, T., and West, N. (2015): Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 2881-2897 Cross-CZO National
Frontiers in International Critical Zone Science - Beijing, China Workshop Report. Banwart, S. and Zhu, C. (2015): Beijing Workshop Report, May 21-23, 2014 Cross-CZO National
Common Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) Infrastructure and Measurements. J. Chorover, S. Anderson, A. K. Aufdenkampe, R. C. Bales, S. L. Brantley, W. Dietrich, P. Kumar, K. A. Lohse, W. McDowell, D. Richter, T. White (2015): A Guide Prepared By CZO PIs, May 05, 2015 Cross-CZO National
Common questions of the US NSF–supported Critical Zone Observatories. Dietrich, W.E. and Lohse, K. (2014): A Guide Prepared By CZO PIs Cross-CZO National
Report on Drilling, Sampling, and Imaging the Depths of the Critical Zone, an NSF Workshop. Riebe, C. S. and Chorover, J. (2014): Open Project Report to the Critical Zone Community Cross-CZO National
2014 (In Review)
Making soil. Dixon, J. L., Riebe, C. S. (2014): Elements, in review Cross-CZO National
Critical Zone Science and Observatories. Brantley, S.L., White, T.S., Anderson, S.P., Bales, R.C., Chorover, J., McDowell, W.H. (2013): Abstract TH15D-01 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec. Cross-CZO National
Graduate Research Group White Paper: Cross-CZO Research Potential. Harpold, A.A., D. Karwan, J. Perdrial, J.A. Marshall, J. Driscoll, A. Neal, and C. Phillips (2013): Internal CZO publication Cross-CZO National
Sustaining Earth's Critical Zone - Basic Science and Interdisciplinary Solutions for Global Challenges. Banwart, S., Chorover, J., Gaillardet, J., Sparks, D., White, T., et al. (2013): The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, ISBN: 978-0-9576890-0-8 Cross-CZO National
SI2-SSI: The community-driven BiG CZ software system for integration and analysis of bio- and geoscience data in the critical zone. Aufdenkampe, A.K., Zaslavsky, I., Mayorga, E., Horsburgh, J. and Lehnert K. (2013): Submitted to NSF Solicitation 13-525 Scientific Software Integration. Cross-CZO National
Critical Zone Observatories (CZOs): Integrating measurements and models of Earth surface processes to improve prediction of landscape structure, function and evolution (Invited). Chorover J., Anderson S. P., Bales R. C., Duffy C., Scatena F. N., Sparks D. L., White T. (2012): Abstract GCS4A-05 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec (Talk) Cross-CZO National
NSF Proposal: EarthCube Domain End-User Workshop: Engaging the Critical Zone community to bridge “long tail” science with big data. Aufdenkampe, A.K.; Duffy, C.J.; Tucker, G.E. (2012): NSF Award #1252238 Cross-CZO National
Common Critical Zone Observatory Infrastructure and Measurements. J. Chorover, F.N. Scatena, T. White, S. Anderson, A.K. Aufdenkampe, R.C. Bales, S.L. Brantley, G. Tucker. (2012): A Guide Prepared By CZO PIs, September 27, 2012 Cross-CZO National
NSF Workshop Report: Towards a Unifying Theory of Critical Zone Structure, Function and Evolution. Chorover, J. (2012): JRB-SCM CZO, pp. 22. Cross-CZO National
The Initial Design of Data Sharing Infrastructure for the Critical Zone Observatory. Zaslavsky, I., T. Whitenack, M. Williams, D. G. Tarboton, K. Schreuders, and A. Aufdenkampe (2011): Proceedings of the Environmental Information Management Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, 28-29 September, EIM'2011, pp. 145-150 Cross-CZO National
Mt Lemmon ‐ Santa Catalina Mountains Field Trip. JRB-SCM CZO Team (2011): CZO All-Hands Meeting, Biosphere 2, May 8-12, 2011 Cross-CZO National
CZChemDB and EarthChem: Advancing management and access of critical zone geochemical data. Niu, X., Lehnert, K. A.. Williams, J., Brantley, S. L. (2011): Applied Geochemistry 26:S108–S111, Cross-CZO National
