Hydrology is one of more than 16 discipline tags that we use to categorize and aggregate our interdisciplinary information within and across CZOs. Much of our information has been tagged with 2-3 disciplines.
11 People
Bisley - Precipitation - Throughfall (1988-2015)
2 components •
Bisley •
Hydrology •
Carlos Estrada Ruiz
Bisley - Streamflow / Discharge (1987-2013)
18 components •
Bisley •
Hydrology •
Gonzalez, Grizelle; IITF
Bisley and Icacos - Geology, Regolith Survey - Regolith weathering (2015)
1 components •
Bisley, Rio Icacos •
Geochemistry / Mineralogy, Hydrology •
Buss,Heather L.;Chapela Lara, Maria; Moore, Oliver W.; Kurtz, Andrew C.; Schulz, Marjorie S.; White, Art F.
East Peak - Groundwater Depth, Groundwater Temperatures - EP1 and LGW2B wells (2014-2016)
2 components •
East Peak •
Hydrology, Geochemistry / Mineralogy •
Hyojin Kim; Scott Hynek
El Verde, Icacos, Espiritu Santo, and Bisley - Stream Water Chemistry, Streamflow / Discharge, Air Temperature, Stream Water Temperatures (2014-2019)
8 components •
Northeastern Puerto Rico and the Luquillo Mountains •
Biology / Ecology, Hydrology, Water Chemistry •
McDowell, William H.
Icacos and Quebrada Sonadora - Streamflow / Discharge, Stream Suspended Sediment, Electrical Conductivity - Hysteresis Analysis (2016-2017)
2 components •
Rio Icacos, Quebrada Sonadora •
Water Chemistry, Hydrology •
Wymore, Adam S.; Leon,Miguel C.; Shanley, James B.; McDowell, William H
Icacos/Blanco watersheds - Groundwater Chemistry, Groundwater Depth (2014-2016)
7 components •
Rio Blanco •
Hydrology, Water Chemistry •
McDowell, William H.; Brereton, Rich
National - Climate, Flux Tower, Streamflow / Discharge - CUAHSI WDC web services (1968-2015)
7 components •
Boulder Creek Watershed, Christina River Basin, Jemez River Basin, Santa Catalina Mountains, El Verde Field Station, Northeastern Puerto Rico and the Luquillo Mountains, Rio Blanco, Rio Mameyes, Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, Providence Creek Headwater Catchments (1660 - 2115 m elevation), Wolverton Basin (2230 - 2700 m elevation), Other instrumented sites •
Climatology / Meteorology, Hydrology, Soil Science / Pedology •
Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory; Catalina-Jemez Critical Zone Observatory; Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory; Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory; Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory; Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory
National - LiDAR, Land Cover, GIS/Map Data - OpenTopography (2010-2017)
18 components •
Boulder Creek Watershed, Eel River Watershed, Jemez River Basin, Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, Northeastern Puerto Rico and the Luquillo Mountains, Sangamon River Basin, Clear Creek Watershed, Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory, Providence Creek Headwater Catchments (1660 - 2115 m elevation) •
Geomorphology, GIS / Remote Sensing, Hydrology, Biology / Ecology •
National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping; Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory; Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory; University of Arizona; University of California Merced; Valles Caldera National Preserve; Bandelier National Monument; National Park Service; Jemez River Basin and Santa Catalina Mountains Critical Zone Observatory; Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory; Reynolds Creek CZO; Eel River CZO; Shale Hills CZO
