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Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
56 Publications
Particle trajectories on hillslopes: Implications for particle age and 10Be structure. Anderson, R.S. (2015): JGR-Earth Surface 120: 1626–1644
Bedrock incision and gravel deposition along the rivers in the High Plains . Akquia, S. (2015): Senior thesis, Geography, University of Colorado, 31 pp.
Trajectories of soil particles on a hillslope conveyor: Implications for particle age and Be-10. Anderson, R. S. (2015): EP34A-05 Landscape Evolution from a Critical Zone Science Perspective III,
Pinched topography initiates the critical zone: Geophysical imaging provides a clearer picture of how rock turns into soil . Anderson, R. S. (2015): Science 350: 506-507
Force of nature: A monumental flood gives CU-Boulder researchers a rare opportunity to study the effects of extreme weather on erosion. Anderson, R. S., Anderson, S., Anderson, S. P. (2015): Research and creative work 2014–15, PG.3-5
Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory (BcCZO-II) Annual report 2015. Anderson, S. (2015): Boulder Creek CZO, University of Colorado Boulder
Exhumation by debris flows in the 2013 Colorado Front Range storm. Anderson, S.W., Anderson, S. P., and Anderson, R. S. (2015): Geology, Geological Society of America
Seeking GUTH, the Grand Unified Theory of Hillslopes: Linking weathering, erosion and landscapes. Anderson, SP, Dietrich, WE, Rempe, D, West, N, Brantley, SL, Bacon, AR, Buss, HL, Fisher, BA, Flinchum, B, Holbrook, S, Klos, PZ, Leopold, M, Moon, S, Nielson, T, Pelletier, J, and Terry, N. (2015): EP34A-01 Landscape Evolution from a Critical Zone Science Perspective III, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec. Cross-CZO
Weathering, exhumation, and sediment production in granite steeplands. Anderson, SP, Foster, MA, Anderson, RS, and Anderson, SW (2015): 25th Goldschmidt, Prague, August 16-21, 2015.
Aspect Controls on Bedrock Fracturing and Seismic Velocity within the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory . Bandler, A., Magill, C., Hendricks, S., and Singha, K. (2015): H51R-06 Hydrogeophysical Characterization of the Critical Zone I, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.
Aspect Controls on Bedrock Fracturing and Seismic Velocity within the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory. Bandler, A., Magill, R.C., Hendricks, S., Singha, K. (2015): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. 18 December 2015. Oral Presentation.
Frontiers in International Critical Zone Science - Beijing, China Workshop Report. Banwart, S. and Zhu, C. (2015): Beijing Workshop Report, May 21-23, 2014 Cross-CZO National
Variation in Montane Forest Transpiration Dormancy and Seasonality Along an Elevation Gradient. Barnard, D., Barnard, H., and Molotch, N. (2015): H21C-1390 Ecohydrology in the Critical Zone I Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.
Rapid Snowmelt Leads to Greater Streamflow Across the Western United States. Barnhart, T. B., B. Livneh, N.P. Molotch, J. F. Knowles, A. A. Harpold and D. Schneider (2015): C41F-02 Modeling Snow and Streamflow for Water Supply Forecasts from Mountain Basins in a Rapidly Changing Climate II, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.
