Soil Science / Pedology is one of more than 16 discipline tags that we use to categorize and aggregate our interdisciplinary information within and across CZOs. Much of our information has been tagged with 2-3 disciplines.
We may update this page later to combine content across all CZOs, rather than only content tagged with both this Discipline _and_ "national" czo.
1 People
National Office outreach officer, Former CZO Post-Doctoral Fellow
National - Climate, Flux Tower, Streamflow / Discharge - CUAHSI WDC web services (1968-2015)
7 components •
Boulder Creek Watershed, Christina River Basin, Jemez River Basin, Santa Catalina Mountains, El Verde Field Station, Northeastern Puerto Rico and the Luquillo Mountains, Rio Blanco, Rio Mameyes, Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, Providence Creek Headwater Catchments (1660 - 2115 m elevation), Wolverton Basin (2230 - 2700 m elevation), Other instrumented sites •
Climatology / Meteorology, Hydrology, Soil Science / Pedology •
Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory; Catalina-Jemez Critical Zone Observatory; Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory; Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory; Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory; Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory
Ecological and genomic attributes of novel bacterial taxa that thrive in subsurface soil horizons. Brewer, Tess E., Emma L. Aronson, Keshav Arogyaswamy, Sharon A. Billings, Jon K. Botthoff, Ashley N. Campbell, Nicholas C. Dove, Dawson Fairbanks, Rachel E. Gallery, Stephen C. Hart, Jason Kaye, Gary King, Geoffrey Logan, Kathleen A. Lohse, Mia R. Maltz, Emilio Mayorga, Caitlin O’Neill, Sarah M. Owens, Aaron Packman, Jennifer Pett-Ridge, Alain F. Plante, Daniel D. Richter, Whendee L. Silver, Wendy H. Yang, Noah Fierer (2019): mBio Oct 2019, 10 (5) e01318-19 Cross-CZO National
Geomorphic influences on the distribution and accumulation of pyrogenic carbon (PyC) following a low severity wildfire in northern New Mexico. Galanter, A., Cadol, D., and K.A. Lohse (2018): Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43: 2207–2218 Cross-CZO National
Clays in the Critical Zone. Paul A. Schroeder (2018): Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK Cross-CZO National
Reviews and syntheses: on the roles trees play in building and plumbing the critical zone. Brantley, Susan L., David M. Eissenstat, Jill A. Marshall, Sarah E. Godsey, Zsuzsanna Balogh-Brunstad, Diana L. Karwan, Shirley A. Papuga, Joshua Roering, Todd E. Dawson, Jaivime Evaristo, Oliver Chadwick, Jeffrey J. McDonnell, Kathleen C. Weathers (2017): Biogeosciences, 14, 5115-5142 Cross-CZO National
Controls on deep critical zone architecture: a historical review and four testable hypotheses. Riebe, C. S., Hahm, W. J., Brantley, S. L. (2017): Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42 (1): 128–156 Cross-CZO National
Quantifying and Managing Soil Functions in Earth's Critical Zone Combining Experimentation and Mathematical Modelling. Steven A. Banwart and Donald L. Sparks (2017): Advances in Agronomy, Volume 142, Pages 2-423 (2017) National
2016 (In Press)
Diverging Sensitivity of Soil Water Stress To Changing Snowmelt Timing in the Western US . Harpold, A.A. (2016): Advances in Water Resources. 10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.03.017 National
International Cooperation in Critical Zone (CZ) Science and Education. Menon, M., and White, T. (2016): The Earth Scientist XXXII, no. 3 (Fall 2016): 11–14 National
Sensitivity of Soil Water Availability to Changing Snowmelt Timing in the Western US . Harpold, A.A., and Molotch N.P. (2015): Geophysical Research Letters. 42. National
Geophysical imaging reveals topographic stress control of bedrock weathering. St. Clair, J., S. Moon, W. S. Holbrook, J. T. Perron, C. S. Riebe, S. J. Martel, B. Carr, C. Harman, K. Singha, D. deB. Richter (2015): Science 350 (6260): 534-538 Cross-CZO National
2014 (In Review)
Making soil. Dixon, J. L., Riebe, C. S. (2014): Elements, in review Cross-CZO National
CZChemDB and EarthChem: Advancing management and access of critical zone geochemical data. Niu, X., Lehnert, K. A.. Williams, J., Brantley, S. L. (2011): Applied Geochemistry 26:S108–S111, Cross-CZO National
19 Jul 2020 - The activity familiarizes students with some of the environmental and human factors that contribute to accelerated rates of soil erosion.
