All Disciplines is one of more than 16 discipline tags that we use to categorize and aggregate our interdisciplinary information within and across CZOs. Much of our information has been tagged with 2-3 disciplines.
No datasets with this discipline tag have been entered yet
Critical Zone Science in the Anthropocene: Opportunities for biogeographic and ecological theory and praxis to drive earth science integration. Minor J., Pearl J.K., Barnes M.L., Colella T.R., Murphy P.C., Mann S., Barron-Gafford G.A. (2020): Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment 44(1): 50–69
Catalina-Jemez CZO Annual Report 2019. Chorover J.D., Breshears D.D., McIntosh J.C., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C. (2019): University of Arizona
Interdisciplinary Teaching about Earth and the Environment for a Sustainable Future Book Chapter: Implementing and Assessing InTeGrate Critical Zone Science Materials in an Undergraduate Geoscience Program. Ashlee Dere, Carol Engelmann, Timothy White, Adam Wymore, Adam Hoffman, James Washburne, Martha Conklin (2018): Springer Cross-CZO National
Catalina-Jemez CZO Annual Report 2018. Chorover J.D., Breshears D.D., McIntosh J.C., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C. (2018): Catalina-Jemez CZO, University of Arizona
CZO Network Attributes Table. CZO Network (2018): CZO National Office Cross-CZO National
Growing new generations of critical zone scientists. Wymore, Adam S., Nicole R. West, Kate Maher, Pamela L. Sullivan, Adrian Harpold, Diana Karwan, Jill A. Marshall, Julia Perdrial, Daniella M. Rempe and Lin Ma (2017): Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42 (14): 2498-2502 Cross-CZO National
Designing a network of critical zone observatories to explore the living skin of the terrestrial Earth. Brantley, S.L., McDowell, W.H., Dietrich, W.E., White, T.S., Kumar, P., Anderson, S., Chorover, J., Lohse, K.A., Bales, R.C., Richter, D., Grant, G., and Gaillardet, J. (2017): Earth Surface Dynamics, 5, 841–860 Cross-CZO National
Catalina-Jemez CZO Annual Report 2017. Chorover J.D., Breshears D.D., McIntosh J.C., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C. (2017): Catalina-Jemez CZO, University of Arizona
Fostering Collaboration Across the US Critical Zone Observatories Network. Sharkey, S. and White, T. (2017): 2017 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 11-15 Dec Cross-CZO National
New Opportunities for Critical Zone Science. Sullivan, P.L., Wymore, A.S., McDowell, W.H. et al. (2017): 2017 CZO Arlington Meeting White Booklet Cross-CZO National
2016 Catalina-Jemez CZO Annual Report for NSF EAR-1331408 entitled "Transformative Behavior of Water, Energy and Carbon in the Critical Zone II: Interaction Between Long- and Short-term Processes that Control Delivery of Critical Zone Services". Chorover J.D., Breshears D.D., McIntosh J.C., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C. (2016): Catalina-Jemez CZO, University of Arizona
Understanding ecosystem services from a geosciences perspective. Field J.P., Breshears D.D., Law D.J., Villegas J.C., López-Hoffman L., Brooks P.D., Chorover J., and Pelletier J.D. (2016): EOS 97
Frontiers in International Critical Zone Science - Beijing, China Workshop Report. Banwart, S. and Zhu, C. (2015): Beijing Workshop Report, May 21-23, 2014 Cross-CZO National
2015 Catalina-Jemez CZO Annual Report for NSF EAR-1331408 entitled "Transformative Behavior of Energy, Water and Carbon in the Critical Zone II: Interactions between Long- and Short-term Processes that Control Delivery of Critical Zone Services". Chorover J.D., Breshears D.D., McIntosh J.C., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C. (2015): Jemez-Catalina CZO, University of Arizona
Critical Zone Services: Expanding Context, Constraints, and Currency beyond Ecosystem Services. Field J.P., Breshears D.D., Law D.J., Villegas J.C., López-Hoffman L., Brooks P.D., Chorover J., Barron-Gafford G.A., Gallery R.E., Litvak M.E., Lybrand R.A., McIntosh J.C., Meixner T., Niu G-Y., Papuga S.A., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C.R., and Troch P.A (2015): Vadose Zone Journal 14(1)