National - Stream Water Chemistry - Cations, Anions, Metals (1982-2015)
1 components •
Bisley, Betasso, East Peak, Marshall Gulch (High-Elevation), Providence Creek Subcatchment P301, Providence Creek Subcatchment P303, Providence Creek Subcatchment P304, Eel River Watershed, Puente Roto, Rio Blanco, Rio Icacos, Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory •
Biogeochemistry, Biology / Ecology, Hydrology, Water Chemistry •
Hyojin, Kim; Bishop, Jim; Dietrich, William; Fung, Inez; McDowell, William H.; Brantley, Susan L.; Hoagland, Beth; Sullivan, Pamela L.; Cain, Molly; Neal, Andrew; Fisher, Jessica; Russo, Tess; Niwot Ridge LTER; Liu, Fengjing; Chorover, Jon; Troch, Peter; McIntosh, Jennifer; Brooks, Paul; Abramson, Nate; Heidbuechel, Ingo; Amistadi, Mary Key; Alexander Pedron, Shawn; Chorover, Jon; Troch, Peter; Corley, Timothy; Zapata-Rios, Xavier; Losleben, Mark; Condon, Katherine
National - Streamflow / Discharge - USGS and USDA Data Resources (1985-2017)
22 components •
Boulder Creek Watershed, Santa Catalina Mountains, Jemez River Basin, Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, Northeastern Puerto Rico and the Luquillo Mountains, Clear Creek Watershed, Sangamon River Basin, Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory, Providence Creek Headwater Catchments (1660 - 2115 m elevation) •
Hydrology •
USGS National Water Information System
Puerto Rico - Precipitation, Reservoir Height, Streamflow / Discharge - Schoolyard Data Jam (1990-2016)
6 components •
Rio Mameyes, Northeastern Puerto Rico and the Luquillo Mountains •
Hydrology, Soil Science / Pedology, Outreach / Education Research •
USGS; USDA USFS; Whendee Silver; Miguel Leon
Puerto Rico - Stable Isotopes - Stable Isotope (δ18O and δ2H) Data (1994-2013)
8 components •
Northeastern Puerto Rico and the Luquillo Mountains, Rio Icacos, East Peak, Rio Mameyes •
Hydrology, Water Chemistry, Climatology / Meteorology •
Martha A. Scholl; Angel Torres-Sanchez; Manuel Rosario-Torres
Rio Mameyes and Rio Icacos - Stream Suspended Sediment, Streamflow / Discharge, Precipitation - riverine particulate organic matter export (1991-2015)
8 components •
Rio Mameyes, Rio Icacos •
Biogeochemistry, Hydrology, Climatology / Meteorology •
Clark, Kathryn E.; Stallard, Robert F.; Stallard, Martha A.; Plante, Alain F.; Plante, Sheila F.; Plante, Grizelle; McDowell, William H.
Rio Mameyes and Rio Icacos - Stream Suspended Sediment, Streamflow / Discharge, Stream Water Chemistry (2015)
3 components •
Rio Mameyes, Rio Icacos •
Hydrology, Water Chemistry, Biogeochemistry, Geochemistry / Mineralogy •
Clark, Kathryn E.; McDowell, William H.; Shanley, James; Perdrial, Nicolas; Scholl, Martha
Impact of ecohydrological fluctuations on iron-redox cycling. Calabrese, Salvatore, and Amilcare Porporato (2019): Soil Biology and Biochemistry 133: 188-195 Cross-CZO
Nutrient export and elemental stoichiometry in an urban tropical river. William H. McDowell, William G. McDowell, Jody D. Potter, Alonso Ramírez (2019): Ecological Applications
Hysteretic response of solutes and turbidity at the event scale across forested tropical montane watersheds. Wymore, A., Leon M.C., Shanley J.B. McDowell W.H. (2019): Frontiers in Earth Science Biogeoscience
Hydrologic Control of Catchment-Scale Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Dynamics. Hang Wen*, Li Li, Julia N Perdrial, Benjamin Abbott, Thomas Adler, Susana Bernal, Remi Dupas, Sarah Godsey, Rebecca L Hale, Adrian Harpold, Donna M Rizzo, Gary Sterle, Kristen Underwood (2018): Abstract H13J-1880 presented at 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., 10-14 Dec Cross-CZO