Twelve testable hypotheses on the geobiology of weathering. Brantley, S.L., Megonigal, J.P., Scatena, F.N., Balogh-Brunstad, Z., Barnes, R.T., Bruns, M.A., Van Cappellen, P., Dontsova, K., Hartnett, H.E., Hartshorn, A.S., Heimsath, A., Herndon, E., Jin, L., Keller, C.K., Leake, J.R., McDowell, W.H., Meinzer, F.C., Mozdzer, T.J., Petsch, S, Pett-Ridge, J., Pregitzer, K.S., Raymond, P.A., Riebe, C.S., Shumaker, K., Sutton-Grier, A., Walter, R., and Yoo, K. (2011): Geobiology 9(2): 140-165, Cross-CZO National
Dynamical modelling of concentration–age–discharge in watersheds. Duffy, C. (2010): Hydrol. Process. 24, 1711–1718 Cross-CZO National
Future Directions for Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) Science. Anderson, R.S., Anderson, S., Aufdenkampe, A.K., Bales, R., Brantley, S., Chorover, J., Duffy, C.J., Scatena, F.N., Sparks, D.L., Troch, P.A., Yoo, K. (2010): CZO Community, December 29, 2010 Cross-CZO National
Development of an integrated information system for Critical Zone Observatory data . Whitenack, T , Williams, M W, Tarboton, D G, Zaslavsky, I, Durcik, M, Lucas, R G, Dow, C, Meng, X, Bills, B, Leon, M, Yang, C, Arnold, M, Aufdenkampe, A K, Schreuders, K, Alvarez, O. (2010): Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union. December 2010. Abstract IN31B-1289 Cross-CZO National
Critical Zone Observatories: Building a network to advance interdisciplinary study of Earth surface processes. Anderson, S.P., Bales, R.C., and Duffy, C.J. (2008): Mineralogical Magazine 72(1): 7-10. Cross-CZO National
Cross-CZO INVESTIGATOR, STAFF, National Office Director
23 Nov 2020 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Christina, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - As of fall 2020, the Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) program has been succeeded by the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZ Net).
27 Oct 2020 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - They’re beneath our feet, but we seldom hear important signals in the soils
06 Oct 2020 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - A list of sessions related to CZ Science at the upcoming virtual AGU 2020 Fall Meeting.
28 Sep 2020 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - In the October 2020 Issue, Eos focuses on the Critical Zone at a pivotal point as the discipline comes of age.
19 Aug 2020 (National, Eel) - Charlottesville, VA The Department of Environmental Sciences (EVSC) and the School of Data Science (SDS) at the University of Virginia invite...
19 Jul 2020 (National, Calhoun) - The activity familiarizes students with some of the environmental and human factors that contribute to accelerated rates of soil erosion.
17 Jun 2020 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - For an updated listing of these talks, including abstracts, see /national/education-outreach/sustainability-2020/ The U.S....
20 Apr 2020 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - The Belmont Forum is pleased to announce the launch of a collaborative research call on the theme: Towards Sustainability of Soils and Groundwater...
04 Mar 2020 (National, Shale Hills) - Applications are being accepted for the workshop to be held August 2-5, 2020 at Temple University in Philadelphia.
20 Nov 2019 (National, Shale Hills) - The Department of Ecosystem Science and Management at The Pennsylvania State University invites nominations and applications for the position of...
19 Nov 2019 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - A list of CZ-related sessions, abstracts and events at the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting.
11 Nov 2019 (National, Shale Hills) - PhD or MS opportunities to study nitrogen cycling in forest and/or agricultural soils at Penn State University.
08 Jul 2019 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Christina, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - CZO will end Nov 2020, succeeded by the “CZ Collaborative Network”. Let’s explore how the CZ community can build upon the CZOs via new NSF proposals.
