Soil Science / Pedology is one of more than 16 discipline tags that we use to categorize and aggregate our interdisciplinary information within and across CZOs. Much of our information has been tagged with 2-3 disciplines.
19 People
PhD Student (Shale Hills CZO), MS student alumna (Calhoun CZO)
Calhoun 70-m deep well - Soil Mineralogy, Soil Geochemistry, Photographic Imagery (2019)
4 components •
Calhoun CZO Research Area 1 •
Geochemistry / Mineralogy, Soil Science / Pedology •
Austin, Jason C.; Bacon, Allan R.; Richter, Daniel deB.; Schroeder, Paul A.
Calhoun 70m deep well - Soil Geochemistry (2010)
1 components •
Calhoun Long-Term Soil-Ecosystem Plots and Reference Areas •
Soil Science / Pedology, Geochemistry / Mineralogy •
Bacon, Allan R; Richter, Daniel deB.; Bierman, Paul R.; Rood, Dylan H.
Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory - Soil Moisture - Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (Ksat) (2017)
2 components •
Calhoun CZO Research Area 2, Calhoun CZO Research Area 3 •
Soil Science / Pedology •
Ryland, Rachel; Markewitz, Daniel; Sutter, Lori
Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory - Soil Moisture - Hydroprobe (2016-2018)
1 components •
Calhoun CZO Research Area 1, Calhoun CZO Research Area 4, Calhoun CZO Research Area 7 •
Hydrology, Biogeochemistry, Soil Science / Pedology •
Austin, Jason C.; Brecheisen, Zachary S.; Cook, Charles W.; Heine, Paul R.; Richter, Daniel deB.
Calhoun CZO - Soil Geochemistry - Soil organic matter transformations (2015)
1 components •
Calhoun Long-Term Soil-Ecosystem Plots and Reference Areas •
Biogeochemistry, Biology / Ecology, Soil Science / Pedology •
Min, K.; Flournoy, R.; Heroneme, C.; Barger, K.; Lehmeier, C.A.; Heine, P.; Richter, Daniel deB.; Billings, S.A.
Calhoun CZO - Soil Geochemistry - Mössbauer spectroscopy (2015)
1 components •
Calhoun Long-Term Soil-Ecosystem Plots and Reference Areas •
Biogeochemistry, Soil Science / Pedology •
Thompson, Aaron; Richter, Daniel deB.; Wilmoth, Jared; Barcellos, Diego
Calhoun CZO - Soil Survey - Soil Texture (2014-2015)
3 components •
Calhoun CZO Research Area 3, Calhoun CZO Research Area 4 •
Soil Science / Pedology •
Heine, Paul
Calhoun CZO - Soil Mineralogy (2014-2015)
1 components •
Calhoun Long-Term Soil-Ecosystem Plots and Reference Areas •
Soil Science / Pedology •
Austin, Jason C.
Calhoun CZO - Soil Porosity, Soil Invertebrates (2015-2017)
2 components •
Calhoun CZO Research Area 1, Calhoun CZO Research Area 4, Calhoun CZO Research Area 7 •
Soil Science / Pedology, Biology / Ecology •
Brecheisen, Zachary S..; Callaham, M.A.; Heine, P.R.; Cook, Charles W.; Richter, Daniel deB.
Calhoun CZO - Photographic Imagery, Soil Survey - Soil Pit Profiles (2016)
4 components •
Calhoun CZO Research Area 1, Calhoun CZO Research Area 2, Calhoun CZO Research Area 7, Calhoun CZO Research Area 8 •
Soil Science / Pedology •
Cook, Charles W.
Calhoun CZO - Soil Texture - Argillic Horizon (2016-2017)
1 components •
Calhoun CZO Research Area 2, Calhoun CZO Research Area 3, Calhoun CZO Research Area 4 •
Soil Science / Pedology •
Ryland, Rachel C.
Calhoun CZO - Soil Texture (2015-2016)
1 components •
Calhoun CZO Research Area 1, Calhoun CZO Research Area 4, Calhoun CZO Research Area 7 •
Soil Science / Pedology •
Heine, Paul R
Calhoun CZO - Soil Biogeochemistry (2015-2016)
1 components •
Calhoun CZO Research Area 1, Calhoun CZO Research Area 2, Calhoun CZO Research Area 7, Calhoun CZO Research Area 8 •
Biogeochemistry, Biology / Ecology, Soil Science / Pedology •
Sharon Billings; Christoph Lehmeier; Kyungjin Min; Samik Bagchi; Emma Hauser; Keelan Barger; Samantha Elledge; Rebecca Flournoy; Carl Heroneme; Hanna Rankin; Rena Stair
Calhoun Experimental Watersheds 2, 3, 4 - Soil Moisture, Soil Redox Potential (2014-2015)
1 components •
Calhoun Experimental Forest and Eco-hydrology Experiments •
Biogeochemistry, Soil Science / Pedology •
Caitlin Hodges; Daniel Markewitz; Aaron Thompson
Calhoun Long Term Soil Experiment - Soil Gas (1992-1996)
1 components •
Calhoun Long-Term Soil-Ecosystem Plots and Reference Areas •
Soil Science / Pedology, Biogeochemistry •
Markewitz, Daniel; Richter, Daniel deB.
Calhoun Long-Term Soil Experiment - Soil Geochemistry - 70-m deep borehole (2010)
1 components •
Calhoun Long-Term Soil-Ecosystem Plots and Reference Areas •
Biogeochemistry, Geochemistry / Mineralogy, Soil Science / Pedology •
Bacon, A.R.; Richter, Daniel deB.
Calhoun Long-Term Soil Experiment - Soil Moisture (1991-1995)
1 components •
Calhoun Long-Term Soil-Ecosystem Plots and Reference Areas •
Soil Science / Pedology, Hydrology •
Markewitz, D.; Richter, Daniel deB.
Calhoun Long-Term Soil Experiment - Soil Survey - Hydraulic Conductivity (2011)
1 components •
Calhoun Long-Term Soil-Ecosystem Plots and Reference Areas •
Soil Science / Pedology, Hydrology •
Brewington, M. Lance; Richter, Daniel deB.
Calhoun Long-Term Soil Experiment - Soil Water Chemistry (1991-1994)
1 components •
Calhoun Long-Term Soil-Ecosystem Plots and Reference Areas •
Soil Science / Pedology, Water Chemistry •
Markewitz, Daniel; Richter, Daniel deB.