Reassessing the dissolved molybdenum isotopic composition of ocean inputs: The effect of chemical weathering and groundwater. King, E.K. and Pett-Ridge, J.C. (2018): Geology 46 (11): 955-958 Cross-CZO National
Fire, flood, and drought—Extreme climate events alter flow paths and stream chemistry. Murphy, S.F., McCleskey, R.B., Martin, D.A., Writer, J.H., and Ebel, B.A. (2018): Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123 Cross-CZO
A net ecosystem carbon budget for snow dominated forested headwater catchments: linking water and carbon fluxes to critical zone carbon storage. Perdrial J., Brooks P.D., Swetnam T., Lohse K.A., Rasmussen C., Litvak M., Harpold A.A., Zapata-Rios X., Broxton P., Mitra B., Meixner M., Condon K., Huckle D., Stielstra C., Vázquez-Ortega A., Lybrand R., Holleran M., Orem C., Pelletier J., Chorover J. (2018): Biogeochemistry 138{3): 225–243 Cross-CZO
Parameterization of nitrogen limitation for a dynamic ecohydrological Model: A case study from the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory. Bastola, Satish, and Rafael L Bras (2017): American Geophysical Union 2017 Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 11-15 December 2017
Reviews and syntheses: on the roles trees play in building and plumbing the critical zone. Brantley, Susan L., David M. Eissenstat, Jill A. Marshall, Sarah E. Godsey, Zsuzsanna Balogh-Brunstad, Diana L. Karwan, Shirley A. Papuga, Joshua Roering, Todd E. Dawson, Jaivime Evaristo, Oliver Chadwick, Jeffrey J. McDonnell, Kathleen C. Weathers (2017): Biogeosciences, 14, 5115-5142 Cross-CZO National
Concentration-Discharge Relations in the Critical Zone: Implications for Resolving Critical Zone Structure, Function and Evolution. Chorover, J., Derry, L. A., McDowell, W. H. (2017): Water Resources Research 53(11): 8654–8659 Cross-CZO National
Tropical river suspended sediment and solute dynamics in storms during an extreme drought. Clark, K.E., Shanley, J.B., Scholl, M.A., Perdrial, N., Perdrial, J.N., Plante, A.F., McDowell W.H. (2017): Water Resources Research
Influence of Linked Hydrologic and Geomorphic Processes on the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle. Dialynas, Ioannis Minas (Yannis) (2017): Doctoral dissertation, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology Cross-CZO
How soil water storage moderates climate changes effects on transpiration, across the different climates of the Critical Zone Observatories. Heckman, C.; Tague, C. (2017): Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 2017. Abstract H23H-1777. Cross-CZO National
AGU Chapman Conference on Extreme Climate Event Impacts on Aquatic Biogeochemical Cycles and Fluxes. Inamdar, A. McDowell W.H., Shanley J.B., Minor E., Park, J. (2017): https://sites.google.com/a/udel.edu/chapmanece/home
Conference Program - AGU Chapman Conference on Extreme Climate Event Impacts on Aquatic Biogeochemical Cycles and Fluxes. Inamdar, S., McDowell W.H., Shanley J. B., Minor E., Park J. (2017): AGU Chapman Conference, San Juan, PR 2017 Cross-CZO National
2017 (In Review)
Extreme storms drive riverine particulate organic matter export from tropical mountians of estern Puerto Rico. Kathryn E. Clark, Robert F. Stallard, Martha A. Scholl, Alain F. Plante, Sheila F. Murphy, Grizelle Gonzalez, and William H. McDowell (2017): ...