Common Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) Infrastructure and Measurements. J. Chorover, S. Anderson, A. K. Aufdenkampe, R. C. Bales, S. L. Brantley, W. Dietrich, P. Kumar, K. A. Lohse, W. McDowell, D. Richter, T. White (2015): A Guide Prepared By CZO PIs, May 05, 2015 Cross-CZO National
The Landscape Evolution Observatory: A large-scale controllable infrastructure to study coupled Earth-surface processes. Pangle L.A., DeLong S.B., Abramson N., Adams J., Barron-Gafford G.A., Breshears D.D., Brooks P.D., Chorover J., Dietrich W.E., Dontsova K., Durcik M., Espeleta J., Ferre T.P.A., Ferriere R., Henderson W., Hunt E.A., Huxman T.E., Millar D., Murphy B., Niu G-Y., Pavao-Zuckerman M., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C., Ruiz J., Saleska S., Schaap M., Sibayan M., Troch P.A., Tuller M., van Haren J., Zeng X. (2015): Geomorphology 244: 190-203 Cross-CZO
Chapter 2 – The Role of Critical Zone Observatories in Critical Zone Science. White T., Brantley S., Banwart S., Chorover J., Dietrich W., Derry L., Lohse K., Anderson S., Aufdendkampe A., Bales R., Kumar P., Richter D., McDowell B. (2015): Developments in Earth Surface Processes 19: 15–78 Cross-CZO National
2014 Catalina-Jemez CZO Annual Report for NSF EAR-1331408 entitled "Transformative Behavior of Energy, Water and Carbon in the Critical Zone II: Interactions between Long- and Short-term Processes that Control Delivery of Critical Zone Services". Chorover J.D., Breshears D.D., McIntosh J.C., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C. (2014): Jemez-Catalina CZO, University of Arizona
Common questions of the US NSF–supported Critical Zone Observatories. Dietrich, W.E. and Lohse, K. (2014): A Guide Prepared By CZO PIs Cross-CZO National
Report on Drilling, Sampling, and Imaging the Depths of the Critical Zone, an NSF Workshop. Riebe, C. S. and Chorover, J. (2014): Open Project Report to the Critical Zone Community Cross-CZO National
The strength of strategically placed in situ networks: The Critical Zone Observatory Program (Invited). Bales R.C., Brooks P.D., Molotch N.P. (2013): Abstract H53L-02 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec. Cross-CZO
Sustaining Earth's Critical Zone - Basic Science and Interdisciplinary Solutions for Global Challenges. Banwart, S., Chorover, J., Gaillardet, J., Sparks, D., White, T., et al. (2013): The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, ISBN: 978-0-9576890-0-8 Cross-CZO National
Critical Zone Science and Observatories. Brantley, S.L., White, T.S., Anderson, S.P., Bales, R.C., Chorover, J., McDowell, W.H. (2013): Abstract TH15D-01 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec. Cross-CZO National
Graduate Research Group White Paper: Cross-CZO Research Potential. Harpold, A.A., D. Karwan, J. Perdrial, J.A. Marshall, J. Driscoll, A. Neal, and C. Phillips (2013): Internal CZO publication Cross-CZO National
Fourth Annual Report for NSF EAR-0724958 entitled “Transformative Behavior of Water, Energy and Carbon in the Critical Zone: An Observatory to Quantify Linkages among Ecohydrology, Biogeochemistry, and Landscape Evolution” (Jemez-Santa Catalina CZO). Jon Chorover, Peter Troch, Paul Brooks, Jon Pelletier, Craig Rasmussen, Greg Barron-Gafford, David Breshears, Travis Huxman, Jennifer McIntosh, Thomas Meixner, Shirley Papuga, Marcel Schaap, Enrique Vivoni, Marcy Litvak, Robert Parmenter, Kathleen Lohse (2013): Jemez-Catalina CZO
Technical Note: A comparison of model and empirical measures of catchment-scale effective energy and mass transfer. Rasmussen C. and Gallo E.L. (2013): Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17(9): 3389-3395
Critical Zone Observatories (CZOs): Integrating measurements and models of Earth surface processes to improve prediction of landscape structure, function and evolution (Invited). Chorover J., Anderson S. P., Bales R. C., Duffy C., Scatena F. N., Sparks D. L., White T. (2012): Abstract GCS4A-05 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec (Talk) Cross-CZO National
NSF Workshop Report: Towards a Unifying Theory of Critical Zone Structure, Function and Evolution. Chorover, J. (2012): JRB-SCM CZO, pp. 22. Cross-CZO National
Common Critical Zone Observatory Infrastructure and Measurements. J. Chorover, F.N. Scatena, T. White, S. Anderson, A.K. Aufdenkampe, R.C. Bales, S.L. Brantley, G. Tucker. (2012): A Guide Prepared By CZO PIs, September 27, 2012 Cross-CZO National