11 Nov 2019 - PhD or MS opportunities to study nitrogen cycling in forest and/or agricultural soils at Penn State University.
17 Apr 2019 - The Department of Ecosystem Science and Management at The Pennsylvania State University invites applications for an Assistant Teaching Professor of...
15 Apr 2019 - A six-volume series entitled Soils as a Key Component of the Critical Zone is available through Wiley. The series was part of the...
22 Jan 2018 - Submit an abstract to the session "Intensively Managed Clays in the Critical Zone" at the 55th Annual Meeting of The Clay Minerals Society.
13 Jul 2017 - Researchers at NSF Critical Zone Observatory and Long-Term Ecological Research sites are finding out.
23 Jun 2017 - Advances in Agronomy is a first-rate resource describing the latest research in agronomy. This prestigious serial contains major review articles...
21 Jun 2017 - Scientists obtain comprehensive view of agricultural ecosystems
24 Mar 2017 - The Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) is a professional scientific society, made up of soil scientists, educators, and consultants focused on...
05 Jan 2017 - NSF REU for summer 2017: Basic and Environmental Soil Science Training (BESST)
11 Jun 2016 - We are proud to announce that Dr. Susan Brantley, Lead-PI of the Shale Hills CZO has been awarded the 2016 Wollaston Medal.
09 Jun 2016 - PhD Student, Soil Science, University of Georgia
19 Apr 2016 - Multidisciplinary ecohydrologic modeling postdoc with the SSCZO and UC Water. Apply by May 15!
23 Mar 2016 - Critical Zone Observatory Network Post-doctoral fellow, Cornell University
15 Nov 2015 - PhD Student, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas
07 Sep 2015 - PhD Student, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) and the Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado
25 Aug 2015 - The Role of Runoff and Erosion on Soil Carbon Stocks: From Soilscapes to Landscapes instrument training short course Oct 20-21, Purdue University
17 Mar 2015 - PhD Student; Soil, Water, and Environmental Science; University of Arizona.
03 Apr 2014 - RC CZO seeks a full-time research specialist to assist an interdisciplinary CZO team
01 Apr 2014 - Wyoming Experts in Geophysics Visit the Calhoun CZO for Four Days of Measurements
01 Apr 2014 - Prof. John Quinton of Lancaster University interviews Prof. Richter for the BSSS on the changing model of soil, the topic of the 2013 Russell Lecture
27 Oct 2013 - Baylor University faculty Lee Nordt and Steve Driese recently published this article in SEPM's Sedimentary Record.
03 Oct 2013 - Three Graduate Research Assistantships are available at Penn State beginning Fall 2014 to study soil biogeochemistry, ecology, mapping, or hydrology...
03 Oct 2013 - Heavy Rainfall and the Geomorphic Response During the week of September 9th, 2013, several days of continuous rainfall caused widespread...
28 Jun 2013 - Postdoctoral Opportunity with the Santa Catalina – Jemez Critical Zone Observatory
05 Jun 2013 - University of Arizona and Biosphere 2 announce the Landscape Evolution Observatory (LEO), a model CZO under glass.
16 May 2013 - Job Title: Section Head, Surface Earth Processes Section Agency: National Science Foundation Job Announcement Number: ...
04 Apr 2013 - Biosphere II, Tucson AZ. 21-24 Oct. 2013.
Boston, Massachusetts.
The 55th Annual Meeting of the Clay Minerals Society: New Visions in Clay Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Pre-AGU Training workshop on OLAM-SOIL in New Orleans
Hilton New Orleans Riverside.
American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, & Soil Science Society of America 2017 International Annual Meeting
Tampa, FL.
6th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter: Healthy soils for sustainable agriculture: the role of SOM
Rothamsted Research, Harpenden (UK).
BIOGEOMON 2017: International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior
Litomyšl, Czech Republic.
IML-CZO Offers Short Course on Organic Matter
Purdue University.
Environmental Field Methods Course (3 credits) in Idaho-Learn Critical Zone Skills
Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho.
Calhoun CZO.
In commemoration of the 90th Anniversary of the IUSS: Soils Embrace Life and Universe
ICC Jeju, Korea.
AGU Chapman Conference on Soil-mediated Drivers of Coupled Biogeochemical and Hydrological Processes Across Scales
Biosphere II, Tucson AZ, USA.
2013 Amtrak Club meeting, 2nd annual symposium on "Soil to Sea Geomorphology"
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland.