Assistant Professor of Environmental Pedology and Director for the Center for Environmental Physics and Mineralogy
PhD, University of California; Davis, 2004
His research focuses on soil forming processes and the importance of soils in ecosystem function and biogeochemical cycles. His research and teaching program spans a broad range of topics that include: i) organic and inorganic carbon cycling, with a focus on mineral weathering processes and the interaction of organic materials with mineral surfaces; ii) quantifying the interaction of geomorphic and pedogenic processes from pedon to watershed scales and how these interactions control sediment transport, chemical weathering and landscape evolution; iii) energy-based modeling of pedogenesis and ecosystem function; iv) digital soil mapping and soil-landscape classification and use of digital datasets to model the distribution of soil physical and chemical properties; and v) soil development control of soil-water dynamics and ecosystem response to climate change.
Depth and topographic controls on microbial activity in a recently burned sub-alpine catchment. Fairbanks D., Shepard C., Murphy M., Rasmussen C., Chorover J., Rich V., Gallery R. (2020): Soil Biology and Biochemistry 148: 107844
Resolving Deep Critical Zone Architecture in Complex Volcanic Terrain. Moravec B.G., White A.M., Root R.A, Sanchez A., Olshansky Y., Paras B.K., Carr B., McIntosh J., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C., Holbrook W.S., Chorover J. (2020): Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 125(1): e2019JF005189 Cross-CZO
Soil Fluid Biogeochemical Response to Climatic Events. Olshansky Y., Knowles J.F., Barron‐Gafford G.A., Rasmussen C., Abramson N., Chorover J. (2019): Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 124(9): 2866-2882
Why Do Large‐Scale Land Surface Models Produce a Low Ratio of Transpiration to Evapotranspiration?. Chang L.-L., Dwivedi R., Knowles J.F., Fang Y.-H., Niu G.-Y., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C., Durcik M., Barron‐Gafford G.A., Meixner T. (2018): Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123(17): 9109-9130
Climate, topography, and dust influences on the mineral and geochemical evolution of granitic soils in southern Arizona. Lybrand R.A. and Rasmussen C. (2018): Geoderma 314: 245-261
Which way do you lean? Using slope aspect variations to understand Critical Zone processes and feedbacks. Pelletier J. D., Barron‐Gafford G. A., Gutiérrez‐Jurado H., Hinckley E.‐L. S., Istanbulluoglu E., McGuire L. A., Niu G.‐Y., Poulos M. J., Rasmussen C., Richardson P., Swetnam T. L., and Tucker G. E. (2018): Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 43(5): 1133–1154 Cross-CZO
A net ecosystem carbon budget for snow dominated forested headwater catchments: linking water and carbon fluxes to critical zone carbon storage. Perdrial J., Brooks P.D., Swetnam T., Lohse K.A., Rasmussen C., Litvak M., Harpold A.A., Zapata-Rios X., Broxton P., Mitra B., Meixner M., Condon K., Huckle D., Stielstra C., Vázquez-Ortega A., Lybrand R., Holleran M., Orem C., Pelletier J., Chorover J. (2018): Biogeochemistry 138{3): 225–243 Cross-CZO
Beyond clay: towards an improved set of variables for predicting soil organic matter content. Rasmussen C., Heckman K., Wieder W.R., Keiluweit M., Lawrence C.R., Berhe A.A., Blankinship J.C., Crow S.E., Druhan J.L., Hicks Pries C.E., Marin-Spiotta E., Plante A.F., Schädel C., Schimel J.P., Sierra C.A., Thompson A., Wagai R. (2018): Biogeochemistry 137(3): 297–306 Cross-CZO
Controls on Soil Organic Carbon Partitioning and Stabilization in the California Sierra Nevada. Rasmussen C., Throckmorton H., Liles G., Heckman K., Meding S., and Horwath W.R. (2018): Soil Systems 2(3): 41 Cross-CZO
Signatures of Obliquity and Eccentricity in Soil Chronosequences. Shepard C., Pelletier J.D., Schaap M.G., Rasmussen C. (2018): Geophysical Research Letters 45(20): 11147–11153