17 Apr 2019 (National, Shale Hills) - The Department of Ecosystem Science and Management at The Pennsylvania State University invites applications for an Assistant Teaching Professor of...
20 Nov 2018 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - NSF Crosscutting CNH2: Dynamics of Integrated Socio-Environmental Systems (CNH2) Solicitation 19-528 DUE DATES Letter of Intent Deadline...
19 Nov 2018 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - The 2018 AGU Fall Meeting will be held December 10-14 in Washington, D.C.
06 Nov 2018 (National, Boulder, Eel, Reynolds, Sierra) - Marshall Receives 2018 Luna B. Leopold Young Scientist Award
10 May 2018 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Christina, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - The Discoveries section of the National Science Foundation's website on Critical Zone Observatories (CZOs).
29 Jan 2018 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - In the January 2018 issue of Physics Today, writer Toni Feder explores the scope of CZ research in the article, “Earth’s skin is an...
01 Jan 2018 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Christina, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - New Opportunities for Critical Zone Science Following the June 2017 Arlington Meeting for Critical Zone Science (hosted by CZO), a white booklet...
01 Jan 2018 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Christina, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - A 15-week semester-long upper-level undergraduate course curriculum entitled “Introduction to Critical Zone Science” is now available free online.
05 Dec 2017 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Christina, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - Information on CZO award recipients, events, presentations, etc. at the 2017 AGU Fall Meeting.
02 Nov 2017 (National, Sierra) - UC Merced scientists are sharing their research, stories, and expertise at Merced City School District's new STEAM Center.
30 Oct 2017 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Christina, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - Water Resources Research published a new special collection in September 2017 featuring concentration-discharge research from multiple CZOs.
25 Oct 2017 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Christina, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - The CZO National Office's quarterly newsletter CZNews: Fall 2017.
18 Sep 2017 (National, IML) - Analysis of more than five decades of data leads to new conclusions
05 Sep 2017 (National, Reynolds) - Hugo Sindelar's documentary film about the Soda Fire, which burned the northern portion of Reynolds Creek and a total of 280,000 acres in just 7 days.
14 Aug 2017 (National, Catalina-Jemez) - Researchers find that carbon starvation and hydraulic failure kill drought-stricken trees.
27 Jul 2017 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Christina, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - CZO National Office's quarterly newsletter CZNews: Summer 2017.
13 Jul 2017 (National, Luquillo) - Researchers at NSF Critical Zone Observatory and Long-Term Ecological Research sites are finding out.
21 Jun 2017 (National, Sierra) - University of California Television (UCTV) features Bales, Conklin, Glaser, Safeeq, and others on the new Sustainable California channel
21 Jun 2017 (National, IML) - Scientists obtain comprehensive view of agricultural ecosystems
22 May 2017 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Christina, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - Contribute a classroom or field activity to Teach the Earth.
21 Apr 2017 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Christina, Eel, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - AGU has published a collection of commentaries highlighting the important role Earth and space science research plays in society.
06 Apr 2017 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Christina, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - 2017 CZO Webinar Series: Critical Zone and Society.
24 Mar 2017 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Christina, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - The Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) is a professional scientific society, made up of soil scientists, educators, and consultants focused on...
18 Jan 2017 (National, Reynolds) - Get a sense of the people and the work. Several members of the Reynolds Creek CZO are profiled here, including students and professors.
22 Nov 2016 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Christina, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - CZOs at AGU 2016: Agenda and award recipients
19 Oct 2016 (National, Boulder, Catalina-Jemez, Reynolds, Sierra) - University of Nevada Reno's Adrian Harpold reflects on his past and present time researching at Critical Zone Observatories.
19 Oct 2016 (National, Catalina-Jemez, Christina) - Ciaran Harman will receive the 2016 Early Career Hydrologic Science Award at the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting, to be held 12–16 December in San Francisco.
26 Sep 2016 (National, Shale Hills) - Get a sense of the people and the work. Several members of the Shale Hills CZO are profiled here, including students and professors.
22 Sep 2016 (National, Calhoun) - An introduction to the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory, by Justin Richardson and Dan Richter, illustrated by Alana McGillis has just been posted!...