National - Climate, Flux Tower, Streamflow / Discharge - CUAHSI WDC web services (1968-2015)
7 components •
Boulder Creek Watershed, Christina River Basin, Jemez River Basin, Santa Catalina Mountains, El Verde Field Station, Northeastern Puerto Rico and the Luquillo Mountains, Rio Blanco, Rio Mameyes, Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, Providence Creek Headwater Catchments (1660 - 2115 m elevation), Wolverton Basin (2230 - 2700 m elevation), Other instrumented sites •
Climatology / Meteorology, Hydrology, Soil Science / Pedology •
Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory; Catalina-Jemez Critical Zone Observatory; Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory; Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory; Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory; Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory
National - Soil Gas - CO2 and O2 (2014-2017)
2 components •
Bigelow Site (High-Elevation), Jemez 2013 Burned ZOB, Jemez Unburned Site, Calhoun CZO Research Area 1, Garner Run - Sandstone Forested, Northeastern Puerto Rico and the Luquillo Mountains •
Biogeochemistry, Climatology / Meteorology, Soil Science / Pedology, Biology / Ecology •
Brecheisen, Zachary; Chorover, Jon; Kaye, Jason; Silver, Whendee; Abramson, Nate; Barron-Gafford, Greg; Condon, Katherine E.; Cook, Charles W.; Hill, Lillian; Losleben, Mark; Minor, Rebecca; O'Connell, Christine; Richter, Daniel deB.; Durcik, Matej
R1 - Soil Biogeochemistry - Carbon isotopes (2016)
1 components •
Calhoun CZO Research Area 1 •
Soil Science / Pedology, Biogeochemistry •
Cherkinsky, Alexander
Research area 1 - Soil Gas, Soil Moisture, Soil Temperature (2016-2019)
1 components •
Calhoun CZO Research Area 1 •
Biogeochemistry, Soil Science / Pedology, Hydrology •
Brecheisen, Z. S.; Cook, Charles W.; Richter, Daniel deB.
Research areas 1, 4, 7 - Soil Gas (2015-2017)
2 components •
Calhoun CZO Research Area 1, Calhoun CZO Research Area 4, Calhoun CZO Research Area 7 •
Biogeochemistry, Soil Science / Pedology •
Brecheisen, Z. S.; Cook, Charles W.; Richter, Daniel deB.
Coupled dynamics of tree and soil C and N during reforestation following land abandonment
Calhoun reforestation was unique: 30% biomass was lost after age 35. Models are used to explore explanations of this behavior.
Bistable plant-soil dynamics and biogenic controls on the soil production function
A coupled soil-plant model was developed, exhibiting bistability driven by positive feedback between vegetation and soil.
tRIBS Model
tRIBS (TIN-based Real-Time Integrated Basin Simulator) is a fully distributed physically-based hydrologic model.
Triangulated Irregular Network-based Real-time Integrated Basin Simulator-Erosion and C Oxidatition
Spatially- and depth-explicit physically-based model of hydro-geomorphic processes and of soil organic carbon dynamics.
Quantification of Mixed-Layer Clays in Multiple Saturation States Using NEWMOD2: Implications for the Potassium Uplift Hypothesis in the SE United States. Austin, J.C., Richter, D.D. & Schroeder, P.A. (2020): Clays and Clay Minerals
Rainfall intensification increases the contribution of rewetting pulses to soil heterotrophic respiration. Manzoni, S., A. Chakrawal, T. Fischer, J.P. Schimel, A. Porporato, and G. Vico (2020): Biogeosciences 17(15): 4007-4023
Game changer in soil science The Anthropocene in soil science and pedology. Richter, Daniel D. (2020): Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 183 (1): 5-11
Soil production and the soil geomorphology legacy of Grove Karl Gilbert. Richter, Daniel D., Martha-Cary Eppes, Jason C. Austin, Allan R. Bacon, Sharon A. Billings, Zachary Brecheisen, Terry A. Ferguson, Daniel Markewitz, Julio Pachon, Paul A. Schroeder, Anna M. Wade (2020): Soil Science Society of America Journal 84(1): 1-20
Mapping depth to the argillic horizon on historically farmed soil currently under forests. Ryland, Rachel C., Aaron Thompson, Lori A.Sutter, Daniel Markewitz (2020): Geoderma 369, Article 114291
Limited carbon contents of centuries old soils forming in legacy sediment. Wade, A., D.D. Richter, A. Cherkinsky, C.B. Craft, P.R. Heine (2020): Geomorphology 354: 107018
Land-use legacy dynamics in decades- and centuries-old soils. Wade, Anna (2020): PhD Dissertation, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University
Bioavailability of Phosphorus to Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L) and Red Maple (Acer rubrum L) in Clay and Saprolite from the Southeastern Piedmont, USA. Wang, Zhine, Aaron Thompson, Lori Sutter, and Daniel Markewitz (2020): ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, 9-13 November 2020
Biological Cycling of Potassium by Roots as a Control on Mixed-layer Clays. Austin, Jason, Paul A Schroeder, Daniel deB. Richter (2019): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2019
Distinct contributions of eroding and depositional profiles to land-atmosphere CO2 exchange in two contrasting forests. Billings, Sharon A., Daniel de B. Richter, Susan E. Ziegler, Karen Prestegaard, and Anna M. Wade (2019): Frontiers in Earth Science 7: article 36
Ecological and genomic attributes of novel bacterial taxa that thrive in subsurface soil horizons. Brewer, Tess E., Emma L. Aronson, Keshav Arogyaswamy, Sharon A. Billings, Jon K. Botthoff, Ashley N. Campbell, Nicholas C. Dove, Dawson Fairbanks, Rachel E. Gallery, Stephen C. Hart, Jason Kaye, Gary King, Geoffrey Logan, Kathleen A. Lohse, Mia R. Maltz, Emilio Mayorga, Caitlin O’Neill, Sarah M. Owens, Aaron Packman, Jennifer Pett-Ridge, Alain F. Plante, Daniel D. Richter, Whendee L. Silver, Wendy H. Yang, Noah Fierer (2019): mBio Oct 2019, 10 (5) e01318-19 Cross-CZO National
The Multiscale Signature of Ecohydrological Fluctuations on Soil Biogeochemical Cycles. Calabrese, Salvatore (2019): PhD dissertation, Princeton University
Redoximorphic Bt horizons of the Calhoun CZO soils exhibit depth-dependent iron-oxide crystallinity. Chen, Chunmei, Diego Barcellos, Daniel D. Richter, Paul A. Schroeder, Aaron Thompson (2019): Journal of Soils and Sediments 19(2):785-797
Rethinking the Development of the Piedmont Uplands of Southeastern North America: Pleistocene Age Colluvium and Organic-Rich Sediments Dating from Early MIS 3 to MIS 5. Ferguson, Terry A., Allan R Bacon, Martha C Eppes, Daniel deB. Richter, Debra A Willard, Michelle Nelson, Sharon A Billings, Jason Austin (2019): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2019
Re-investigation of a colluvially filled valley containing deeply buried organic-rich sediments of pleistocene age, Pauline, South Carolina. Ferguson, Terry A., Allan R. Bacon, Martha C. Eppes, Daniel D. Richter, Debra A. Willard, Sharon A. Billings, Jason C. Austin, Michelle S. Nelson, Alexander Cherkinsky (2019): Geological Society of America Southeastern Section Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, 28–29 March 2019