Understanding Critical Zone Evolution through Predicting the Three-Dimensional Soil Chemical Properties of a Small Forested Catchment. Shepard C., Schaap M.G., Chorover J., Rasmussen C. (2018): Soil Science Society of America Journal 82(6): 1538-1550
Controlled Experiments of Hillslope Coevolution at the Biosphere 2 Landscape Evolution Observatory: Toward Prediction of Coupled Hydrological, Biogeochemical, and Ecological Change. Volkmann T.H.M., Sengupta A., Pangle L.A., Dontsova K., Barron-Gafford G.A., Harman C.J., Niu G.-Y., Meredith L.K., Abramson N., Meira Neto A.A., Wang Y., Adams J.R., Breshears D.D., Bugaj A., Chorover J., Cueva A., DeLong S.B., Durcik M., Ferre T.P.A., Hunt E.A., Huxman T.E., Kim M., Maier R.M., Monson R.K., Pelletier J.D., Pohlmann M., Rasmussen C., Ruiz J., Saleska S.R., Schaap M.G., Sibayan M., Tuller M., van Haren J.L.M., Zeng X. and Troch P.A. (2018): in: Hydrology of Artificial and Controlled Experiments (eds. Jiu-Fu Liu and Wei-Zu Gu), IntechOpen, pp. 25-74
Soil organic carbon partitioning and Δ14C variation in desert and conifer ecosystems of southern Arizona. Lybrand R.A., Heckman K., and Rasmussen C. (2017): Biogeochemistry 134(3): 261-277
Geochemical evolution of the Critical Zone across variable time scales informs concentration-discharge relationships: Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory. McIntosh J.C., Schaumberg C., Perdrial J., Harpold A., Vázquez-Ortega A., Rasmussen C., Vinson D., Zapata-Rios X., Brooks P.D., Meixner T., Pelletier J., Derry L., Chorover J. (2017): Water Resources Research 53(5): 4169–4196 Cross-CZO National
Coevolution of soil and topography across a semiarid cinder cone chronosequence. Rasmussen C., McGuire L., Dhakal P., Pelletier J.D. (2017): CATENA 156: 338-352
U-series isotopic signatures of soils and headwater streams in a semi-arid complex volcanic terrain. Huckle D., Ma L., McIntosh J., Vázquez-Ortega A., Rasmussen C., Chorover J. (2016): Chemical Geology 445: 68-83
Solid-phase redistribution of rare earth elements in hillslope pedons subjected to different hydrologic fluxes. Vázquez-Ortega A., Huckle D., Perdrial J., Amistadi M.K., Durcik M., Rasmussen C., McIntosh J., Chorover J. (2016): Chemical Geology 426: 1-18
Influence of climate variability on water partitioning and effective energy and mass transfer in a semi-arid critical zone. Zapata-Rios X., Brooks P.D., Troch P.A., McIntosh J., and Rasmussen C. (2016): Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20: 1103-1115
Critical Zone Services: Expanding Context, Constraints, and Currency beyond Ecosystem Services. Field J.P., Breshears D.D., Law D.J., Villegas J.C., López-Hoffman L., Brooks P.D., Chorover J., Barron-Gafford G.A., Gallery R.E., Litvak M.E., Lybrand R.A., McIntosh J.C., Meixner T., Niu G-Y., Papuga S.A., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C.R., and Troch P.A (2015): Vadose Zone Journal 14(1)
Quantifying soil and critical zone variability in a forested catchment through digital soil mapping. Holleran M., Levi M., and Rasmussen C. (2015): SOIL 1(1): 47-64
The Landscape Evolution Observatory: A large-scale controllable infrastructure to study coupled Earth-surface processes. Pangle L.A., DeLong S.B., Abramson N., Adams J., Barron-Gafford G.A., Breshears D.D., Brooks P.D., Chorover J., Dietrich W.E., Dontsova K., Durcik M., Espeleta J., Ferre T.P.A., Ferriere R., Henderson W., Hunt E.A., Huxman T.E., Millar D., Murphy B., Niu G-Y., Pavao-Zuckerman M., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C., Ruiz J., Saleska S., Schaap M., Sibayan M., Troch P.A., Tuller M., van Haren J., Zeng X. (2015): Geomorphology 244: 190-203 Cross-CZO
Climate and landscape as drivers of carbon storage in forested headwater catchments: Insights from a complete C budget. Perdrial, J., Brooks, P., Swetnam, T., Lohse, K., Rasmussen, C., Litvak, M., Harpold, A., Zapata-Rios, X., Broxton, P., Mitra, B., Meixner, T., Condon, K., Huckle, D., Stielstra, C., Vazquez-Ortega, A., Lybrand, R., Holleran, M., Orem, C., Pelletier, J., and J. Chorover (2015): Global Change Biology