Third Annual Report for NSF EAR-0724958 entitled “Transformative Behavior of Water, Energy and Carbon in the Critical Zone: An Observatory to Quantify Linkages among Ecohydrology, Biogeochemistry, and Landscape Evolution” (Jemez-Santa Catalina CZO). Jon Chorover, Peter Troch, Paul Brooks, Jon Pelletier, Craig Rasmussen, Greg Barron-Gafford, David Breshears, Travis Huxman, Jennifer McIntosh, Thomas Meixner, Shirley Papuga, Marcel Schaap, Enrique Vivoni, Marcy Litvak, Robert Parmenter, Kathleen Lohse (2012): Jemez-Catalina CZO
How Water, Carbon, and Energy Drive Critical Zone Evolution: The Jemez-Santa Catalina Critical Zone Observatory . Chorover J., Troch P.A., Rasmussen C., Brooks P., Pelletier J., Breshears D.D., Huxman T., Lohse K., McIntosh J., Meixner T., Papuga S., Schaap M., Litvak M., Perdrial J. Harpold A., and Durcik M. (2011): Vadose Zone Journal 10(3): 884-899
Second Annual Report for NSF EAR-0724958 entitled “Transformative Behavior of Water, Energy and Carbon in the Critical Zone: An Observatory to Quantify Linkages among Ecohydrology, Biogeochemistry, and Landscape Evolution” (The JRB-SCM CZO). Jon Chorover, Peter Troch, Paul Brooks, Jon Pelletier, Craig Rasmussen, David Breshears, Travis Huxman, Jennifer McIntosh, Thomas Meixner, Shirley Papuga, Marcel Schaap, Enrique Vivoni, Marcy Litvak, Robert Parmenter, Kathleen Lohse (2011): Jemez-Catalina CZO
Mt Lemmon ‐ Santa Catalina Mountains Field Trip. JRB-SCM CZO Team (2011): CZO All-Hands Meeting, Biosphere 2, May 8-12, 2011 Cross-CZO National
An open system framework for integrating critical zone structure and function. Rasmussen C., Troch P.A., Chorover J., Brooks P., Pelletier J., and Huxman T. (2011): Biogeochemistry 102(1-3): 15-29
Future Directions for Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) Science. Anderson, R.S., Anderson, S., Aufdenkampe, A.K., Bales, R., Brantley, S., Chorover, J., Duffy, C.J., Scatena, F.N., Sparks, D.L., Troch, P.A., Yoo, K. (2010): CZO Community, December 29, 2010 Cross-CZO National
First Annual Report for NSF EAR‐0724958 entitled “Transformative Behavior of Water, Energy and Carbon in the Critical Zone: An Observatory to Quantify Linkages among Ecohydrology, Biogeochemistry, and Landscape Evolution” (The JRB‐SCM CZO). Jon Chorover, Peter Troch, Paul Brooks, Jon Pelletier, Craig Rasmussen, David Breshears, Travis Huxman, Kathleen Lohse, Jennifer McIntosh, Thomas Meixner, Shirley Papuga, Marcel Schaap, Enrique Vivoni, Marcy Litvak, Robert Parmenter (2010): Jemez-Catalina CZO
Proposed initiative would study Earth's weathering engine. Anderson, Suzanne P., Joel Blum, Susan L. Brantley, Oliver Chadwick, Jon Chorover, Louis A. Derry, James I. Drever, Janet G. Hering, James W. Kirchner, Lee R. Kump, Daniel Richter, Art E. White (2004): Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 85 (28): 265-269 Cross-CZO National
23 Nov 2020 - As of fall 2020, the Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) program has been succeeded by the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZ Net).
27 Oct 2020 - They’re beneath our feet, but we seldom hear important signals in the soils
06 Oct 2020 - A list of sessions related to CZ Science at the upcoming virtual AGU 2020 Fall Meeting.
28 Sep 2020 - In the October 2020 Issue, Eos focuses on the Critical Zone at a pivotal point as the discipline comes of age.
17 Jun 2020 - For an updated listing of these talks, including abstracts, see /national/education-outreach/sustainability-2020/ The U.S....
20 Apr 2020 - The Belmont Forum is pleased to announce the launch of a collaborative research call on the theme: Towards Sustainability of Soils and Groundwater...
19 Nov 2019 - A list of CZ-related sessions, abstracts and events at the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting.
08 Jul 2019 - CZO will end Nov 2020, succeeded by the “CZ Collaborative Network”. Let’s explore how the CZ community can build upon the CZOs via new NSF proposals.
31 May 2019 - NSF seeks proposals to establish an adaptive and responsive research network that supports investigations of the Earth’s Critical Zone.