Geochemical evolution of the Critical Zone across variable time scales informs concentration-discharge relationships: Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory. McIntosh J.C., Schaumberg C., Perdrial J., Harpold A., Vázquez-Ortega A., Rasmussen C., Vinson D., Zapata-Rios X., Brooks P.D., Meixner T., Pelletier J., Derry L., Chorover J. (2017): Water Resources Research 53(5): 4169–4196 Cross-CZO National
Mixing as a driver of temporal variations in river hydrochemistry: 1 Insights from conservative tracers in the Andes-Amazon transition. Torres, M.A.; Baronas, J.J.; Clark, K.E.; Feakins, S.J.; West, A.J. (2017): Water Resources Research 53, 3102–3119
Critical zone structure controls concentration-discharge relationships and solute generation in forested tropical montane watersheds. Wymore, A.; Brereton, R. L.; Ibarra, D. E.; Maher, K.; McDowell, W. H. (2017): Water Resources Research 53, 6279–6295 Cross-CZO National
Approaches to stream solute load estimation for solutes with varying dynamics from five diverse small watersheds. Aulenbach, B. T., D. A. Burns, J. B. Shanley, R. D. Yanai, K. Bae, A. D. Wild, Y. Yang, and D. Yi. (2016): Ecosphere
Insights into plant water uptake from xylem-water isotope measurements in two tropical catchments with contrasting moisture conditions. Evaristo, J., McDonnell, J.J., Scholl,M.A., Bruijnzeel, L.A., and Chun, K.P. (2016): Hydrological Processes
Limited uptake of nutrient input from sewage effluent in a tropical landscape. Figueroa-Nieves D., McDowell, W.H., Potter, J.D., Martínez, G. (2016): Freshwater Science
Drought in the Critical Zone: Engaging Students in Authentic Inquiry Through Data Jam. McGee, S., and Rodríguez Báez, N. (2016): The Earth Scientist XXXII, no. 3 (Fall 2016): 19–21 Cross-CZO National
Variation of organic matter quantity and quality in streams at Critical Zone Observatory watersheds. Miller, Matthew P., Boyer, Elizabeth W., McKnight, Diane M., Brown, Michael G., Gabor, Rachel S., Hunsaker, Carolyn T., Iavorivska, Lidiia, Inamdar, Shreeram, Johnson, Dale W., Kaplan, Louis A., Lin, Henry, McDowell, William H., Perdrial, Julia N. (2016): Water Resources Research, 52 (10): 8202–8216 Cross-CZO
Hot spots of sediment sources and links to Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics. Dialynas, Y., Bastola, S. (2015): Luquillo CZO Cyber Seminar 2-20-2015
A field comparison of multiple techniques to quantify groundwater–surface-water interactions. González-Pinzón, R., Ward, A., Hatch, C., Wlostowski, A., Singha, K., Gooseff, M., Haggerty, R., Harvey, J., Cirpka, O., and Brock, J. (2015): Freshwater Science, 34(1) Cross-CZO
Stable-isotope and solute-chemistry approaches to flow characterization in a forested tropical watershed, Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico. Scholl, M.A., Shanley, J.B., Murphy, S.F., Willenbring, J.K., Occhi, M., and González, G. (2015): Appl. Geochem.
Parameter Uncertainty in Shallow Rainfall-Triggered Landslide Modeling at Basin Scale: a Probabilistic Approach. Arnone, E., Y. G. Dialynas, L. V. Noto, and R. L. Bras (2014): Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 9: 101-111
NEON and STREON: opportunities and challenges for the aquatic sciences. McDowell, W.H. (2014): Freshwater Science
Analytical model for flow duration curves in seasonally dry climates. Müller, M.F., Dralle, D.N., and Thompson, S.E. (2014): Water Resources Research 50(7): 5510-5531. Cross-CZO
Modeling Tropical Forests: Challenges and Opportunities. Sasha Reed, Maria Uriarte, Tana Wood, Molly Cavaleri (2014): AGU Fall Meeting. San Fransisco, CA
Effect of DEM resolution on rainfall-triggered landslide modeling within a triangulated network-based model A case study in the Luquillo Forest, Puerto Rico. Arnone, E., Dialynas, Y. G., Noto, L. V., Bras, R. L. (2013): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Abstract NH23A-1522
2013 (In Press)
Spatial variation of dissolved weathering products nutrients, and carbon in a rapidly weathering tropical watershed, Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico. Brereton, R.L. (2013): GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO , 27-30 October, 2013
Physically based modeling of rainfall-triggered landslides: a case study in the Luquillo forest, Puerto Rico. C. Lepore, E. Arnone, L. V. Noto, G. Sivandran, R.L. Bras (2013): Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci.