Quantifying Topographic and Vegetation Effects on the Transfer of Energy and Mass to the Critical Zone. Rasmussen C., Pelletier J.D., Troch P.A., Swetnam T.L., and Chorover J. (2015): Vadose Zone Journal 14 (11)
Rare Earth Elements as Reactive Tracers of Biogeochemical Weathering in Forested Rhyolitic Terrain. Vázquez-Ortega A., Perdrial J., Harpold A., Zapata-Ríos X., Rasmussen C., McIntosh J., Schaap M., Pelletier J.D., Brooks P.D., Amistadi M.K., Chorover J. (2015): Chemical Geology 391: 19-32 Cross-CZO
Climatic and landscape controls on water transit times and silicate mineral weathering in the critical zone. Zapata-Rios X., McIntosh J., Rademacher L., Troch P.A., Brooks P.D., Rasmussen R., Chorover J. (2015): Water Resources Research 51(8): 6036-6051
A Cross-scale Study of Feldspar Transformation in the Santa Catalina Mountain Critical Zone Observatory. Lybrand R.A. and Rasmussen C (2014): Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 10: 63–68
Linking soil element-mass-transfer to microscale mineral weathering across a semiarid environmental gradient. Lybrand R.A. and Rasmussen C (2014): Chemical Geology 381: 26-39
Fractionation of Dissolved Organic Matter by (Oxy)Hydroxide-Coated Sands: Competitive Sorbate Displacement during Reactive Transport. Vazquez-Ortega A., Hernandez-Ruiz S., Amistadi M.K., Rasmussen C., Chorover J. (2014): Vadose Zone Journal 13(7):
Sorptive fractionation of organic matter and formation of organo-hydroxy-alu‐minum complexes during litter biodegradation in the presence of gibbsite. Heckman K., Grandy A.S., Gao X., Keiluweit M., Wickings K., Carpenter K., Chorover J., Rasmussen C. (2013): Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 121: 667–683
Coevolution of nonlinear trends in vegetation, soils, and topography with elevation and slope aspect: A case study in the sky islands of southern Arizona. Pelletier J.D., Barron-Gafford G.A., Breshears D.D., Brooks P.D., Chorover J., Durcik M., Harman C.J., Huxman T.E., Lohse K.A., Lybrand R., Meixner T., McIntosh J.C., Papuga S.A., Rasmussen C., Schaap M., Swetnam T.L., and Troch P.A. (2013): Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 118(2): 741-758
Technical Note: A comparison of model and empirical measures of catchment-scale effective energy and mass transfer. Rasmussen C. and Gallo E.L. (2013): Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17(9): 3389-3395
Thermodynamic constraints on effective energy and mass transfer and catchment function. Rasmussen C. (2012): Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16(3): 725-739,
How Water, Carbon, and Energy Drive Critical Zone Evolution: The Jemez-Santa Catalina Critical Zone Observatory . Chorover J., Troch P.A., Rasmussen C., Brooks P., Pelletier J., Breshears D.D., Huxman T., Lohse K., McIntosh J., Meixner T., Papuga S., Schaap M., Litvak M., Perdrial J. Harpold A., and Durcik M. (2011): Vadose Zone Journal 10(3): 884-899
The effects of climate and landscape position on chemical denudation and mineral transformation in the Santa Catalina mountain critical zone observatory. Lybrand R., Rasmussen C., Jardine A., Troch P.A., and Chorover J. (2011): Applied Geochemistry, 26(S): S80-S84
Calibration and testing of upland hillslope evolution models in a dated landscape: Banco Bonito, New Mexico, USA . Pelletier J.D., McGuire L.A., Ash J.L., Engelder T.M., Hill L.E., Leroy K.W., Orem C.A., Rosenthal W.S. Trees M.A. Rasmussen C., and Chorover J. (2011): Journal of Geophysical Research, 116: F04004,
Strong climate and tectonic control on plagioclase weathering in granitic terrain. Rasmussen C., Brantley S., Richter D.D., Blum A., Dixon J., and White A.F. (2011): Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 301(3-4): 521-530, Cross-CZO