28 Jan 2019 - Webinar on Jan. 30, 2019 for New Frontier Research in the Earth Sciences (FRES) Program
15 Jan 2019 - Application deadline is March 29, 2019.
14 Jan 2019 - Application deadline is March 15, 2019.
20 Nov 2018 - NSF Crosscutting CNH2: Dynamics of Integrated Socio-Environmental Systems (CNH2) Solicitation 19-528 DUE DATES Letter of Intent Deadline...
20 Nov 2018 - The FRES program will support research in Earth systems from its core through the critical zone. Full proposal target date: February 20, 2019.
19 Nov 2018 - The 2018 AGU Fall Meeting will be held December 10-14 in Washington, D.C.
12 Jul 2018 - NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Research Coordination Networks (RCNs) for Driving Convergent Science in the Critical Zone
10 May 2018 - The Discoveries section of the National Science Foundation's website on Critical Zone Observatories (CZOs).
29 Jan 2018 - In the January 2018 issue of Physics Today, writer Toni Feder explores the scope of CZ research in the article, “Earth’s skin is an...
01 Jan 2018 - New Opportunities for Critical Zone Science Following the June 2017 Arlington Meeting for Critical Zone Science (hosted by CZO), a white booklet...
01 Jan 2018 - A 15-week semester-long upper-level undergraduate course curriculum entitled “Introduction to Critical Zone Science” is now available free online.
05 Dec 2017 - Information on CZO award recipients, events, presentations, etc. at the 2017 AGU Fall Meeting.
25 Oct 2017 - The CZO National Office's quarterly newsletter CZNews: Fall 2017.
15 Aug 2017 - For Earth Science Week 2017, the American Geosciences Institute invites you to enter the Earth Connections video contest. Submit a brief, 30-90...
27 Jul 2017 - CZO National Office's quarterly newsletter CZNews: Summer 2017.
03 Jul 2017 - Ravindra Dwivedi received the prestigious 2017 AGU Horton Research Grant to support his CZO work in the Santa Catalina Mountains.
22 May 2017 - Contribute a classroom or field activity to Teach the Earth.
21 Apr 2017 - AGU has published a collection of commentaries highlighting the important role Earth and space science research plays in society.
06 Apr 2017 - 2017 CZO Webinar Series: Critical Zone and Society.
22 Nov 2016 - CZOs at AGU 2016: Agenda and award recipients
12 Aug 2016 - Dr. Craig Rasmussen, hydrologist from the University of Arizona, Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, gives the second Cafe presentation in...
12 Aug 2016 - Dr. Rachel Gallery, an assistant professor in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment at the University of Arizona, gives a Cafe...
12 Aug 2016 - Dr. Tom Meixner, a hydrologist in the Department of Hydrology and Water Resources at the University of Arizona, gives the second Cafe presentation...
24 Jul 2016 - AGU 2016 sessions related to CZ science. Submit your abstract by August 3.
22 Jan 2016 - Assessment of ecosystem services can be improved by including broader spatial and temporal scales of geosciences perspectives.
04 Dec 2015 - Taking the Pulse of the Earth's Surface Systems In September of 2014, Laurel Larsen (UC Berkley), Elizabeth Hajek (Penn State), and others...
10 Nov 2015 - Dr. Jon Chorover explains the basic concept of the Critical Zone and the earth science during the first Cafe presentation in the Critical Zone...
04 Nov 2015 - This app is designed to accompany a drive up the Catalina Highway and it describes a wide range of sky island science, including some of that done...
17 Aug 2015 - Members of AGU and the Ecological Society of America came together in their first joint event to discuss opportunities for research collaboration.
13 May 2015 - Students from around the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) gathered in Perth for two weeks in Feb. 2015 for the Inaugural WUN Summer School.
19 Mar 2015 - Get a sense of the people and the work. Several members of the Catalina-Jemez CZO are profiled here, including students and professors.
10 Feb 2015 - Critical Zone Services: Expanding Context, Constraints, and Currency beyond Ecosystem Services
02 Dec 2014 - The University of Arizona is seeking a postdoctoral scientist to help lead a drilling and borehole extraction project that has the objective of...
03 Nov 2014 - The US CZO National Office has organized a webinar on December 8, 2014 at 11AM - 12:30 PM ET.
06 May 2014 - Critical Zone Science & Management Class ENVS‐GEO‐HWR 422/522 in Fall 2014
24 Apr 2014 - Information for the 2014 All Hands Meeting for the CZO Network on 21-14 September, including registration information and abstract submission.
08 Apr 2014 - Reactive Transport Modeling Survey – Community Needs for Biogeochemical Studies The below survey is designed by Alexis Navarre-Sitchler, Kate...