Sensitivity of Hydrologic Partitioning to Snowpack Dynamics. Barnhart, T.B., Molotch, N.P., Harpold, A., Knowles, J., Livneh, B., and Schneider, D. (2015): University of Colorado Hydrologic Sciences Symposium: Water in Motion: The role of an irreplaceable resource, University of Colorado, Boulder, April 2-3. Cross-CZO
Sensitivity of hydrologic partitioning to snowpack dynamics. Barnhart, T.B., Molotch, N.P., Harpold, A., Livneh, B., Knowles, J., and Anderson, S. (2015): Water Sustainability and Climate Principal Investigator Meeting at the National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, February 9-11. Cross-CZO
Sensitivity of Hydrologic Partitioning to Snowpack Dynamics . Barnhart, T.B., Molotch, N.P., Livneh, B., Harpold, A.A., Knowles, J.F., Anderson, S.P., Bales, R.C., and Hunsaker, C.T. (2015): Poster, presented at the Western Snow Conference, Grass Valley, CA, April 20-23. Cross-CZO
Complex terrain alters temperature and moisture limitations of forest soil respiration across a semiarid to subalpine gradient . Berryman, E.M., Barnard, H.R., *Adams, H.R., *Burns, M.A., Gallo, E., and Brooks, P.D. (2015): Journal of Geophysical Research- Biogeosciences, 120, 707-723
Recent tree die-off has little effect on streamflow in contrast to expected increases from historical studies. Biederman J.A., Somor A.J., Harpold A.A., Gutmann E.D., Breshears D.D., Troch P.A., Gochis D.J., Scott R.l., Meddens A.J.H., and Brooks P.D. (2015): Water Resources Research 51(12): 9775-9789 Cross-CZO
Scale-dependent interactions between vegetation, landscape, and climate: How critical zone structure influences ecohydrological resilience in a rapidly changing world. Brooks, P., Barnard, H., Chorover, J., Fan, Y., Gallo, E., Godsey, S., Maxwell, R., McNamara, J., Swetnam, Y., and Tague, N (2015): H23J-05 Ecohydrology in the Critical Zone II, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec. Cross-CZO
Quantifying the effects of vegetation structure on snow accumulation and ablation in mixed-conifer forests. Broxton P. D., Harpold A. A., Biederman J. A., Troch P. A., Molotch N. P., and Brooks P. D. (2015): Ecohydrology 8(6): 1073-1094 Cross-CZO
The river as a chemostat: Fresh perspectives on dissolved organic matter flowing down the river continuum . Creed, I. F., McKnight, D. M., Pellerin, B. A., Green, M. B., Bergamaschi, B. A., Aiken, G. R., Burns, D. A., Findlay, S. E. G., Shanley, J. B., Striegl, R. G. (2015): Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72(8):1272-1285
Hydrodynamic control of benthic mats of Didymosphenia geminata at the reach scale. Cullis, J., McKnight, M. and Spaulding, S. (2015): Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Aspect-dependent soil saturation and insight into debris-flow initiation during extreme rainfall in the Colorado Front Range. Ebel, B.A., Rengers, F. K., and Tucker, G.E. (2015): Geology 43 (8): 659-662
Verrucomicrobia and their role in soil methanol consumption. Fierer, N (2015): B21J-02 Microbial Controls of Biogeochemical Cycling I, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.
Absolute Dating of Strath Terraces along the Western High Plains Reveals Complicated History of Occupation and Incision. Foster, M.A., Anderson, R.S., Gray, H., and Mahan, S (2015): EP53A-0951 Earth and Planetary Surface Processes: General Contributions Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.
Using 10Be to deduce rates of landscape evolution and mobile-regolith residence times in Gordon Gulch, Boulder Creek CZO. Foster, M.A., Anderson, R.S., Wyshnytzky, C.E., Ouimet, W.B., Dethier, D.P (2015): GSA Bulletin 127 (5/6): 862–878
Influence of Leaching Solution and Catchment Location on the Fluorescence of Water-Soluble Organic Matter. Gabor, R. S., Burns, M. A., Lee, R. H., Elg, J. B., Kemper, C. J., Barnard, H. R, and McKnight, D. M. (2015): Environmental Science & Technology Article ASAP
Honoring the Reality of Blocky Hillslopes: Case Study of a Vertical Dike at Shiprock, New Mexico. Glade, R., and Anderson, R.S. (2015): EP53B-1023 Erosion and Sediment Transport in Steep Landscapes III Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.