An open system framework for integrating critical zone structure and function. Rasmussen C., Troch P.A., Chorover J., Brooks P., Pelletier J., and Huxman T. (2011): Biogeochemistry 102(1-3): 15-29
Quantifying the climatic and tectonic controls on hillslope steepness and erosion rates. Pelletier J.D. and Rasmussen C. (2009): Lithosphere 1(2): 73-80
Geomorphically based predictive mapping of soil thickness in upland watersheds. Pelletier J.D. and Rasmussen C. (2009): Water Resources Research 45: W09417
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
Catalina-Jemez CZO Annual Report 2019. Chorover J.D., Breshears D.D., McIntosh J.C., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C. (2019): University of Arizona
Catalina-Jemez CZO Annual Report 2018. Chorover J.D., Breshears D.D., McIntosh J.C., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C. (2018): Catalina-Jemez CZO, University of Arizona
Signatures of obliquity and eccentricity in soil chronosequences. Shepard, C, Pelletier, J.D., Schaap, M.G., Rasmussen, C. (2018): Abstract EP53F-1981 presented at 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., 10-14 Dec
Catalina-Jemez CZO Annual Report 2017. Chorover J.D., Breshears D.D., McIntosh J.C., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C. (2017): Catalina-Jemez CZO, University of Arizona
2016 Catalina-Jemez CZO Annual Report for NSF EAR-1331408 entitled "Transformative Behavior of Water, Energy and Carbon in the Critical Zone II: Interaction Between Long- and Short-term Processes that Control Delivery of Critical Zone Services". Chorover J.D., Breshears D.D., McIntosh J.C., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C. (2016): Catalina-Jemez CZO, University of Arizona
Representation of diffusion controlled carbon stabilization in reactive transport models. Thompson, A., Druhan, J.L., Keiluweit, M., Wagai, R., Plante, A.F., Lawrence, C.R., Berhe, A.A., Sierra, C.A., Rasmussen, C., Marin-Spiotta, E., Blankinship, J.C., Schimel, J., Heckman, K.A., Crow, S.E., and Wieder, W.R. (2016): American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA Cross-CZO
Lithologic Control on Secondary Clay Mineral Formation in the Valles Caldera, New Mexico. Caylor E., Rasmussen C., Dhakal P. (2015): Abstract EP31B-1000 presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.
2015 Catalina-Jemez CZO Annual Report for NSF EAR-1331408 entitled "Transformative Behavior of Energy, Water and Carbon in the Critical Zone II: Interactions between Long- and Short-term Processes that Control Delivery of Critical Zone Services". Chorover J.D., Breshears D.D., McIntosh J.C., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C. (2015): Jemez-Catalina CZO, University of Arizona
Probabilistic modeling of soil development variability with time. Shepard C., Schaap M., Rasmussen C. (2015): Abstract EP31B-1009 presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.
2014 Catalina-Jemez CZO Annual Report for NSF EAR-1331408 entitled "Transformative Behavior of Energy, Water and Carbon in the Critical Zone II: Interactions between Long- and Short-term Processes that Control Delivery of Critical Zone Services". Chorover J.D., Breshears D.D., McIntosh J.C., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C. (2014): Jemez-Catalina CZO, University of Arizona
Soil Mineralogy and Substrate Quality Effects on Microbial Priming. Finley B., Rasmussen C., Dijkstra P., Schwartz E., Mau R., Liu X-J.A., Hungate B. (2014): Abstract B21J-04 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 Dec.
Quantifying Soil Organic Carbon Redistribution after Forest Fire using Thermal Analyses, Valles Caldera, New Mexico. Kuklewicz K. and Rasmussen C. (2014): Abstract B13N-0065 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 Dec.
Interactive control of minerals, wildfire, and erosion on soil carbon stabilization in conifer ecosystems of the western US (Invited). Rasmussen C. (2014): Abstract B31L-04 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 Dec.