Natural, incidental, and engineered nanomaterials and their impacts on the Earth system. Hochella, Michael F., Jr., David W. Mogk, James Ranville, Irving C. Allen, George W. Luther, Linsey C. Marr, B. Peter McGrail, Mitsu Murayama, Nikolla P. Qafoku, Kevin M. Rosso, Nita Sahai, Paul A. Schroeder, Peter Vikesland, Paul Westerhoff, Yi Yang (2019): Science 363 (6434): eaau8299
Seasonal and spatial variation in the potential for iron reduction in soils of the Southeastern Piedmont of the US. Hodges, Caitlin, John Mallard, Daniel Markewitz, Diego Barcellos, AaronThompson (2019): CATENA 180: 32-40
Chapter 19 Long-term forest soils research: lessons learned from the US experience . Knoepp, Jennifer D., Daniel Markewitz, Mac A. Callaham, Mary Beth Adams, Stephanie H. Laseter, Larry West, Robert Harrison, and Daniel D. Richter (2019): In: Global Change and Forest Soils (Developments in Soil Science series, vol. 36), ed. by Matt Busse, Christian Giardina, Dave Morris, and Deborah Page-Dumroese
Chapter 4 History of forest soils knowledge and research. Knoepp, Jennifer D., Mary Beth Adams, Robert Harrison, Larry West, Stephanie Laseter, Daniel Markewitz, Daniel D. Richter, and Mac Callaham (2019): In: Global Change and Forest Soils (Developments in Soil Science series, vol. 36), ed. by Matt Busse, Christian Giardina, Dave Morris, and Deborah Page-Dumroese
Soil C Spatial Variance within Soil Profile Pit Faces Under Three Land Uses As Measured By VNIRS. Markewitz, D., L. Sutter, D. Richter (2019): ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, 10-13 Nov. 2019, San Antonio, Texas
How to estimate statistically detectable trends in a time series: A study of soil carbon and nutrient concentrations at the Calhoun LTSE. Mobley, M.L., Y. Yang, R.D. Yanai, K.A. Nelson, A.R. Bacon, P.R. Heine, and D.D. Richter (2019): Soil Science Society of America Journal 83(s1): S133-S140
Modelling the effects of climate-responsive soil parameters on continental-scale hydrologic stores and fluxes in the Community Land Model (CLM) 50. Nash, Caroline, Alejandro N Flores, Pamela L Sullivan, Daniel Hirmas, Sharon A Billings, Li Li, Hang Wen (2019): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2019
What is soil? An integrative exploration of a Critical material. Nelson, Donald R, Michael R Coughlan, Amilcare M Porporato, Daniel deB. Richter (2019): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2019
Predicting Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity with Rapid Estimates of Soil Microaggregation. Pachon, Julio C., Daniel Richter, Daniel Markewitz, Aaron Thompson, Anna Wade, Rachel Ryland, and Allan R. Bacon (2019): ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, 10-13 Nov. 2019, San Antonio, Texas
A pedology and pedostratigraphy for the Anthropocene . Richter, D.deB., S.A. Billings, C. Waters (2019): In Stratigraphic Signatures of the Anthropocene (Chapter 2) of The Anthropocene as a Geological Time Unit, edited by Jan Zalasiewicz, Colin Waters, Mark Williams, Colin Summerhayes (eds.), Cambridge University Press
Soil Production and the Soil Geomorphology Legacy of GK Gilbert. Richter, Daniel (2019): Soil Science Society of America International Soils Meeting, San Diego, CA, 6-9 January 2019
How Deep is Soil?. Richter, Daniel (2019): Soil Science Society of America International Soils Meeting, San Diego, CA, 6-9 January 2019
The Soil and Critical Zone Clay Factory: How Rock Weathers to Clay and Clay-Sized Minerals. Richter, Daniel deB. (2019): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2019
How to Estimate Statistically Detectable Trends in a Time Series: A Study of Soil Carbon and Nutrient Concentrations at the Calhoun LTSE (Invited). Richter, Daniel deB., Megan L. Mobley, Yang Yang, Kevin A. Nelson, Allan R Bacon, Paul Heine (2019): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2019
Erosional redistribution of surface soil: How has changing depth to the argillic altered hillslope interflow. Ryland, R., D Radcliffe, A Thompson, and D Markewitz (2019): Soil Science Society of America International Soils Meeting, San Diego, CA, 6-9 January 2019
Quantification of mixed‐layer clays in multiple saturation states using NEWMOD2: Implications for the potassium uplift hypothesis. Schroeder, Paul A., Daniel D. Richter, and Jason C. Austin (2019): EuroClay 2019, Paris, France, 1-5 July 2019
Controls of iron abundance and crystallinity on organomineral associations under contrasting long-term land use. Thompson, Aaron, Elizabeth K Coward, Daniel Markewitz, Daniel deB. Richter, Allan R Bacon, Alain F Plante (2019): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2019
Saturated but Not Yet Suffocated: Seasonal Oxidation-Reduction Dynamics in Southern Piedmont Floodplains. Wade, Anna, Daniel Richter (2019): ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, 10-13 Nov. 2019, San Antonio, Texas
Soil Carbon Stocks and Soil Moisture Regimes of Historic Sedimentation in the Southern Piedmont. Wade, Anna, Daniel Richter, Alex Cherkinsky and Paul Heine (2019): Soil Science Society of America International Soils Meeting, San Diego, CA, 6-9 January 2019
Atmospheric Vs Geogenic: Using Long-Term Soil Experiments to Delineate between Lead (Pb) Sources in the Southern Piedmont. Wade, Anna, Daniel Richter, and Paul Heine (2019): ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, 10-13 Nov. 2019, San Antonio, Texas
Tree Phosphorus Uptake from Argillic and Saprolite Horizons in a Weathered Ultisol in the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory, USA. Wang, Z., A. Thompson, L. Sutter, and D. Markewitz (2019): ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, 10-13 Nov. 2019, San Antonio, Texas
Modifications of 2:1 clay minerals in a kaolinite dominated Ultisol under changing land-use regimes. Austin, Jason C., Amelia Perry, Daniel D. Richter, and Paul A. Schroeder (2018): Clays and Clay Minerals 66(1): 61-73
Carbon isotopes reveal signals of the Anthropocene in soil carbon pools deep within the critical zone. Billings, S.A., Z.S. Brecheisen, A. Cherkinsky, C.W. Cook, C. Lehmeier, D. deB. Richter (2018): American Geophysical Union 2018 Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, 10-14 Dec 2018
Macro to Micro Legacies of Landuse at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory. Brecheisen, Zachary S. (2018): PhD Dissertation, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
The formation of clay‐enriched horizons by lessivage. Calabrese, Salvatore, Daniel D. Richter, and Amilcare Porporato (2018): Geophysical Research Letters 45(15): 7588-7595
Carbon and oxygen isotope composition in soil carbon dioxide within deep Ultisols at the Calhoun CZO, South Carolina, USA. Cherkinsky A., Brecheisen Z , Richter D. (2018): Radiocarbon 60(5): 1357-1366