02 Apr 2014 - March 31, 2014. Dr. Enriqueta Barrera (NSF CZO program director) and Dr. Gordon Grant (USFS; CZO Steering Committee chairperson)
06 Mar 2014 - Presentations describing the Integrated CZO Data system and how to use it; for interested CZO investigators, students & staff.
22 Nov 2013 - UA College of Science ‘Superstars of Science’ series features Dr. Peter Troch, CZO Co-PI and Science Director at the UA Biosphere 2
12 Nov 2013 - The Division of Earth Sciences has two vacant rotator positions in the Hydrologic Sciences program of the Surface Earth Processes (SEP)...
29 Jul 2013 - International CZ science community outlines interdisciplinary research needed to address land use changes, climate change, and biodiversity decline
11 Jul 2013 - The National Science Foundation's Cheryl Dybas recently finalized a new report entitled "Discoveries in the Critical Zone: Where Life meets...
26 Apr 2013 - Scientists study New Mexico's Rabbit Mountain, where forests burned in the 2011 Las Conchas fire
17 Apr 2013 - Distinguished Sabbatical Visitor Fellowship The Wyoming Center for Environmental Hydrology and Geophysics (WyCEHG) invites applications for the...
11 Mar 2013 - Submit an abstract by 12 April for Session 19C: Subsurface Porous Media as Biogeochemical Reactors to be held at Goldschmidt 2013 in Florence, Italy
25 Feb 2013 - Submit an abstract by 12 April for Session 16B: Probing the Critical Zone, to be held at Goldschmidt 2013 in Florence, Italy 25-30 August 2013.
02 Jan 2013 - Frederick Scatena, PI of the Luquillo CZO, died peacefully at home on January 2, 2013 after a brief battle with cancer. We mourn the loss.
03 Dec 2012 - A listing of more than 125 CZO-related presentations for the 2012 annual meeting of the AGU.
30 Oct 2012 - Scientists still don't know exactly how all that happens, and they have recently rigged the slopes of the Catalinas with a variety of...
30 Aug 2012 - The European magazine, International Innovation Environment, published bi-annually, focused the August issue on "How science must lead the way to a...
11 May 2011 - View the first draft of a video created by a UA Flandrau Science Center team. The video introduces the motivation and science involved in the...
10 Dec 2010 - Printable Info Sheet on JRB-SCM CZO (PDF) ...
14 Oct 2010 - Article published in the special section of the Arizona Daily Star ...
Modeling the Critical Zone; State of the Art, Data Integration, and Frontiers
Boulder, Colorado.
Town Hall: Critical Zone Observatories: Platforms for Collaborative Science
New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center.
The Loft Cinema.
"Critical Zone Science: Current Advances and Future Opportunities”. Arlington, VA (near NSF).
DEADLINE: 01 APRIL 2017 for registration & optional abstract.
Hilton Hotel, Arlington, Virginia.
Policy Relevance of Critical Zone Science webinar presented by Steve Banwart
Forecasting of Earth surface processes webinar presented by Jon Pelletier.
Drought resilience and water security presented by Roger Bales
Blue Revolution: Water scarcity in a changing world webinar presented by Praveen Kumar.
Critical Zone Services webinar presented by David Breshears and Jason Field
Town Hall: Critical Zone Observatories: Platforms for Collaborative Science
AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA
Moscone Center, San Francisco, California .
Review of CZO network by NSF will occur in Fall 2016
National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA.
AGU 2015: A Town Hall for the Network of Critical Zone Observatories (TH25D)
San Francisco, CA - Moscone Center, Moscone West - 2010.
Catalina-Jemez CZO: Is it evolution by jerks down deep too?
JWH 206.
Using a CZO network to explore the architecture, dynamics and evolution of the Critical Zone
Speakers: Dr. Enriqueta Barrera (NSF) and Dr. Gordon Grant (USFS)
Internet .
What happens to the rain? Revisiting Penman's (1961) fundamental question in hydrology within the context of western water resources
Harshbarger 206.
Geological Society of America, 2013 Annual Meeting - CZO presentations
Colorado Convention Center, Denver, Colorado.
Postponed until 2014. 2nd Biannual National CZO Network All-Hands Meeting
University of Delaware, Clayton Hall.
Session 16B: Probing the Critical Zone (and related Session 19C) will be held at Goldschmidt 2013 in Florence, Italy 25-30 August 2013.
Florence, Italy.
EarthCube Domain Workshop: Engaging the Critical Zone community to bridge long tail science with big data
University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
CZOs give more than 125 presentations at the 2012 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
Moscone Center, Fourth and Howard Streets, San Francisco, CA.