ARCHIVED CONTENT: In December 2020, the CZO program was succeeded by the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZ Net) ×

2020 Publications

under construction

Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.

6 Publications


Increasing plant water stress and decreasing summer streamflow in response to a warmer and wetter climate in seasonally snow‐covered forests. Christensen L., Adams HR, Tai X, Barnard HR, Brooks PD (2020): Ecohydrology e2256 (online) Cross-CZO


Atmospheric dust deposition varies by season and elevation in the Colorado Front Range, USA. Heindel, RC, Putman, AL, Murphy, SF, Repert, DA, and Hinckley, ES (2020): JGR-Earth Surface 125, e2019JF005436


Resolving Deep Critical Zone Architecture in Complex Volcanic Terrain. Moravec B.G., White A.M., Root R.A, Sanchez A., Olshansky Y., Paras B.K., Carr B., McIntosh J., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C., Holbrook W.S., Chorover J. (2020): Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 125(1): e2019JF005189 Cross-CZO


Chemistry of water, stream sediment, wildfire ash, soil, dust, and mine waste for Fourmile Creek Watershed, Colorado, 2010-2019. Murphy, S.F., McCleskey, R.B., D.A., Holloway, J.M., Writer, J.W., Martin, D.A., and Stricker, C.A. (2020): U.S. Geological Survey Data Releas


Wildfire-driven changes in hydrology mobilize arsenic and metals from legacy mine waste. Murphy, S.F., McCleskey, R.B., Martin, D.A., Holloway, J.M., and Writer, J.W., (2020): Science of the Total Environment v. 743, 140635


Orographic controls on sub-daily rainfall statistics and flood frequency in the Colorado Front Range, USA . Rossi, MW, Anderson, RS, Anderson, SP (2020): Geophysical Research Letters 47, e2019GL085086,