ARCHIVED CONTENT: In December 2020, the CZO program was succeeded by the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZ Net) ×

2015 Publications

under construction

Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.

50 Publications


Seeking GUTH, the Grand Unified Theory of Hillslopes: Linking weathering, erosion and landscapes. Anderson, SP, Dietrich, WE, Rempe, D, West, N, Brantley, SL, Bacon, AR, Buss, HL, Fisher, BA, Flinchum, B, Holbrook, S, Klos, PZ, Leopold, M, Moon, S, Nielson, T, Pelletier, J, and Terry, N. (2015): EP34A-01 Landscape Evolution from a Critical Zone Science Perspective III, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec. Cross-CZO


Aeolian transported and deposited microbial communities differ along an elevation gradient in the Southern Sierra CZO. Aronson, E., Riebe, C.S., Aciego, S., Blakowski, M., Hart, S.C., Carey, C. (2015): Ecology Society of America Annual Meeting. Baltimore, Maryland.


Aeolian and soil microbial communities differ at multiple elevations in the Southern Sierra CZO. Aronson, E.L., Carey, C., Riebe, C., Aciego, S., Blakowski, M., Hart, S.C. (2015): Soil Ecology Society Biennial Meeting. Colorado Springs, Colorado


Water and Sierra Nevada forests. Bales, R (2015): The State Bar of California Environmental Law Conference at Yosemite. Fish Camp, CA


Drought effects on evapotransiration and subsurface water storage in the southern Sierra Nevada. Bales, R., Goulden, M., Hunsaker, C., Conklin, M., Hartsough, P., O’Geen, A., Hopmans, J., Safeeq, M. (2015): H33M. The Hydrology-Vegetation-Climate Nexus: Identifying Process Interactions and Environmental Shifts in Mountain Catchments II, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.


Frontiers in International Critical Zone Science - Beijing, China Workshop Report. Banwart, S. and Zhu, C. (2015): Beijing Workshop Report, May 21-23, 2014 Cross-CZO National


Sensitivity of Hydrologic Partitioning to Snowpack Dynamics. Barnhart, T.B., Molotch, N.P., Harpold, A., Knowles, J., Livneh, B., and Schneider, D. (2015): University of Colorado Hydrologic Sciences Symposium: Water in Motion: The role of an irreplaceable resource, University of Colorado, Boulder, April 2-3. Cross-CZO


Sensitivity of hydrologic partitioning to snowpack dynamics. Barnhart, T.B., Molotch, N.P., Harpold, A., Livneh, B., Knowles, J., and Anderson, S. (2015): Water Sustainability and Climate Principal Investigator Meeting at the National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, February 9-11. Cross-CZO


Sensitivity of Hydrologic Partitioning to Snowpack Dynamics . Barnhart, T.B., Molotch, N.P., Livneh, B., Harpold, A.A., Knowles, J.F., Anderson, S.P., Bales, R.C., and Hunsaker, C.T. (2015): Poster, presented at the Western Snow Conference, Grass Valley, CA, April 20-23. Cross-CZO


Type Conversion, Fire and Ecosystem Services . Bart, R. (2015): Western Mountain Initiative Annual Meeting. Three Rivers, California.


An Integrated Model for Identifying Linkages Between the Management of Fuel Treatments, Fire and Ecosystem Services. Bart, R., Anderson, S., Moritz, M., Plantinga, A., Tague, C. (2015): GC33E. The Role of Fire in the Earth System: Understanding Drivers, Feedbacks, and Interactions with the Land, Atmosphere, and Society I Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.


Erosional distribution of metal oxides and its implication for soil carbon dynamics. Berhe, A., Newman, A., Hunsaker, C (2015): American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2015, abstract #B11G-0508


Erosional distribution of metal oxides and its implication for soil carbon dynamics. Berhe, A., Newman, A., Hunsaker, C. (2015): B11G. Organic Matter as an Integrated Signal of Climate and Land Use Change from Source to Sea I Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.


Ecosystem carbon balance in a drier future: land-atmosphere exchanges of CO2, water and energy across semiarid southwestern North America. Biederman, J., Scott, R., Goulden, M., Litvak, M., Kolb, T., Yépez, E., Oechel, W., Meyers, T., Papuga, S., Ponce-Campos,G., Krofcheck, D., Maurer, G., Dore, S., Garatuza, J., Bell, T., Krishnan, P. (2015): B13F. Terrestrial Biome Fluxes and Biogeochemical Impacts of Forest Disturbances: Measurements and Modeling from Minutes to Millennia III Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.