Distribution of 14C and 137 Cs in the profile of Ultisol, Calhoun CZO. Cherkinsky, Alexander, Ravi Prasad, Daniel Richter, Hai Pan (2018): International Radiocarbon Conference, June 17-22, 2018, Trondheim, Norway
Detecting change over time with depth in forest soils: an example from the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory, USA. Mobley, Megan, Kevin Nelson, Daniel Richter, Ruth Yanai (2018): North American Forest Soils Conference – International Symposium on Forest Soils, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, June 10-16, 2018
Clays in the Critical Zone. Paul A. Schroeder (2018): Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK Cross-CZO National
Decadal restructuring of soil carbon and nitrogen in a regenerating forest on long cultivated land in the southern piedmont of the USA. Richter, Daniel, Megan Mobley, Sharon Billings, Daniel Markewitz, Anna Wade (2018): North American Forest Soils Conference – International Symposium on Forest Soils, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, June 10-16, 2018
An exploration of pore structure through MicroCT scans: Mathematical metrics of individual pore structure. Arroyo, Eva (2017): Poster presentation, REU in Basic and Environmental Soil Science Training, North Carolina State University, July 2017
Field measurements of soil iron and carbon cycling during spring warm-up in an aggrading pine forest at the Calhoun CZO. Barcellos, D, C Hodges, D Markewitz, E. Ardington, and A Thompson (2017): Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, 22-25 Oct. 2017
Hot spots and hot moments for redox, iron and carbon cycling in soils across Luquillo and Calhoun CZOs. Barcellos, D., and Thompson, A. (2017): Critical Zone Science: Current Advances and Future Opportunities, Arlington, VA, 4-6 June, 2017 Cross-CZO
Soil biogeochemistry reveals the importance of deep roots as biotic controls of CZ evolution: a belowground analog to Ruddiman’s hypothesis. Billings, S.A., Sullivan, P.L., Richter, D.D., Lehmeier, C.A., Min, K., Bagchi, S., Flournoy, R., Hauser, E. (2017): Critical Zone Science: Current Advances and Future Opportunities, Arlington, VA, 4-6 June, 2017
Landuse legacies of old-field succession and soil structure at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory in SC, USA. Brecheisen, Zachary Scott, Daniel deB. Richter, Mac Callaham, Roberto Carrera-Martinez, Paul Heine (2017): American Geophysical Union 2017 Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 11-15 December 2017
Regeneration of critical zone structure: Macroporosity and soil gasses in old-field forest soils of the southeastern US. Brecheisen, Zachary, Mac A. Callaham Jr., Daniel deB. Richter (2017): Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, 22-25 Oct. 2017
Stochastic dynamics of clay translocation and formation of argillic horizons. Calabrese, Salvatore, Daniel deB. Richter, Amilcare M Porporato (2017): American Geophysical Union 2017 Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 11-15 December 2017
Impact of stochastic bioturbation and transport on the formation of argillic horizons. Calabrese, Salvatore, Daniel Richter, Amilcare Porporato (2017): Calhoun CZO 2017 Summer Science Meeting, Union, SC, 17-18 May 2017
How to make soil: Add parent material, soil animals, roots, weather, and set the blender on "liquefy". Callaham, M.A. Jr., K.R. Butt, J. Görres, D.deB. Richter, and Z. Brecheisen (2017): 5th Nereis Park Conference, SUNY Stony Brook, Southampton, NY, 8-11 August 2017
The impact of O2 concentrations and organic matter on Fe(II) oxidation and the resulting Fe(III) solids in the presence of Fe/Al oxide sorbents. Chen, C., and Thompson, A. (2017): Critical Zone Science: Current Advances and Future Opportunities, Arlington, VA, 4-6 June, 2017
Radiocarbon Age of Soil Organic Matter Fractions Buried by Tephra in Alaska. Cherkinsky, A., and Wallace K. (2017): Radiocarbon 59 (2): 465-472
Estimation of soil respiration rates and soil gas isotopic composition for the different land use of Ultisols from Calhoun CZO. Cherkinsky, Alexander, Zachary Brecheisen, Daniel deB. Richter, Hong Sheng (2017): American Geophysical Union 2017 Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 11-15 December 2017
Fundamentals of Soil Ecology, 3rd Edition. Coleman, D.C., M.A. Callaham, Jr., and D.A. Crossley, Jr. (2017): Academic Press, London, 369 pp.
Soil organic matter stabilization by Fe-C interactions in temperate and tropical soils: A cross-CZO comparison. Coward, E.K., Thompson, A., and Plante, A.F. (2017): Critical Zone Science: Current Advances and Future Opportunities, Arlington, VA, 4-6 June, 2017 Cross-CZO
Hydro-geomorphic perturbations on the soil-atmosphere CO2 exchange: How (un)certain are our balances?. Dialynas, Y. G., R. L. Bras, and D. deB. Richter (2017): Water Resources Research 53(2): 1664-1682
Implications of 1930s Piedmont research by the Soil Conservation Service for the Calhoun CZO. Ferguson, Terry A. (2017): Calhoun CZO 2017 Summer Science Meeting, Union, SC, 17-18 May 2017
Soil Phosphorous redistribution in the Calhoun CZO. Foroughi, M., and D. Markewitz (2017): Warnell Graduate Student Symposium, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Patterns in soil electrical resistivity across land uses in the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory landscape. Markewitz, Daniel, Lori Sutter, Daniel deB. Richter (2017): American Geophysical Union 2017 Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 11-15 December 2017
Exploring landscape processes in South Carolina's southern piedmont using data from the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory. O’Neill, K.P., D. DeB. Richter (2017): South Carolina Science Council, Nov. 10, 2017
Fine earth aggregates and aggregating particles at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory. Pachon, Julio Cesar, Allan Roy Bacon, Daniel deB. Richter (2017): Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, 22-25 Oct. 2017
A new way to look at soil aggregation and aggregating particles: What laser diffraction tells us. Pachon, Julio, Allan Bacon, Kayci Kowalski, and Joshua Butterick, Dan Richter, Aaron Thompson, Madison K. Akers, Joshua Cucinella, Rosvel Bracho-Garrillo, John M. Davis, Sabine Grunwald, Eric J Jokela, Michael Kane, Marshall A. Laviner, Daniel Markewitz, Timothy Martin, Gary F. Peter, C. Wade Ross, and Jason G. Vogel (2017): Southeastern Biogeochemistry Symposium, Athens, GA, 31 March-2 April 2017
Developing a "sense of place": Exploring the Earth's critical zone using ESRI Story Maps. Rice J., and K.P. O'Neill (2017): Virginia STEM Conference: Inspiring teachers, Lexington VA, Oct. 4, 2017