A probabilistic approach for shallow rainfall-triggered landslide modeling at basin scale A case study in the Luquillo Forest, Puerto Rico. Dialynas, Y. G., Arnone, E., Noto, L. V., Bras, R. L. (2013): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting; Abstract NH32A-06
Chemical constituents in clouds and rainwater in the Puerto Rican rainforest: potential sources and seasonal drivers . Gioda, A.,Mayol-Bracero O.L. , Scatena, F.N., Weathers K.C., Mateus, V.L., McDowell, W.H. (2013): Atmospheric Environment
2013 (In Press)
Evaluation of shallow flow pathways and relative contributions to solute fluxes in a tropical small mountainous river: Luquillo, Puerto Rico . Goldsmith, S.T., Porder, S., Kurtz, A., and Takagi, K. (2013): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 45 (7), 216
Solute-specific scaling of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus uptake in streams. Hall, R. O., Jr., M. A. Baker, E. J. Rosi-Marshall, J. L. Tank, and J. D. Newbold (2013): Biogeosciences 10:7323-7331 Cross-CZO
The Architecture of Deep Weathering at Two CZOs: Groundwater, Regolith, and Solutes at Susquehanna Shale Hills and Luquillo Experimental Forest . HYNEK, Scott A., ORLANDO, Joseph J., SULLIVAN, Pamela, and BRANTLEY, Susan L. (2013): GSA Annual Meeting Cross-CZO
A Comparison of Connectivity Metrics on Watersheds and Implications for Water Management . Malvadkar, U., Scatena, F.N., and Leon, M. (2013): Rivers Research and Applications
Soils and stream chemistry: When, where and why are they linked? . McDowell, W.H. (2013): European Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria
Carbon losses from the Critical Zone: Quantifying the effects of lithology and urbanization on concentrations of organic and inorganic carbon in coastal montane tropical rivers. McDowell, W.H., Scatena, F.N., Ramirez, A., Potter, J.D. (2013): SE Section Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America
2013 (In Press)
Disequilibrium Erosion in Eastern Puerto Rico – Is this How Many Clastic Sediment deposits are made? . Stallard, R.F. (2013): GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO , 27-30 October, 2013.
Reduced channel morphological response to urbanization in a flood-dominated humid tropical environment. Phillips C.B. and Scatena F.N. (2012): Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Investigating the complex interface where bedrock transforms to regolith. Brantley, S. L., Buss, H., Lebedeva, M., Fletcher R.C., Ma L. (2011): Applied Geochemistry. Vol 26. S12-S15. Cross-CZO
Germanium-silicon as a flow path tracer: Application to the Rio Icacos watershed. Kurtz A.C., Lugolobi F., Salvucci G. (2011): Water Resources Research
Streams of the Montane Humid Tropics. Scatena, F.N., Gupta A. (2011): Treatise on Geomorphology. Editors E. Wohl. Academic Press, San Diego Ca. Vol 9.
Long-term patterns and short-term dynamics of stream solutes and suspended sediment in a rapidly weathering tropical watershed. Shanley, J.B., McDowell, W.H., Stallard, R.F. (2011): Water Resource Research, 47 W07515
Riparian indicators of flow frequency in a tropical montane stream network. Pike A.S., F.N. Scatena (2010): Journal of Hydrology
Vegetation-Hydrology Dynamics in Complex Terrain of Semiarid Areas: I A Mechanistic Approach to Modeling Dynamic Feedbacks. Ivanov V.Y., Bras R.L., Vivoni E.R. (2008): Water Resources Research
Vegetation-Hydrology Dynamics in Complex Terrain of Semiarid Areas: II Energy-Water Controls of Vegetation Spatia¬ Temporal Dynamics and Topographic Niches of Favorability. Ivanov, V., Bras, R.L., Vivoni, E.R (2008): Water Resources Research
Stormflow generation in a small rain-forest catchment in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Schellekens, J., Scatena, F.N., Bruijinzeel L.A., Van Dijk, A.I.J.M., Groen, M.M.A., Hoogezand, R.J.P. (2004): Hydrological Processes
Stormflow generation in a small rain-forest catchment in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Schellekens, J., Scatena, F.N., Bruijnzeel, L.A., van Dijk, A.I. J.M., Groen, M.M.A., van Hoogezand, R.J.P., (2004): Hydrological Processes
Prediction of Master Recession Curves and Baseflow Recessions in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico. Rivera-Ramirez, H.D., Warner, G.S., Scatena, F.N. (2002): Journal of the American Water Resources Association
Modeling rainfall interception by a lowland tropical rain forest in northeastern Puerto Rico. Schellekens, J., Scatena, F.N., Bruijinzeel L.A. (1999): Journal of Hydrology
GIS prediction of rainfall and runoff volumes in eastern Puerto Rico. García-Martino, A.R., Warner, G.S., Scatena, F.N., Civco, D.L., (1996): American Water Resources Association
23 Aug 2018 - CUAHSI is accepting proposals for the Instrumentation Discovery Travel Grant program (IDTG). Application deadline is Septemeber 30, 2018.
