Geophysics is one of more than 16 discipline tags that we use to categorize and aggregate our interdisciplinary information within and across CZOs. Much of our information has been tagged with 2-3 disciplines.
6 People
Betasso - Geophysics - Shallow Seismic Refraction, Electrical Resistivity (2009-2012)
1 components •
Betasso •
Geophysics •
Kevin Befus; Matthais Leopold
Boulder Creek catchment and vicinity - Geology, Geomorphology (2006)
1 components •
Boulder Creek Watershed •
Geomorphology, Geochemistry / Mineralogy, Geology / Chronology, Geophysics •
David P. Dethier; Eli D. Lazarus
Gordon Gulch - Geophysics - Shallow Seismic Refraction, Electrical Resistivity (2009-2012)
1 components •
Gordon Gulch •
Geophysics •
Kevin Befus; Matthais Leopold
Green Lakes Valley - Geophysics - Shallow Seismic Refraction, Electrical Resistivity (2009)
1 components •
Green Lakes Valley •
Geophysics •
Kevin Befus; Matthais Leopold
Resolving Deep Critical Zone Architecture in Complex Volcanic Terrain. Moravec B.G., White A.M., Root R.A, Sanchez A., Olshansky Y., Paras B.K., Carr B., McIntosh J., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C., Holbrook W.S., Chorover J. (2020): Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 125(1): e2019JF005189 Cross-CZO
Developing and exploring a theory for the lateral erosion of bedrock channels for use in landscape evolution models. Langston, AL and Tucker, GE (2018): Earth Surface Dynamics 6: 1-27
Block-controlled hillslope form and persistence of topography in rocky landscapes. Glade, R. C., Anderson, R. S., and Tucker, G. E. (2017): Geology, First published on 2017-01-23 12:45:18, doi:10.1130/G38665.1
A model of three-dimensional topographic stresses with implications for bedrock fractures, surface processes, and landscape evolution. Moon, S., J.T. Perron, S.J. Martel, W.S. Holbrook, and J. St. Clair (2017): Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 122 (4): 823-846 Cross-CZO
Aspect Controls on Bedrock Fracturing and Seismic Velocity within the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory . Bandler, A., Magill, C., Hendricks, S., and Singha, K. (2015): H51R-06 Hydrogeophysical Characterization of the Critical Zone I, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.
Aspect Controls on Bedrock Fracturing and Seismic Velocity within the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory. Bandler, A., Magill, R.C., Hendricks, S., Singha, K. (2015): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. 18 December 2015. Oral Presentation.
Assessing Aspect Control on Adjacent Weathering Hillslopes Using Seismic Anisotropy Velocity Models within the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Colorado. Hendricks, S., Singha, K., Bandler, A (2015): The Geological Society of America 2015 Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD. 4 November 2015. Poster
Saprolite formation rates using U-series isotopes in a granodiorite weathering profile from Boulder Creek CZO (Colorado, USA) . Pelt, E, Chabaux, F, Mills, TJ, Anderson, SP, and Foster, MA (2015): Geophysical Research Abstracts 17, EGU2015-11724.
Geophysical imaging reveals topographic stress control of bedrock weathering. St. Clair, J., S. Moon, W. S. Holbrook, J. T. Perron, C. S. Riebe, S. J. Martel, B. Carr, C. Harman, K. Singha, D. deB. Richter (2015): Science 350 (6260): 534-538 Cross-CZO National
Spatial and temporal variations in meteoric 10Be inventories and long-term deposition rates, Colorado Front Range. Wyshnytzky, C., Ouimet WB, McCarthy, J, Dethier, DP, Shroba, RR, Bierman, PR, and Rood, DH (2015): Quaternary Science Reviews
Putting weathering into a landscape context: Variations in exhumation rates across the Colorado Front Range. [Invited] Anderson, SP, Foster, MA, Anderson, SW, Dühnforth, M., and Anderson, RS (2015): Geophysical Research Abstracts 17, EGU2015-7992.
Rock damage and regolith transport by frost: an example of climate modulation of the geomorphology of the critical zone. Anderson, R.S., Anderson, S.P., and Tucker, G.E. (2013): EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS Earth Surf. Process. Landforms
Critical zone evolution: Climate and exhumation in the Colorado Front Range. Anderson, S.P., Anderson, R.S., Tucker, G.E., and Dethier, D.P. (2013): In Abbot, L.D. and Hancock, G.S., eds., Classic Concepts and New Directions: Exploring 125 Years of GSA Discoveries in the Rocky Mountain Region: Geological Society of America, Field Guide 33, p. 1-18
Cross-CZO Contrasts: Aspect Controls and Critical Zone Architecture. Clarke, B.A., Kirby, E., Burbank, D.W., West, N. (2013): Abstract H43L-07presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec. Cross-CZO
Changing mountain permafrost from the 1970s to today - comparing two examples from Niwot Ridge, Colorado Front Range, USA. Leopold, M., Volkel, J., Dethier, D. P., and Williams, M.W. (2013): Zeitschrift for Geomorphologie, Supplementary Issue
Seismic constraints on critical zone architecture, Boulder Creek Watershed, Colorado. Befus, K.M., Sheehan, A.F., Leopold, M., Anderson, S.P., and Anderson, R.S (2011): Vadose Zone Journal 10: 915-927
Internal Structure of the Green Lake 5 Rock Glacier, Colorado Front Range, USA: . Leopold, M, Williams, M., Caine, N., Voelkel, J., and Dethier D. (2011): Permafrost and Periglac. Process. 22/2:107-119
Applied geophysical characterization of the shallow subsurface: Towards quantifying recent landscape evolution and current processes in the Boulder Creek watershed, CO. Befus, Kevin (2010): Thesis, University of Colorado, Master of Science, Department of Geological Sciences
Twentieth-century changes in the thickness and extent of Arapahoe Glacier, Front Range, Colorado. Haugen, B.D., Scambos, T.A., Pfeffer, W.T., and Anderson, R.S. (2010): Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 42 (2): 198-209.
Mountain Permafrost - a valid archive to study climate change? Examples from the Rocky Mountains Front Range of Colorado, USA. Leopold, M., Voelkel, J., Dethier, D., Williams, M., and Caine, N. (2010): Nova acta Leopoldina, v. 112: 281-289.k
Combining sediment analysis and seismic refraction to describe the structure, thickness and distribution of periglacial slope deposits at Niwot Ridge, Rocky Mountains Front Range, Colorado, USA. Leopold, M., Dethier, D., Voelkel, J and Raab, T. (2008): Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie 52: 77-94.
Using geophysical methods to study the shallow subsurface of a sensitive alpine environment, Niwot Ridge, Colorado Front Range, USA:. Leopold, M., Dethier, D., Voelkel, J., Raab, T., Corson-Rickert, T., and Caine, N. (2008): Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 40(3): 519-530.
30 Oct 2015 - St. Clair et al. suggest tectonic stresses interact with topography to influence bedrock weathering.
03 Oct 2013 - Heavy Rainfall and the Geomorphic Response During the week of September 9th, 2013, several days of continuous rainfall caused widespread...
16 May 2013 - Job Title: Section Head, Surface Earth Processes Section Agency: National Science Foundation Job Announcement Number: ...
17 Apr 2013 - Distinguished Sabbatical Visitor Fellowship The Wyoming Center for Environmental Hydrology and Geophysics (WyCEHG) invites applications for the...