Soil production, Earth’s critical zone, and the Anthropocene (Keynote talk for Theme 2: Climate Change). Richter, D. (2017): Wageningen Soil Conference 2017, 'Soil Science in a Changing World', 27-31 August 2017, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Gilbert's soil production and the soil clay factory. Richter, D. deB. (2017): Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, 22-25 Oct. 2017
Gilbert's soil production paradigm and the critical zone. Richter, D. deB. (2017): Calhoun CZO 2017 Summer Science Meeting, Union, SC, 17-18 May 2017
Gilbert’s soil production paradigm and a critical zone’s size-dependent fractionation of particles. Richter, D.deB., J. Austin, R. Anderson, A. Bacon, S. Brantley, Z. Brecheisen, A. Cherkinsky, W.S. Holbrook, V. Marcon, J.Pachon, P. Schroeder, A. Thompson, and A. Wade (2017): Critical Zone Science: Current Advances and Future Opportunities, Arlington, VA, 4-6 June, 2017 Cross-CZO
Every rural resident knows that the geosciences matter!. Richter, Daniel deB. (2017): American Geophysical Union 2017 Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 11-15 December 2017
Gilbert's soil production paradigm applied to a critical zone's fractionation of particle sizes. Richter, Daniel deB., Jason Austin, Robert S Anderson, Allan R Bacon, Susan L Brantley, Zachary Brecheisen, Paul A Schroeder, Anna Wade, W. Steven Holbrook, Virginia Marcon, Aaron Thompson (2017): American Geophysical Union 2017 Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 11-15 December 2017 Cross-CZO
Mapping depth to the argillic horizon on historically farmed hillslopes in the Calhoun CZO. Ryland, R.C. (2017): Crop and Soil Science Graduate Student Seminar, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Depth to the Argillic Horizon on Historically Farmed Soil in the Southeastern USA Piedmont: Spatial Mapping and Hydrologic Influence. Ryland, Rachel Carolan (2017): Master's Thesis, University of Georgia
Erosion alters depth to the argillic horizon: What impacts on hillslope interflow?. Ryland, Rachel, Daniel Markewitz, David E. Radcliffe, Aaron Thompson, and Lori Sutter (2017): Soil Science Society of America 2017 Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL
A HYDRUS 2D evaluation of altered depths to the argillic horizon due to erosion: What impacts on hillslope interflow?. Ryland, Rachel, David Radcliffe, Daniel Markewitz, and Aaron Thompson (2017): Proceedings of the 2017 Georgia Water Resources Conference
Earthcasting controls of vegetation on solute fluxes and soil development in the critical zone. Sullivan, P.L., Goddéris, Y., Li, L., Billings, S., Macpherson, G.L., Shi, Y., Schott, J., Brantley, S.L. (2017): Critical Zone Science: Current Advances and Future Opportunities, Arlington, VA, 4-6 June, 2017 Cross-CZO
The potential for iron reduction in upland soils in Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory. Thompson, Aaron, Chunmei Chen, Nadia Noor, Caitlin Anne Hodges, Diego Barcellos, Daniel deB. Richter (2017): American Geophysical Union 2017 Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 11-15 December 2017
Key features of redox fluctuating soils that influence iron cycling. Thompson, Aaron; Meile, Christof; Wilmoth, Jared; Barcellos, Diego; Chen, Chunmei; Ginn, Brian; Hodges, Caitlin (2017): American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2-6 April 2017
Legacy sediments as novel soil profiles. Wade, A., and D. deB. Richter (2017): Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, 22-25 Oct. 2017
Legacy sediments in Holcombe's Branch: a complicated dataset. Wade, Anna, Dan Richter, Allan James, Alex Cherkinsky, Will Cook (2017): Calhoun CZO 2017 Summer Science Meeting, Union, SC, 17-18 May 2017
A layered past: The transformation and development of legacy sediments as alluvial soils. Wade, Anna, Daniel deB. Richter (2017): American Geophysical Union 2017 Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 11-15 December 2017
Making the case for a formal Anthropocene Epoch: an analysis of ongoing critiques. Zalasiewicz, Jan; Waters, Colin N.; Wolfe, Alexander P.; Barnosky, Anthony D.; Cearreta, Alejandro; Edgeworth, Matt; Ellis, Erle C.; Fairchild, Ian J.; Gradstein, Felix M.; Grinevald, Jacques; Haff, Peter; Head, Martin J.; Ivar do Sul, Juliana A.; Jeandel, Catherine; Leinfelder, Reinhold; McNeill, John R.; Oreskes, Naomi; Poirier, Clément; Revkin, Andrew; Richter, Daniel deB.; Steffen, Will; Summerhayes, Colin; Syvitski, James P.M.; Vidas, Davor; Wagreich, Michael; Wing, Scott; Williams, Mark (2017): Newsletters on Stratigraphy 50(2): 205-226
Projecting soil feedbacks to atmospheric CO2 following erosion and deposition on centennial timescales in two contrasting forests: A study of critical zone-atmosphere exchange. Billings, S.A., D. Richter, S.E. Ziegler, K.L. Prestegaard (2016): American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA
Soil formation and weathering modeling. Calabrese, S., A.J. Parolari, A. Porporato (2016): Calhoun CZO 2016 Summer Science Meeting, Clinton, SC
Soil invertebrates in ecosystem restoration: Indicators, exotic species, and engineers on the slow train to recovery. Callaham, M.A., Jr. (2016): Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 6-9 November 2016
14C comparative analyses of different SOM fraction in Ultisol, Calhoun CZO. Cherkinsky, A., and R. Ehlinger (2016): Calhoun CZO 2016 Summer Science Meeting, Clinton, SC
Effect of agriculture and reforestation on turnover rates SOM in ultisol profiles, Calhoun CZO. Cherkinsky, A., and R. Ehlinger (2016): American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA
Soil organic matter stabilization by Fe-C interactions in temperate and tropical soils: A cross-CZO comparison. Coward, E.K., Thompson, A., Markewitz, D., Richter, D. deB., and Plante, A.F. (2016): Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 6-9 November 2016 Cross-CZO
Substrate quality influences organic matter accumulation in the soil silt and clay fraction. Cyle, K.T., N. Hill, K. Young, T. Jenkins, D. Hancock, P.A. Schroeder, A. Thompson (2016): Soil Biology and Biochemistry 103: 138-148
Topographic variability and the influence of soil erosion on the carbon cycle. Dialynas, Y. G., S. Bastola., R. L. Bras, S. A. Billings, D. Markewitz, and D. deB. Richter (2016): Global Biogeochemical Cycles 30(5): 644-660
Influence of erosion and deposition on soil organic carbon dynamics. Dialynas, Y.G., Bras, R.L., and Richter, D.deB. (2016): Calhoun CZO 2016 Summer Science Meeting
AMS analysis of soil organic matter fractions of Ultisol separated by density and size. Ehlinger, R. and A. Cherkinsky (2016): University of Georgia Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities Symposium
Do non-native earthworms influence trophic dynamics in experimental soil ecosystems?. Gao, M., M.K. Taylor, and M.A. Callaham, Jr. (2016): International Visitors Program Science Leadership Forum, Washington, DC, October 2016