Resilience Through Disturbance: Effects of Wildfire on Vegetation and Water Balance in the Sierra Nevadas . Boisrame, G.F.S, Thompson, S.E., Stephens, S., Collins, B., Tague, N. (2015): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA


Hydrological partitioning in the critical zone: Recent advances and opportunities for developing transferable understanding of water cycle dynamics. Brooks P.D., Chorover J., Fan Y., Godsey S.E., Maxwell R.M., McNamara J.P., and Tague C. (2015): Water Resources Research 51 (9): 6973-6987 Cross-CZO


Quantifying the effects of vegetation structure on snow accumulation and ablation in mixed-conifer forests. Broxton P. D., Harpold A. A., Biederman J. A., Troch P. A., Molotch N. P., and Brooks P. D. (2015): Ecohydrology 8(6): 1073-1094 Cross-CZO


The role pf elevation and time in structuring soil microbial communities in the Sierra Nevada, California . Carey, C.J., Hart, S.C, Riebe, C.S., Aciego, S., Blakowski, M., Aronson, E. (2015): Ecology Society of America Annual Meeting. Baltimore, Maryland


Spatial Patterns between Regolith Thickness and Forest Productivity in the Southern Sierra CZO. Ferrell, R., Ferrell, P., Hartsough, P., O’Geen, A. (2015): EP31B Landscape Evolution from a Critical Zone Science Perspective I Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.


Can δ2H of Organic Matter in Soils be Used for Understanding Organic Matter Sources and Cycling?. Fogel, M., Berhe, A., Williams, E. (2015): B33D Soil Organic Matter: Mechanisms of Stabilization and Change II Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.


Tools and perspectives for a unified approach to understanding microbial ecology in the critical zone. Gallery R., Aronson E., Fairbanks D., Murphy M., Rich V., Hart S. (2015): Abstract EP31A-0985 presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec. Cross-CZO


Subsurface storage capacity influences climate–evapotranspiration interactions in three western United States catchments. Garcia, E.S., Tague, C.L. (2015): Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 19 (12).


Soil moisture response to snowmelt timing in mixed-conifer subalpine forests. Harpold A. A., Molotch N. P., Musselman K. N., Bales R. C., Kirchner P. B., Litvak M. and Brooks P. D. (2015): Hydrological Processes 29(12): 2782–2798 Cross-CZO


Laser vision: lidar as a transformative tool to advance critical zone science. Harpold, A. A., Marshall, J. A., Lyon, S. W., Barnhart, T. B., Fisher, B. A., Donovan, M., Brubaker, K. M., Crosby, C. J., Glenn, N. F., Glennie, C. L., Kirchner, P. B., Lam, N., Mankoff, K. D., McCreight, J. L., Molotch, N. P., Musselman, K. N., Pelletier, J., Russo, T., Sangireddy, H., Sjöberg, Y., Swetnam, T., and West, N. (2015): Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 2881-2897 Cross-CZO National


The Median Isn’t the Message: Elucidating Nutrient Hot spots and Hot Moments in a Sierra Nevada Forest Soil. Hart, S., *Barnes, M., Johnson, D., Meadows, M. (2015): B22D Microbial Controls of Biogeochemical Cycling II, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.


Generating Porosity in the Critical Zone: Does Volumetric Strain Dominate Chemical Mass Loss?. Hayes, J., Riebe, C., Holbrook, S., Hartsough, P. (2015): EP31B. Landscape Evolution from a Critical Zone Science Perspective I Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.


Estimation of high-resolution land surface net shortwave radiation from AVIRIS data: Algorithm development and preliminary results . He, T., Liang, S.I., Wang, D.D., Shi, Q.Q., Goulden, M.L. (2015):  Remote Sensing of Environment. 167


Common Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) Infrastructure and Measurements. J. Chorover, S. Anderson, A. K. Aufdenkampe, R. C. Bales, S. L. Brantley, W. Dietrich, P. Kumar, K. A. Lohse, W. McDowell, D. Richter, T. White (2015): A Guide Prepared By CZO PIs, May 05, 2015 Cross-CZO National


Hydrogeologic Influence on Changes in Snowmelt Runoff with Climate Warming: Numerical Experiments on a Mid-Elevation Catchment in the Sierra Nevada, USA. Jepsen, S., Harmon T., Meadows, M., Hunsaker, C. (2015): H52C Modeling the Critical Zone: Integrating Processes and Data across Disciplines and Scales I, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.


Montane meadow evapotranspiration: implications for restoration and impacts on downstream flow. Lucas, R., Conklin, M., Goulden, M. (2015): H11E Interacting Physical and Ecological Processes across Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems I Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.


Montane meadow evaportanspiration: implications for restoration and impacts on downstream flow. Lucas, R., Conklin, M., Goulden, M. (2015): . American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. 