Soil moisture response to snowmelt timing in mixed-conifer subalpine forests. Harpold A. A., Molotch N. P., Musselman K. N., Bales R. C., Kirchner P. B., Litvak M. and Brooks P. D. (2015): Hydrological Processes 29(12): 2782–2798 Cross-CZO
Laser vision: lidar as a transformative tool to advance critical zone science. Harpold, A. A., Marshall, J. A., Lyon, S. W., Barnhart, T. B., Fisher, B. A., Donovan, M., Brubaker, K. M., Crosby, C. J., Glenn, N. F., Glennie, C. L., Kirchner, P. B., Lam, N., Mankoff, K. D., McCreight, J. L., Molotch, N. P., Musselman, K. N., Pelletier, J., Russo, T., Sangireddy, H., Sjöberg, Y., Swetnam, T., and West, N. (2015): Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 2881-2897 Cross-CZO National
Assessing Aspect Control on Adjacent Weathering Hillslopes Using Seismic Anisotropy Velocity Models within the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Colorado. Hendricks, S., Singha, K., Bandler, A (2015): The Geological Society of America 2015 Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD. 4 November 2015. Poster
Common Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) Infrastructure and Measurements. J. Chorover, S. Anderson, A. K. Aufdenkampe, R. C. Bales, S. L. Brantley, W. Dietrich, P. Kumar, K. A. Lohse, W. McDowell, D. Richter, T. White (2015): A Guide Prepared By CZO PIs, May 05, 2015 Cross-CZO National
2015 (In Press)
The relative contributions of alpine and subalpine ecosystems to the water balance of a mountainous, headwater catchment . Knowles, J.F., Harpold, A.A., Cowie, R., Zeliff, M., Barnard, H.R., Burns, S.P., Blanken, P.D., Morse, J.F., and Williams, M.W. (2015): Hydrological Processes, in press
Evidence for climatic and hillslope-aspect controls on vadose zone moisture and saprolite weathering. Langston, A. L., Tucker,G. E., Anderson, R. S. and Anderson, S. P. (2015): ESPL, 40 1254-1269
Interpreting climate-modulated processes of terrace development along Colorado Front Range using a landscape evolution model. Langston, A.L., G.E. Tucker, R.S. Anderson (2015): JGR-Earth Surface 120: 2121-2138
Snowmelt as a driver of ecosystem response in water limited mountain forests of the Western US. Molotch, N., Trujillo, E. (2015): H12B-01 Advances in Ecohydrology of Water-Stressed Environments I, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 Dec.
Three-dimensional topographic stress controls on bedrock fractures and landscape evolution. Moon, S., Perron, J.T., Martel, S., Holbrook, W.S., St. Clair, J., and Singha, K. (2015): EP33D-02 Landscape Evolution from a Critical Zone Science Perspective II, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.
Corrigendum: The role of precipitation type, intensity, and spatial distribution in source water quality after wildfire. Murphy SF, Writer JH, McCleskey RB, and Martin DA (2015): (2015 Environ. Res. Lett. 10 084007). Environmental Research Letters 11, 179504
The role of precipitation type, intensity, and spatial distribution in source water quality after wildfire. Murphy, S. F., Writer, J. H., McCleskey, R. B., and Martin, D. A. (2015): Environ. Res. Lett. 10 084007
Factors Affecting Source-Water Quality after Disturbance of Forests by Wildfire. Murphy, S., Martin, D., McCleskey, R., and Writer, J. (2015): H34B-04 Disturbance Hydrology: Assessing the Impacts of Abrupt Landscape Changes on Watershed Hydrology III, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.
Resolving the Multi-scale Behavior of Geochemical Weathering in the Critical Zone Using High Resolution Hydro-geochemical Models. Pandey, S, and Rajaram, H. (2015): H52C-07 Modeling the Critical Zone: Integrating Processes and Data across Disciplines and Scales I, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.
Advances in reactive transport modeling of geochemical systems: Applications to acid rock drainage and the evolution of the critical zone. Pandey, S. (2015): Pd.D. dissertation, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder.
Saprolite formation rates using U-series isotopes in a granodiorite weathering profile from Boulder Creek CZO (Colorado, USA) . Pelt, E, Chabaux, F, Mills, TJ, Anderson, SP, and Foster, MA (2015): Geophysical Research Abstracts 17, EGU2015-11724.