On the coupled effect of topography, vegetation cover, and soil properties on the partition of water and energy fluxes of seasonally water-stressed ecosystems. Gutierrez-Jurado, H. A.; Guan, H.; Wang, J.; Wang, H.; Simmons, C. T.; Bras, R. L. (2016): American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA
Linking spatial and temporal patterns of soil moisture with iron reduction at the Calhoun CZO. Hodges, C., D. Markewitz, and A. Thompson (2016): Soil Science Society of Georgia Annual Meeting, Athens, GA
Linking spatial and temporal patterns of soil moisture with iron reduction at the Calhoun CZO. Hodges, C., D. Markewitz, and A. Thompson (2016): University of Georgia Agronomy Graduate Student Association Annual Poster Session, Athens, GA
Temporal variation of water and carbon influence the distribution of upland iron reduction in soils. Hodges, C., Mallard, J., Markewitz, D., Thompson, A., and McGlynn, B. (2016): Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 6-9 November 2016
Agent-based modeling of land use decision-making and soil erosion. Lonneman, M. (2016): Society for Applied Anthropology conference, Athens, GA
Optimal control solutions to sodic soil reclamation. Mau, Y. and A. Porporato (2016): Advances in Water Resources 91: 37-45
Clay mineral concentration with depth and land use history in the critical zone in Calhoun, South Carolina. Moraes, Anthony, Schroeder, Paul A. and Austin, Jason (2016): Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado, USA
Soil Particle Size Distribution and Landscape Position. Osota, E.O.; Ryland, R; Thompson, A. (2016): University of Georgia] Undergraduate Research Symposium, Athens, GA
Clays in the Critical Zone: An Introduction. Paul Schroeder (2016): Clays and Clay Minerals 65 (5): 586-587
Bistable plant-soil dynamics and biogenic controls on the soil production function. Pelak, N.F., A.J. Parolari, and A. Porporato (2016): Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 41(8): 1011-1017
Soil Particle Fractionation Variances by Depth and Toposequence at Calhoun CZO. Powell, I.; Ryland, R.; Thompson, A. (2016): University of Georgia Young Scholar Program, Athens, GA
Volume and carbon contents of legacy sediments in the Holcombe's Branch watershed - The "discovery" of a novel biogeochemical system. Richter, D. deB. (2016): Calhoun CZO 2016 Summer Science Meeting, Clinton, SC
Mapping depth to argillic horizon using electromagnetic induction on historically farmed soils within the Piedmont region of the United States. Ryland, R., D. Markewitz, and A. Thompson (2016): American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA
Mapping depth to argillic horizons using electromagnetic induction on historically farmed soils within the Piedmont region of the United States. Ryland, R., Markewitz, D., and Thompson, A. (2016): American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA
Mapping depth to argillic horizon. Ryland, R.C. (2016): Calhoun CZO 2016 Summer Science Meeting, Clinton, SC
The role of redox variability in structuring iron cycling in soils. Thompson, A. (2016): Georgia Tech Environmental Science and Technology Sympoium Series, Atlanta, GA
Representation of diffusion controlled carbon stabilization in reactive transport models. Thompson, A., Druhan, J.L., Keiluweit, M., Wagai, R., Plante, A.F., Lawrence, C.R., Berhe, A.A., Sierra, C.A., Rasmussen, C., Marin-Spiotta, E., Blankinship, J.C., Schimel, J., Heckman, K.A., Crow, S.E., and Wieder, W.R. (2016): American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA Cross-CZO
Introduction to legacy sediments. Wade, A. (2016): Calhoun CZO 2016 Summer Science Meeting, Clinton, SC
The Anthropocene is functionally and stratigraphically distinct from the Holocene. Waters, C.N., and 23 co-authors, including D.deB. Richter (2016): Science 351(6269): 137
Simulating the spatio-temporal dynamics of soil erosion, deposition, and yield using a coupled sediment dynamics and 3D distributed hydrologic model. Zi, T., Kumar, M., Kiely, G., Lewis, C., and Albertson, J. (2016): Environmental Modelling & Software 83: 310-325
Preliminary interpretations of differences in the clay mineralogy of the Calhoun CZO between ‘pristine’ and eroded soils at the Long-Term Pine Plots. Austin, J.C., and P.A. Schroeder (2015): Calhoun CZO 2015 Summer Science Meeting
Investigating microbial transformations of soil organic matter: synthesizing knowledge from disparate fields to guide new experimentation. Billings, S.A., Tiemann, L.K., Ballantyne, F., Lehmeier C.A., Min, K. (2015): Soil 1: 313-330
The dependence on topography of the influence of soil erosion and deposition on the carbon cycle at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory. Bras, R.; Dialynas, Y.; Billings, S.; Richter, D.; Markewitz, D. (2015): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 2015, San Francisco, CA
How 14C signature in SOM change with depth and chemical bonding with minerals. Cherkinsky, A. (2015): Workshop: Fate of old carbon in the next centuries, Hamburg, Germany
14C and 137Cs distribution in the Ultisol profile. Cherkinsky, A. (2015): Calhoun CZO 2015 Summer Science Meeting
14C distribution in soils with different history of land use in Calhoun CZO. Cherkinsky, A., and Markewitz, D. (2015): Goldschmidt Conference, Prague, CZ
Carbon turnover rates in soils with the different history of land use. Cherkinsky, A., and Markewitz, D. (2015): Calhoun CZO 2015 Summer Science Meeting
A Coupled Spatially Explicit Modelling Approach to Assess the Influence of Soil Erosion and Deposition on the Redistribution of Soil Organic Carbon at the Watershed Scale. Dialynas, Y. G., Bastola, S., Bras, R. L., Billings, S. A., Richter, D. deB., and Markewitz, D. (2015): 2nd Annual Southeastern Biogeochemistry Symposium, Atlanta, GA, Mar. 28-29, 2015
Topographic variability in the influence of soil erosion on the carbon cycle. Dialynas, Y. G., Bastola, S., Bras, R. L., Billings, S. A., Richter, D. deB., and Markewitz, D. (2015): Calhoun CZO 2015 Summer Science Meeting
Diachronous beginnings of the Anthropocene: The lower bounding surface of anthropogenic deposits. Edgeworth, M., D.deB. Richter, C. Waters, P. Haff, C. Neal, S.J. Price (2015): The Anthropocene Review 2 (1): 33-58
Creating deep soil core monoliths: Beyond the solum. Fitzpatrick, S. D., P. A. Schroeder, and D. M. Endale (2015): Southeastern Geology 51(2): 85-96
Proposal: Assessing soil phosphorus status over time and under different land uses. Foroughi, M. (2015): Calhoun CZO 2015 Summer Science Meeting
Sample Modeling for Soil Phosphorus at the Calhoun CZO via GIS Applications. Foroughi, M., D. Markewitz, and C. A. Hodges (2015): Calhoun CZO 2015 Summer Science Meeting
Using Electromagnetic Induction to Determine Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Iron Reduction at the Calhoun CZO. Hodges, C., Markewitz, D., and Thompson, A. (2015): Calhoun CZO 2015 Summer Science Meeting