30 Oct 2017 - Water Resources Research published a new special collection in September 2017 featuring concentration-discharge research from multiple CZOs.
05 Oct 2017 - The world’s rainforests absorb 30 percent of human-produced carbon dioxide. Plants take up the CO2 through photosynthesis and release it...
29 Jul 2016 - CZO seeks postdoc to answer fundamental questions about CZ architecture and hydrologic processes. Work involves data synthesis and building models.
23 Mar 2016 - PhD student, Global Institute for Water Security, University of Saskatchewan
08 Dec 2015 - El Yunque in Puerto Rico may provide answers in the battle against climate change
11 Sep 2014 - Below are presented some graphs and links to data of stream water monitoring during fthe 2014 hurricane season in Puerto Rico.
25 Aug 2014 - Stable Isotope (δ18O and δ2H) Data for Precipitation, Stream Water, and Groundwater in Puerto Rico Stable isotope data can be used to...
16 Apr 2014 - Fluxes of organic and inorganic matter between land and the coastal ocean are important components of global biogeochemical cycles, including the...
17 Jan 2014 - The report is the product of the North American - UNESCO HELP workshop held at Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, May 10 -12,...
31 May 2013 - One persisting question in hydrology is how do catchments store ‘old’ water for long periods (months or even years), but then...
16 May 2013 - Job Title: Section Head, Surface Earth Processes Section Agency: National Science Foundation Job Announcement Number: ...
17 Apr 2013 - Distinguished Sabbatical Visitor Fellowship The Wyoming Center for Environmental Hydrology and Geophysics (WyCEHG) invites applications for the...
14 Feb 2013 - Tropical Hydrology/Hydrogeochemistry Field Course May 13-24, 2013 Hosted by the Technological University of Panama, University of Wyoming, The...
10 Oct 2012 - F.N. Scatena recently gave a presentation about the LCZO for the CUAHSI Cyber seminar series. Click here to view this and other presntations! ...
10 Oct 2012 - New FDOM fluorescent dissolved organic matter (proxy for dissolved organic carbon) and Turbidity sensor has been installed on the Icacos. Check...
10 Oct 2012 - Visit the new Water Resources of Puerto Rico website! this includes data page, articles, technical reports, references to other pages on the...
01 Oct 2011 - We will be giving presentations at the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco, Dec 5-9
Disequilibrium Erosion in Eastern Puerto Rico – Is this How Many Clastic Sediment deposits are made?
GSA Session No. 81 Colorado Convention Center: Room 504.
Spatial variation of dissolved weather products nutrients, and carbon in a rapidly weathering tropical watershed, Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico.
GSA: Session No. 81 Colorado Convention Center: Room 504..
Evaluation of shallow flow pathways and relative contributions to solute fluxes in a tropical small mountainous river: Luquillo, Puerto Rico
GSA Session No. 81 Colorado Convention Center: Room 504.
Long-term climatic and topographic controls on sedminent export in the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory
GSA: Session No. 81 Colorado Convention Center: Room 504.