13 Jul 2016 (National, Luquillo) - National Science Foundation-funded research results presented at 2016 Ecological Society of America meeting in August
11 Jul 2016 (National, Boulder) - The Cold Springs fire is south of Gordon Gulch, and could threaten Gordon Gulch. The greater Nederland area is under an evacuation order, Most roads...
11 Jun 2016 (National, Shale Hills) - We are proud to announce that Dr. Susan Brantley, Lead-PI of the Shale Hills CZO has been awarded the 2016 Wollaston Medal.
09 Jun 2016 (National, Calhoun, Luquillo) - PhD Student, Soil Science, University of Georgia
14 Apr 2016 (National, Boulder) - The new SEEC building, the BcCZO home is being dedicated today April 14th. New labs, new offices!! BOULDER -- A dedication ceremony and reception...
23 Mar 2016 (National, Shale Hills) - Assistant Professor of ecohydrology, Department of Geography, University of Kansas
23 Mar 2016 (National, Sierra) - Assistant Professor, Earth Sciences, Dickinson College
23 Mar 2016 (National, Luquillo) - PhD student, Global Institute for Water Security, University of Saskatchewan
21 Mar 2016 (National, Eel) - The following is part nine in a series on the National Science Foundation's Critical Zone Observatories (CZO) Network.
01 Feb 2016 (National, Boulder) - BcCZO had a great visit from the KNU CZO in South Korea. A new CZO that has been funded for about 5 months...
01 Feb 2016 (National, IML) - Summary of a conference and workshop dedicated to Critical Zone Science, Sustainability, and Services in a Changing World hosted by Purdue University.
25 Jan 2016 (National, Boulder) - We are very excited to announce that a group of 8 scientists from Kangwon University, South Korea, will visit us this week to learn about how our...
22 Jan 2016 (National, Catalina-Jemez) - Assessment of ecosystem services can be improved by including broader spatial and temporal scales of geosciences perspectives.
19 Jan 2016 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Sierra) - CZO community members were chosen as keynote speakers at Colorado State University's Hydrology Days 2015.
14 Jan 2016 (National, Sierra) - Report reveals inner worlds of snow and winter, and their importance to humans and ecosystems
23 Dec 2015 (National, Boulder) - AGU 2015 was a great sucess this year, and inspired this great little cartoon by Miles Traer. Miles has been working with the American Geophysical...
04 Dec 2015 (National, Boulder, Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Christina, Eel, IML, Luquillo, Reynolds, Shale Hills, Sierra) - Taking the Pulse of the Earth's Surface Systems In September of 2014, Laurel Larsen (UC Berkley), Elizabeth Hajek (Penn State), and others...
28 Nov 2015 (National, IML) - Get a sense of the people and the work. Several members of the Intensively Managed Landscapes (IML) CZO are profiled here.
28 Nov 2015 (National, IML) - Associate Quaternary Geologist, Illinois State Geological Survey; Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
28 Nov 2015 (National, IML) - Head of Surface Water Hydrology & Hydraulics, Illinois State Water Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
15 Nov 2015 (National, Luquillo) - Get a sense of the people and the work. Several members of the Luquillo CZO are profiled here, including students and professors.
15 Nov 2015 (National, Luquillo) - Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of New Hampshire
15 Nov 2015 (National, Luquillo) - Assistant Professor of Earth and Environmental Science, University of Pennsylvania
2nd Biannual National CZO Network All-Hands Meeting, Biosphere II & Univ. of Arizona
Biosphere II, Tucson AZ, USA.
Boulder Creek CZO: Natural experiments to study Critical Zone evolution and function
The Jemez-Santa Catalina CZO: Transformative Behavior of Water, Energy and Carbon in the Critical Zone: Quantifying Linkages among Ecohydrology, Biogeochemistry, and Landscape Evolution
International Workshop on Design of Global Environmental Gradient Experiments using International CZO Networks, 8-9 November, 2011, Delaware , USA.
Rooms 121-128, John M. Clayton Hall, University of Delaware .
The Susquehanna/Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory: A Earth-System testbed for process and prediction
Relationships between elevation, climate, and ecosystem properties in the Sierra CZO
Moscone Center, San Francisco.
Snowmelt as a Driver of Ecohydrological Processes: Low-hanging Fruit for Cross-CZO Research
The Luquillo CZO: Linking Lithology to Critical Zone Processes
Christina River Basin CZO: Spatial and temporal integration of carbon, mineral and water fluxes: a whole watershed approach to quantifying anthropogenic carbon sequestration
CZO-Annual PI meeting 2012, hosted by Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory
Hotel El Convento, Old San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Goldschmidt Conference, Montréal, June 2012: Earth in Evolution
Palais des Congrès, Montréal, Canada.
CZOs give more than 125 presentations at the 2012 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
Moscone Center, Fourth and Howard Streets, San Francisco, CA.
CZOData Information Management Committee Kickoff Meeting
Stroud Water Research Center 970 Spencer Road Avondale, PA.
EarthCube Domain Workshop: Engaging the Critical Zone community to bridge long tail science with big data
University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
Annual SEG student chapter geophysics field trip again at CRB-CZO
Floodplains of White Clay Creek, within CRB-CZO.
Webinar offered April 18th on research from the Sierra Nevada range in California
An EarthCube Domain End-User Workshop: Integrating the inland waters geochemistry, biogeochemistry and fluvial sedimentology communities
Boulder, Colorado, USA.
2013 Amtrak Club meeting, 2nd annual symposium on "Soil to Sea Geomorphology"
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland.
Session 16B: Probing the Critical Zone (and related Session 19C) will be held at Goldschmidt 2013 in Florence, Italy 25-30 August 2013.
Florence, Italy.
Postponed until 2014. 2nd Biannual National CZO Network All-Hands Meeting
University of Delaware, Clayton Hall.
AGU Chapman Conference on Soil-mediated Drivers of Coupled Biogeochemical and Hydrological Processes Across Scales
Biosphere II, Tucson AZ, USA.
Drilling, Sampling, and Imaging the Depths of the Critical Zone: NSF Workshop
Denver, CO.
Geological Society of America, 2013 Annual Meeting - CZO presentations
Colorado Convention Center, Denver, Colorado.
2013 AGU Fall Meeting - Southern Sierra CZO abstracts & presentations
San Francisco, Moscone Center.
A short course for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows Sponsored by CUAHSI and the University of Arizona
Biosphere 2 near Tucson, Arizona.
The Geochemist's workbench Philadelphia 2014 workshop: Reactive Transport Modeling
The University of Pennsylvania: Room 360 Hayden Hall.
Speakers: Dr. Enriqueta Barrera (NSF) and Dr. Gordon Grant (USFS)
Internet .
Calhoun CZO.
Spring 2014 National CZO Program Meeting, Charlotte NC
Southern Piedmont and Calhoun CZO.
In commemoration of the 90th Anniversary of the IUSS: Soils Embrace Life and Universe
ICC Jeju, Korea.
2014 Goldschmidt meeting in Sacramento, CA
Sacramento Convention Center Complex, California.
CZO Town Hall at 2014 Goldschmidt Conference
Sacramento Convention Center Complex, California..
Using a CZO network to explore the architecture, dynamics and evolution of the Critical Zone
Environmental Field Methods Course (3 credits) in Idaho-Learn Critical Zone Skills
Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho.
Exploring Four Critical Puzzles about Trees, Water, and Soil: A Vision for Research
Pennsylvania State University .
Catalina-Jemez CZO and the CZOData team will discuss sharing data.
Online: 11-1 EDT / 10-12 CDT / 9-11 MDT / 8-10 PDT.
IML CZO and the CZOData team will discuss sharing data.
Online: 3-5 EDT / 2-4 CDT / 1-3 MDT / 12-2 PDT.
Luquillo CZO and the CZOData team will discuss sharing data.