Three-dimensional prediction of soil physical, chemical, and hydrological properties in a forested catchment of the Santa Catalina CZO. Shepard C., Holleran M., Lybrand R., Rasmussen C. (2014): Abstract H51O-0817 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 Dec.
Fluid Chemistry Dynamics Before and After Fire in the Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory. Chorover J., Perdrial J.N., Field J.P., Pelletier J.D., Pohlmann M.A., Losleben M.V., Lasharr K., Amistadi M., Brooks P.D., McIntosh J.C., Meixner T., Gallery R., Rich V.I., Rasmussen C., Schaap M.G., Breshears D.D. (2013): Abstract B41F-05 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec.
Bridging from Soil to Ecosystem Goods and Services Provided by the Critical Zone. Field J.P., Breshears D.D., Law D.J., Brooks P.D., Chorover J., Pelletier J.D., Troch P.A., López-Hoffman L., Rasmussen C., Papuga S., Harpold A., Biederman J.A., Barron-Gafford G.A., McIntosh J.C., Litvak M. (2013): Abstract presented at AGU Chapman Conference on Soil-mediated Drivers of Coupled Biogeochemical and Hydrological Processes Across Scales, Biosphere 2, Tucson, Arizona, 21-24 October 2013 (Poster) Cross-CZO
Climate and landscape position controls on soil carbon cycling in the Santa Catalina Critical Zone Observatory. Lybrand R., Heckman K., Rasmussen C. (2013): Abstract presented at AGU Chapman Conference on Soil-mediated Drivers of Coupled Biogeochemical and Hydrological Processes Across Scales, Biosphere 2, Tucson, Arizona, 21-24 October 2013 (Poster)
Coevolution of topography, soils, and vegetation in upland landscapes: Using cinder cones to elucidate ecohydrogeomorphic feedback mechanisms . McGuire L., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C. (2013): Abstract EP13C-0884 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec.
Do fire disturbances account for missing C in snow dominated headwater catchments in NM?. Perdrial J.N., Brooks P.D., Swetnam T., Lohse K.A., Rasmussen C., Harpold A.A., Litvak M.E., Broxton P.D., Mitra B., Condon K., Huckle D.M., Vazquez A., Lybrand R.A., Holleran M., Orem C.A., Meixner T., Chorover J. (2013): Abstract B33E-0531 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec. Cross-CZO
Using statistical methods to quantify and predict catchment scale soil variability. Rasmussen C., Holleran M. (2013): Abstract presented at AGU Chapman Conference on Soil-mediated Drivers of Coupled Biogeochemical and Hydrological Processes Across Scales, Biosphere 2, Tucson, Arizona, 21-24 October 2013 (Talk)
Quantifying catchment scale soil variability in Marshall Gulch, Santa Catalina Mountains Critical Zone Observatory. Holleran M. and Rasmussen C. (2012): Abstract EP43A-0859 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec (Poster)
Using Uranium-series Isotopes to Trace Water Sources to Streamflow and Estimate Soil Formation Rates in a Semiarid Montane Catchment. Huckle D. M., Ma L., McIntosh J. C., Rasmussen C., Chorover J. (2012): Abstract V23E-2877 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec (Poster)
Linking soil element-mass-transfer to microscale mineral weathering in the Santa Catalina Critical Zone Observatory. Lybrand R. A. and Rasmussen C. (2012): Abstract EP42D-03 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec (Talk)
Carbon and water, the energy for weathering and chemical denudation. Perdrial J. N., Rasmussen C., McIntosh J. C., Zapata X., Harpold A. A., Vazquez A., Porter C. M., Brooks P. D., Meixner T., Mitra B., Troch P. A.,, Chorover J. (2012): Abstract EP41I-05 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec (Talk) Cross-CZO
Determining solute inputs to soil and stream waters in a seasonally snow-covered mountain catchment in northern New Mexico using Ge/Si, 87Sr/86Sr and ion chemistry. Porter C., McIntosh J., Derry L., Meixner T., Chorover J., Brooks P. D., Rasmussen C., and Perdrial J. (2012): Abstract V23E-2878 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec (Poster)
Domes, Ash and Dust – Controls on soil genesis in a montane catchment of the Valles Caldera, New Mexico. Rasmussen C., Meding S. M., Vazquez A., Chorover J. (2012): Abstract EP42D-04 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec (Talk)
Rare earth elements as reactive tracers of biogeochemical weathering in the Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory. Vazquez A., Perdrial J. N., Harpold A. A., Zapata X., Rasmussen C., McIntosh J. C., Schaap M. G., Pelletier J. D., Amistadi M., Chorover J. (2012): Abstract H53I-1651 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec (Poster). Cross-CZO
Carbon, water and weathering limitations in the semi-arid critical zone. J. Chorover, P.A. Troch, J.D. Pelletier, C. Rasmussen, P.D. Brooks, J.C. McIntosh, D.D. Breshears, T.E. Huxman, S.A. Papuga, K.A. Lohse, T. Meixner, M.G. Schaap, M.E. Litvak, A.A. Harpold, J.N. Perdrial, M. Durcik (2011): AGU Fall Meeting Presentations Abstract B41H-05.