The Influence of Hillslope Steepness on Sediment Supply Size Distribution along Rivers Draining the Colorado Front Range. Sato, M., Shrobe, C., and Tucker, G. (2015): EP53A-0960 Earth and Planetary Surface Processes: General Contributions Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.
Big Blocks and River Incision: A Numerical Modeling Perspective. Shrobe, C., Tucker, G.E., and Anderson, R.S. (2015): EB53B-1022 Erosion and Sediment Transport in Steep Landscapes III Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.
Geophysical imaging reveals topographic stress control of bedrock weathering. St. Clair, J., S. Moon, W. S. Holbrook, J. T. Perron, C. S. Riebe, S. J. Martel, B. Carr, C. Harman, K. Singha, D. deB. Richter (2015): Science 350 (6260): 534-538 Cross-CZO National
Climatic and landscape influences on soil moisture are primary determinants of soil carbon fluxes in seasonally snow-covered forest ecosystems. Stielstra C.M., Lohse K.A., Chorover J., McIntosh J.C., Barron-Gafford G.A., Perdrial J.N., Litvak M., Barnard H.R., Brooks P.D. (2015): Biogeochemistry 123(3): 447–465 Cross-CZO
Topographic Control of Aboveground Carbon Pools Across an Environmental Gradient, Eastern Slope of the Rocky Mountains, Colorado. Swetnam T., Brooks P., Gallo E., Barnard H., Harpold A. (2015): Abstract H21C-1382 presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec. Cross-CZO
Rare Earth Elements as Reactive Tracers of Biogeochemical Weathering in Forested Rhyolitic Terrain. Vázquez-Ortega A., Perdrial J., Harpold A., Zapata-Ríos X., Rasmussen C., McIntosh J., Schaap M., Pelletier J.D., Brooks P.D., Amistadi M.K., Chorover J. (2015): Chemical Geology 391: 19-32 Cross-CZO
Chapter 2 – The Role of Critical Zone Observatories in Critical Zone Science. White T., Brantley S., Banwart S., Chorover J., Dietrich W., Derry L., Lohse K., Anderson S., Aufdendkampe A., Bales R., Kumar P., Richter D., McDowell B. (2015): Developments in Earth Surface Processes 19: 15–78 Cross-CZO National
Exploring the landscape evolution of the subalpine meadow-forest system driven by the geomorphic work performed by the Northern Pocket Gopher. Winchell, E., Anderson, R. S., Lombardi., E., and Doak, D. (2015): EP41C-0936 Mechanistic Underpinnings of Damage, Disruption, and Downslope Transport of Rock and Regolith Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.
Early snowmelt decreases ablation period carbon uptake in a high elevation, subalpine forest, Niwot Ridge, Colorado, USA. Winchell, T., Molotch, N., and Barnard, D. (2015): H31H-1525 The Hydrology–Vegetation–Climate Nexus: Identifying Process Interactions and Environmental Shifts in Mountain Catchments I Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.
Meteoric 10Be, clay, and extractable iron depth profiles in the Colorado Front Range: Implications for understanding soil mixing and erosion. Wyshnytzky, C., Ouimet WB, McCarthy, J, Dethier, DP, Shroba, RR, Bierman, PR, and Rood, DH (2015): Catena 127: 32-45
Spatial and temporal variations in meteoric 10Be inventories and long-term deposition rates, Colorado Front Range. Wyshnytzky, C., Ouimet WB, McCarthy, J, Dethier, DP, Shroba, RR, Bierman, PR, and Rood, DH (2015): Quaternary Science Reviews
Putting weathering into a landscape context: Variations in exhumation rates across the Colorado Front Range. [Invited] Anderson, SP, Foster, MA, Anderson, SW, Dühnforth, M., and Anderson, RS (2015): Geophysical Research Abstracts 17, EGU2015-7992.