Online: 12-2 EDT / 11-1 CDT / 10-12 MDT / 9-11 PDT.
Boulder CZO and the CZOData team will discuss sharing data.
Online: 1-3 EDT / 12-2 CDT / 11-1 MDT / 10-12 PDT.
IML-CZO Offers Short Course on Organic Matter
Purdue University.
Critical Zone Science, Sustainability, and Services in a Changing World Workshop
Purdue University.
Southern Sierra CZO and the CZOData team will discuss sharing data.
Online: 11-1 EDT / 10-12 CDT / 9-11 MDT / 8-10 PDT.
Shale Hills CZO and the CZOData team will discuss sharing data.
2:30-4:30 EDT /1:30-3:30 CDT /12:30-2:30 MDT /11:30-1:30 PDT.
Reynolds CZO and the CZOData team will discuss sharing data.
Online: 11-1 EDT / 10-12 CDT / 9-11 MDT / 8-10 PDT.
Calhoun CZO and the CZOData team will discuss sharing data.
Online: 3-5 EDT / 2-4 CDT / 1-3 MDT / 12-2 PDT.
AGU 2015: A Town Hall for the Network of Critical Zone Observatories (TH25D)
San Francisco, CA - Moscone Center, Moscone West - 2010.
EGU Meeting will take place 17–22 April 2016 in Vienna, Austria.
Austria Center Vienna (ACV) in Vienna, Austria.
CZO Research Experience for Undergraduates and Teacher
Shale Hills CZO (Penn State) and Stroud Water Research Cente.
26th Goldschmidt Conference in Yokohama, Japan on 26th June to the 1st of July
Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan.
The Ecological Society of America's Annual Meeting in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Fort Lauderdale, Florida .
Denver, Colorado.
Resilience Emerging from Scarcity and Abundance, Nov. 6-9, 2016, in Phoenix, Arizona.
Phoenix, Arizona .
Review of CZO network by NSF will occur in Fall 2016
National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA.
American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA
Moscone Center, San Francisco, California .
Town Hall: Critical Zone Observatories: Platforms for Collaborative Science
AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
AGU Chapman Conference on Extreme Climate Event Impacts on Aquatic Biogeochemical Cycles and Fluxes
San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Critical Zone Services webinar presented by David Breshears and Jason Field
GSA Joint Northeastern-North Central Section Meeting
Omni William Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA.
Blue Revolution: Water scarcity in a changing world webinar presented by Praveen Kumar.
Drought resilience and water security presented by Roger Bales
Seismological Society of America 2017 Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado.
Sheraton Downtown in Denver, Colorado.
Forecasting of Earth surface processes webinar presented by Jon Pelletier.
Policy Relevance of Critical Zone Science webinar presented by Steve Banwart
"Critical Zone Science: Current Advances and Future Opportunities”. Arlington, VA (near NSF).
DEADLINE: 01 APRIL 2017 for registration & optional abstract.
Hilton Hotel, Arlington, Virginia.
Goldschmidt 2017 will be held in Paris, France on August 13-18, 2017.
Le Palais des Congrès de Paris, Paris, France.
6th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter: Healthy soils for sustainable agriculture: the role of SOM
Rothamsted Research, Harpenden (UK).
American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, & Soil Science Society of America 2017 International Annual Meeting
Tampa, FL.
Town Hall: Critical Zone Observatories: Platforms for Collaborative Science
New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center.
Modeling the Critical Zone; State of the Art, Data Integration, and Frontiers
Boulder, Colorado.
Burlington, Vermont.
GSA Joint Rocky Mountain and Cordilleran Section Meeting
Flagstaff, Arizona.
The 55th Annual Meeting of the Clay Minerals Society: New Visions in Clay Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Boston, Massachusetts.
The Geological Society of America 130th Annual Meeting
Indianapolis, Indiana.
2019 Soil Science Society of America International Soils Meeting
San Diego, California.
The Role of Runoff and Erosion on Soil Carbon Stocks: From Soilscapes to Landscapes
Knoxville, TN.