If Rocks Could Talk: Origin Stories of Stream Sediment Told by Apatite Helium Ages and Cosmogenic Nuclides. Lukens, C., Riebe, C., Sklar, L., Shuster, D (2015): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA


If Rocks Could Talk: Origin Stories of Stream Sediment Told by Apatite Helium Ages and Cosmogenic Nuclides. Lukens, C., Riebe, C., Sklar, L., Shuster, D. (2015): EP41C. Mechanistic Underpinnings of Damage, Distruption, and Transport of Rock and Regolith Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.


Source Water Flow Pathways In Forested, Mountain, Headwater Streams: A Link Between Sediment Movement Patterns And Stream Water Chemistry . Martin, S., Conklin, M., Liu, F. (2015): H31D. Disturbance Hydrology: Assessing the Impacts of Abrupt Landscape Changes on Watershed Hydrology I Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.


Estimating CO2 Fluxes Pre and Post Drought Using Remote Sensing Data in the Sierra Nevada Range . Mazzi, J., Grigsby, S., Goulden, M., Ustin, S. (2015): B51H Scaling from Points to Pixels: Remote Sensing Estimates of Ecosystem Characteristics across Space and Time I Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.


Visions for the future of Soil Survey and soil information delivery. O'Geen, A. T (2015): Soil Science Society of America International Meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota


In-situ monitoring of California’s drought: Impacts on key hydrologic variables in the Southern Sierra Nevada. Oroza, C., Zheng, Z., Zhang, Z., Glaser, S., Bales, R., Conklin, M. (2015): EP53A Earth and Planetary Surface Processes: General Contribution Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.


Optimization methods for multi-scale sampling of soil moisture and snow in the Southern Sierra Nevada . Oroza, C., Zheng, Z., Zhang, Z., Glaser, S., Bales, R., Conklin, M. (2015): H42B Hot Spots and Hot Moments at System Interfaces: Novel Sensors and Modeling Approaches for Transforming Understanding of Catchment Heterogeneity I, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.


Climate and topography control the size and flux of sediment produced on steep mountain slopes. Riebe, C., Sklar, L., Lukens, C., and Shuster, D. (2015): Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Patterns of Hydrologic Sensitivity to Climate in the Western US: Implications for Future Predictions. Safeeq, M., Grant, G. (2015): H21D Ecological and Hydrological Resistance and Resilience: Emerging Understanding from Interactions at Multiple Scales I, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.


Characterizing Runoff and Water Yield from Headwater Catchments in the Southern Sierra Nevada. Safeeq, M., Hunsaker, C. (2015): American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting


Characterizing Runoff and Water Yield from Headwater Catchments in the Southern Sierra Nevada . Safeeq, M., Hunsaker, C. (2015): H51N Surface Hydrology Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.


Soil carbon and nitrogen erosion in forested catchments: implications for erosion-induced terrestrial carbon sequestration. Stacy, E., Hart, S.C., Hunsaker, C.T., Johnson, D.W., Berhe, A.A. (2015): Biogeosciences, 12, 4861-4874


Modeling the complex interactions among wildfire, fuel treatments and hydrology. Tague, C. (2015): EARSeL Forest Fire Special Interest Group Workshop. Limassol, Cyprus.


Using Three-Dimensional Passive Seismic Imaging to Capture Near-Surface Weathering and Its Influence on Overlying Vegetation. Taylor, N., Dueker, K., Riebe, C., Chen, P., Flinchum, B., Holbrook, S. (2015): EP53A-0962 Earth and Planetary Surface Processes: General Contribution Posters. presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.


Climactic Controls on Soil and Deep Regolith Development in Southern Sierra CZO. Tian, Z., O’Geen, A., Hartsough, P., Deng, J. (2015): EP31B Landscape Evolution from a Critical Zone Science Perspective I Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.


Variability of Residence Time tracer Concentrations at the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory during the California Drought. Visser, A., Thaw, M., Stacy, E., Hunsaker, C., Bibby, R., Deinhart, A.L., Schorzman, K., Egnatuk, C., Conklin, M., Esser, B. (2015): H21F Hydrochronology: Advances in Tracer Methods, Modeling Techniques, and Applications of Residence Times in Hydrology Research I Posters., presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.


Wetting and Drying Variability of the Shallow Subsurface Beneath a Snowpack in California’s Southern Sierra Nevada. Webb, R.W., Fassnacht, S.R., Gooseff, M.N. (2015): Vadose Zone Journal. 14 (8)


Chapter 2 – The Role of Critical Zone Observatories in Critical Zone Science. White T., Brantley S., Banwart S., Chorover J., Dietrich W., Derry L., Lohse K., Anderson S., Aufdendkampe A., Bales R., Kumar P., Richter D., McDowell B. (2015): Developments in Earth Surface Processes 19: 15–78 Cross-CZO National