Quantifying elemental compositions of primary minerals from granitic rocks and saprolite within the Santa Catalina Mountain Critical Zone Observatory. Lybrand, R.A., Rasmussen, C. (2011): AGU Fall Meeting Presentations (Poster) Abstract B33G-0554.
Determining solute inputs to soil and stream waters in a seasonally snow-covered mountain catchment in northern New Mexico using Ge/Si and 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Porter, C.M., McIntosh, J.C., Derry, L.A., Meixner, T., Chorover, J., Rasmussen, C., Brooks, P.D., Perdrial, J.N. (2011): AGU Fall Meeting Presentations (Poster) Abstract B33G-0552.
Domes, Ash and Dust - Controls on soil genesis in a montane catchment of the Valles Caldera, New Mexico. Rasmussen, C., Meding, S.M., Vazquez, A., Chorover, J. (2011): AGU Fall Meeting Presentations (Poster) Abstract EP51B-0845.
Coevolution of topography, hydrology, soil development, and vegetation in sky islands of the southwestern United States. Pelletier, J.D., Rasmussen, C., Breshears, D.D., Brooks, P.D., Chorover, J., Huxman, T.E., Lohse, K.A., Meixner, T., McIntosh, J.C., Kurc, S.A., Schaap, M.G., Swetnam, T., Troch, P.A. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting Abstract EP42A-03.
Climate and landscape controls on chemical weathering - regional to pedon-scale analysis. Rasmussen, C., Lybrand, R., Jardine, A.B., Heidbuechel, I., Troch, P.A., Chorover, J. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting (Invited) Abstract EP42A-02.
Application of thermodynamics to quantify the energetics of pedogenesis and critical zone evolution. Rasmussen, C., Troch, P.A., Brooks, P.D., Pelletier, J.D., Chorover, J. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting (Invited) Abstract H52B-03.
Sources and Cycling of Carbon in Two Semi-Arid Catchments, Valles Caldera Preserve, NM: Insights From Carbon Isotopes . Ray, J., McIntosh, J.C., Perdrial, J.N., Brooks, P.D., Chorover, J., Rasmussen, C., Meixner, T. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting (Poster) Abstract B21D-0340.
Environmental Energy and Mass Transfer: Key to Understanding Catchment Evolution. Troch, P.A., Rasmussen, C., Broxton, P.D., Heidbuechel, I. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting (Invited) Abstract H32B-01.
Characterization of dissolved organic matter during reactive transport: A column experiment with spectroscopic detection . Vazquez, A., Hernandez, S., Rasmussen, C., Chorover, J. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting (Poster) Abstract B13D-0503.
Environmental Energy and Mass Transfer
Conceptual framework for CZ structure evolution based on nonequilibrium thermodynamics.
30 Oct 2017 - Water Resources Research published a new special collection in September 2017 featuring concentration-discharge research from multiple CZOs.
12 Aug 2016 - Dr. Craig Rasmussen, hydrologist from the University of Arizona, Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, gives the second Cafe presentation in...
08 Feb 2016 - Yokohama, Japan. 26 June - 01 July, 2016. All aspects of geochemistry and related fields. Multiple sessions related to Critical Zone science.
05 Jun 2012 - Rebecca Lybrand was awarded the 2011 Outstanding Student Paper Award for her presentation “Quantifying elemental compositions of primary...
The Loft Cinema.