Temporal electrical resistivity imaging for assessing subsurface water flow at multiple watershed scales. Markewitz, D. (2015): Calhoun CZO 2015 Summer Science Meeting
A dynamical system approach to soil salinity and sodicity. Mau, Y., and Porporato, A. (2015): Advances in Water Resources 83:68-76
Surficial gains and subsoil losses of soil carbon and nitrogen during secondary forest development. Mobley, Megan L., Kate Lajtha, Marc G. Kramer, Allan R. Bacon, Paul R. Heine and Daniel deB. Richter (2015): Global Change Biology 21(2): 986-996
Description of topographically-derived spatial soil moisture patterns and finding optimal sampling points. Pelak, N. (2015): Calhoun CZO 2015 Summer Science Meeting
Chapter 6 – Soil Geochemistry in the Critical Zone: Influence on Atmosphere, Surface- and Groundwater Composition. Perdrial J., Thompson A., Chorover J. (2015): Developments in Earth Surface Processes 19: 173–201 Cross-CZO
A lumped, macroscopic approach to modeling soil moisture, CO2 transport, and chemical weathering in the critical zone. Porporato, A.; Parolari, A. (2015): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 2015, San Francisco, CA
Soil in the Anthropocene. Richter D. deB, Bacon A.R, Brecheisen Z., & Mobley M.L. (2015): IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 25: 012010
A Proposal for a Calhoun Drilling Program: Where geophysics meets (bio)geochemistry. Richter, D. (2015): Calhoun CZO 2015 Summer Science Meeting
Geophysical and chemical weathering signatures across the deep weathered-unweathered granite boundary of the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory. Richter, D.; Bacon, A.; Brantley, S.; Holbrook, S. (2015): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 2015, San Francisco, CA
Creating deep soil core monoliths: Beyond the Solum. Schroeder, P. A. (2015): Calhoun CZO 2015 Summer Science Meeting
Geophysical imaging reveals topographic stress control of bedrock weathering. St. Clair, J., S. Moon, W. S. Holbrook, J. T. Perron, C. S. Riebe, S. J. Martel, B. Carr, C. Harman, K. Singha, D. deB. Richter (2015): Science 350 (6260): 534-538 Cross-CZO National
Depth Variation of Soil Iron Crystallinity at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory. Thompson A, Barcellos D, Wilmoth J, & Richter D (2015): Goldschmidt Conference, Prague, CZ
Oxygen flux modulates net rates of Fe reduction and Fe solid phase composition in redox dynamic soils. Thompson A., and Wilmoth, J. (2015): American Chemical Society National Meeting, Denver, CO
Critical zone research at the University of Georgia. Thompson, A. (2015): Departmental Seminar, University of Padua
Depth Variation of Soil Iron Crystallinity at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory. Thompson, A., Barcellos, D., Wilmoth, J., and Richter, D. (2015): Calhoun CZO 2015 Summer Science Meeting
Delineating climatic regions where upland soil iron reduction is potentially important at the ecosystem scale. Thompson, A.; Hodges, C.; Chadwick, O. (2015): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 2015, San Francisco, CA
Disputed start dates for Anthropocene. Zalasiewicz J., and 23 co-authors, including D. deB. Richter (2015): Nature 520: 436
Assessment of Pedogenic Gibbsite as a Paleo-PCO2 Proxy Using a Modern Ultisol. Austin, J.C., and P.A. Schroeder (2014): Clays and Clay Minerals 62(4): 253-266
Pedogenesis and Anthropedogenesis on the Southern Piedmont. Bacon, Allan Roy (2014): PhD Dissertation, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
Soil N as a buffer of critical zone carbon and nitrogen cycles in harvested ecosystems. Parolari, A.J., G.G. Katul, and A. Porporato (2014): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 2014, San Francisco, CA
Evolution of Soil, Ecosystem, and Critical Zone Research at the USDA FS Calhoun Experimental Forest. Richter, D. deB., A.R. Bacon, S.A. Billings, D. Binkley, M. Buford, M.A. Callaham, A.E. Curry, R.L. Fimmen, A. S. Grandy, P.R. Heine, M. Hofmockel, J.A. Jackson, E. LeMaster, J. Li, D. Markewitz, M.L. Mobley, M.W. Morrison, M.S. Strickland, T. Waldrop, and C. G. Wells (2014): In: USDA Forest Service Experimental Forests and Ranges: Research for the Long Term, Chapter: 18, Publisher: Springer Verlag, Editors: D.C. Hayes, S.L. Stout, R.H. Crawford, A.P. Hoover, pp. 405-433
Rare earth. Tennesen, Michael (2014): Science 346 (6210): 692-695
Coupled dynamics of soil formation and erosion in natural and agricultural ecosystems. Pelak, N. F.; Manzoni, S.; Wang, J.; Bras, R. L.; Porporato, A. M. (2013): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 2013, San Francisco, CA
Coupling meteoric 10Be with pedogenic losses of 9Be to improve soil residence time estimates on an ancient North American interfluve. Bacon, Allan R., Daniel deB. Richter, Paul R. Bierman, and Dylan H. Rood (2012): Geology 40 (9): 847–850
“The Changing Model of Soil” Revisited. Richter, Daniel deB., and Dan H. Yaalon (2012): Soil Science Society of America Journal 76 (3):766-778
An Ecosystem Approach to Dead Plant Carbon over 50 years of Old-Field Forest Development. Mobley, Megan Leigh (2011): PhD Dissertation, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
Human-soil relations are changing rapidly: Proposals from SSSA's cross-divisional soil change working group. Richter, DD; Bacon, AR; Mobley, LM; Richardson, CJ; Andrews, SS; West, L; Wills, S; Billings, S; Cambardella, CA; Cavallaro, N; DeMeester, JE; Franzluebbers, AJ; Grandy, AS; Grunwald, S; Gruver, J; Hartshorn, AS; Janzen, H; Kramer, MG; Ladha, JK; Lajtha, K; Liles, GC; Markewitz, D; Megonigal, PJ; Mermut, AR; Rasmussen, C; Robinson, DA; Smith, P; Stiles, CA; Tate, RL; Thompson, A; Tugel, AJ; Es, HV; Yaalon, D; Zobeck, TM (2011): Soil Science Society of America Journal 75(6): 2079-2084
A simple method for estimating the influence of eroding soil profiles on atmospheric CO2. Billings, S. A., Buddemeier, R. W., Richter, D. deB., Van Oost, K., and Bohling, G. (2010): Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Vol. 24, GB2001
Effects of land-use history on soil spatial heterogeneity of macro- and trace elements in the Southern Piedmont USA. Li, Jianwei, Daniel deB. Richter, Arlene Mendoza, Paul Heine (2010): Geoderma Volume 156(1-2): 60-73
Effects of Land-Use History on Soil Macro- and Trace Elements in the Southern Piedmont of North America. Li, Jianwei (2009): PhD Dissertation, Duke University
Rhizogenic Fe–C redox cycling: a hypothetical biogeochemical mechanism that drives crustal weathering in upland soils. Fimmen, Ryan L., Daniel deB. Richter, Jr., Dharni Vasudevan, Mark A. Williams, Larry T. West (2008): Biogeochemistry 87(2): 127-141
Humanity's transformation of Earth's soil: Pedology's new frontier. Richter, D. deB. (2007): Soil Science 172 (12): 957-967
Long-term soil experiments: Keys to managing Earth's rapidly changing ecosystems. Richter, Daniel deB. Jr., Michael Hofmockel, Mac A. Callaham, David S. Powlson, and Pete Smith (2007): Soil Science Society of America Journal 71 (2): 266-279
Changes in stable isotope signatures of soil nitrogen and carbon during 40 years of forest development. Billings, S. A. and Richter, D. D. (2006): Oecologia 148 (2): 325-333
Bioavailability of slowly cycling soil phosphorus: major restructuring of soil P fractions over four decades in an aggrading forest. Richter, Daniel D., H. Lee Allen, Jianwei Li, Daniel Markewitz, Jane Raikes (2006): Oecologia 150 (2): 259-271
Elemental translocation and loss from three highly weathered soil–bedrock profiles in the southeastern United States. Oh, N-H, and D. D. Richter (2005): Geoderma 126 (1-2): 5-25
What regulates soil CO2 concentrations? A modeling approach to CO2 diffusion in deep soil profiles. Oh, N-H, H-S Kim, and D. D. Richter, Jr. (2005): Environmental Engineering Science 22 (1): 38-45
Soil acidification induced by elevated atmospheric CO2. Oh, N-H, and D. deB. Richter, Jr. (2004): Global Change Biology 10 (11): 1936-1946
Long-term soil potassium availability from a Kanhapludult to an aggrading loblolly pine ecosystem. Markewitz, Daniel, Daniel D.Richter (2000): Forest Ecology and Management 130 (1-3): 109-129
Legacies of agriculture and forest regrowth in the nitrogen of old-field soils. Richter, Daniel D., Daniel Markewitz, Paul R. Heine, Virginia Jin, Jane Raikes, Kun Tian, Carol G. Wells (2000): Forest Ecology and Management 138 (1-3): 233-248
Three decades of observed soil acidification at the Calhoun Experimental Forest: Has acid rain made a difference?. Markewitz, D., D.D. Richter, H.L. Allen, J.B. Urrego (1998): Soil Science Society of America Journal 62 (5): 1428-1439
Soil acidification, soil potassium availability, and biogeochemistry of aluminum and silicon in a 34 year old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L) ecosystem in the Calhoun Experimental Forest, South Carolina. Markewitz, Daniel (1996): PhD Dissertation, Duke University
Soil chemical change during three decades in an old-field Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L) ecosystem. Richter, D.D., D. Markewitz, C.G. Wells, H.L. Allen, R. April, P.R. Heine, B. Urrego (1994): Ecology 75 (5): 1463-1473
27 Oct 2020 - The 17th International Clay Conference will be held July 12-16, 2021 in Istanbul, Turkey.
19 Jul 2020 - The activity familiarizes students with some of the environmental and human factors that contribute to accelerated rates of soil erosion.
05 Jun 2020 - Four 2 minute pieces featuring Paul Schroeder talking about clay were aired on NPR's Pulse of the Planet in February 2020. Please see the links...
21 Aug 2019 - Dan Markewitz and Dan Richter led a field trip on June 6-7, 2019 in the rain (perhaps 3") across the Calhoun CZO with Penn State students. We...
14 Mar 2019 - Calhoun weathering paper is out in Nature's Scientific Reports.
17 Aug 2018 - Paul Schroeder has written a remarkable new book on the story of clays in the critical zone. The book builds on a short article by the same name...
09 Feb 2018 - Geophysics, Geochemistry, and Biogeochemistry of the Southern Piedmont Critical Zone
22 Jan 2018 - Submit an abstract to the session "Intensively Managed Clays in the Critical Zone" at the 55th Annual Meeting of The Clay Minerals Society.
01 May 2017 - Anna Wade (visiting from Duke University) and Jay Austin (based at the University of Georgia) are collaborating by using X-ray Diffraction (XRD) to...
27 Apr 2017 - The Forest History Society announces that Zachary Brecheisen is the 2017-18 recipient of the F. K. Weyerhaeuser Fellowship! The fellowship consists...
24 Mar 2017 - The Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) is a professional scientific society, made up of soil scientists, educators, and consultants focused on...
08 Feb 2017 - The Winter 2017 issue of UGA Graduate features an in-depth article about cross-CZO grad student Diego Barcellos
05 Jan 2017 - NSF REU for summer 2017: Basic and Environmental Soil Science Training (BESST)
21 Nov 2016 - Four soil pits were installed in new Research Area 8 at the Calhoun CZO on 21-22 November 2016 for easy access for soil sampling down to 2 meters.
17 Oct 2016 - Eight soil pits were installed at the Calhoun CZO on 17-18 October 2016 for easy access for soil sampling down to 2 meters. Photo: Will Cook.
14 Jul 2016 - Another Calhoun CZO record - gas reservoirs installed at 8.5m depth! Jay Austin, Zach Brecheisen, and Dan Richter only stopped at 8.5m because they...
13 Jul 2016 - On July 13, 2016, Duke PhD candidate Zach Brecheisen, with assistance from his advisor Dan Richter and Jay Austin, installed TDR probes at 25-cm...
09 Jun 2016 - On Thursday 9 June 2016, Paul Schroeder led a several hour tour of the Hanson Aggregates Quarry (AKA Mary Lou Rock Quarry) in Clinton SC, about 15...
09 Jun 2016 - PhD Student, Soil Science, University of Georgia
03 Jun 2016 - The Calhoun CZO held its third annual Summer Science Days meeting. In the photo, Calhoun researchers discuss a 18th-19th century pine root...
15 Nov 2015 - PhD Student, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas
05 Nov 2015 - Dan Richter has been excavating soils profiles up and down the banks of Holcombe's Branch in the Calhoun historic watersheds area, which will...
13 Oct 2015 - The Calhoun CZO received nearly 25 cm rain in 24-hr Sunday 4 October. Paul Schroeder shot a photo of Ryan Fimmen's 2004 "Tyger Stripe"...
27 Aug 2015 - Presented at the University of Saskatchewan's Global Institute of Water Security 10/29/2014
20 Jan 2015 - Dan Richter helps answer the question "When did the Anthropocene begin?"
17 Dec 2014 - Examining historic legacy sediments along Holcombe's Branch.
11 Nov 2014 - Dan Richter talks about the Calhoun CZO's "endangered" Cecil soil in a Science feature by Michael Tennesen
08 Sep 2014 - Dan Richter gave a seminar in May 2014 at Stanford University’s Department of Environmental Earth System Science entitled “The changing...
23 Jul 2014 - 1) Aaron Thompson is leading CCZO researchers in cooperating with other CZOs (notably Luquillo) to facilitate cross-CZO research to investigate the...
23 Jul 2014 - 1) A new history of Calhoun book chapter is being published this summer. Written by Dan Richter and co-authored by 19 scientists and land...
01 Apr 2014 - Wyoming Experts in Geophysics Visit the Calhoun CZO for Four Days of Measurements
01 Apr 2014 - Prof. John Quinton of Lancaster University interviews Prof. Richter for the BSSS on the changing model of soil, the topic of the 2013 Russell Lecture
Cross Keys, SC.
Southeastern Friends of the Pleistocene 2017 Field Trip
Spartanburg County, South Carolina.
Calhoun CZO.