Fellow of CIRES; University of Colorado at Boulder
CIRES - Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
Tucker's CIRES page
Associate Professor of Geological Sciences; University of Colorado at Boulder
CU-Boulder - University of Colorado at Boulder
Tucker's CU-Boulder page
CSDMS Terrestrial Working Group Chair
CSDMS - Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System
Tucker's CSDMS page
Ph.D., Geosciences, Penn State, 1996
Landscape evolution, tectonic geomorphology, impacts of climate change on hillslope and fluvial systems, numerical simulation of landform development.
Developing and exploring a theory for the lateral erosion of bedrock channels for use in landscape evolution models. Langston, AL and Tucker, GE (2018): Earth Surface Dynamics 6: 1-27
Which way do you lean? Using slope aspect variations to understand Critical Zone processes and feedbacks. Pelletier J. D., Barron‐Gafford G. A., Gutiérrez‐Jurado H., Hinckley E.‐L. S., Istanbulluoglu E., McGuire L. A., Niu G.‐Y., Poulos M. J., Rasmussen C., Richardson P., Swetnam T. L., and Tucker G. E. (2018): Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 43(5): 1133–1154 Cross-CZO
Block-controlled hillslope form and persistence of topography in rocky landscapes. Glade, R. C., Anderson, R. S., and Tucker, G. E. (2017): Geology, First published on 2017-01-23 12:45:18, doi:10.1130/G38665.1
Block-controlled hillslope form and persistence of topography in rocky landscape. Glade, RC, Anderson, RS, and Tucker, GE (2017): Geology (2017) 45 (4): 311-314. Cross-CZO
Hillslope-derived blocks retard river incision. Shobe, C., G.E Tucker, and R.S. Anderson (2016): Geophysical Research Letters 43
Aspect-dependent soil saturation and insight into debris-flow initiation during extreme rainfall in the Colorado Front Range. Ebel, B.A., Rengers, F. K., and Tucker, G.E. (2015): Geology 43 (8): 659-662
Evidence for climatic and hillslope-aspect controls on vadose zone moisture and saprolite weathering. Langston, A. L., Tucker,G. E., Anderson, R. S. and Anderson, S. P. (2015): ESPL, 40 1254-1269
Interpreting climate-modulated processes of terrace development along Colorado Front Range using a landscape evolution model. Langston, A.L., G.E. Tucker, R.S. Anderson (2015): JGR-Earth Surface 120: 2121-2138
Analysis and modeling of gully headcut dynamics, North American high plains. Rengers, F. K., & Tucker, G. E. (2014): Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 119(5), 983-1003.
Rock damage and regolith transport by frost: an example of climate modulation of the geomorphology of the critical zone. Anderson, R.S., Anderson, S.P., and Tucker, G.E. (2013): EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS Earth Surf. Process. Landforms
Critical zone evolution: Climate and exhumation in the Colorado Front Range. Anderson, S.P., Anderson, R.S., Tucker, G.E., and Dethier, D.P. (2013): In Abbot, L.D. and Hancock, G.S., eds., Classic Concepts and New Directions: Exploring 125 Years of GSA Discoveries in the Rocky Mountain Region: Geological Society of America, Field Guide 33, p. 1-18
A model for post-orogenic development of a mountain range and its foreland. Tucker, G. E., & van der Beek, P. (2013): Basin Research, 25(3), 241-259
Landscape scale linkages in critical zone evolution. Anderson, S.P., Anderson, R.S., and Tucker, G.E. (2012): Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 344: 586-596
Exploring Links between Vadose Zone Hydrology and Chemical Weathering in the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory. Langston, A.L., Tucker, G.E., Anderson, R.S., and Anderson, S.P. (2011): Applied Geochemistry 26(S1): S70-S71.
Does climate change create distinctive patterns of landscape incision?. Wobus, C.W., Tucker, G.E., and Anderson, R.S. (2010): JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 115, F04008. 2010
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory Annual report 2019 . Anderson, S.P., Anderson, R.S., Molotch, N.P., Rajaram, H., Tucker, G.E. (2019): NSF Award #1331828
Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory Annual report 2018. Anderson, S.P., Anderson, R.S., Molotch, N.P., Rajaram, H., Tucker, G.E. (2018): Boulder Creek CZO, University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory Annual report 2017. Anderson, S. (2017): Boulder Creek CZO, University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory (BcCZO-II) Annual report 2016. Anderson, S. (2016): Boulder Creek CZO, University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory (BcCZO-II) Annual report 2015. Anderson, S. (2015): Boulder Creek CZO, University of Colorado Boulder
Big Blocks and River Incision: A Numerical Modeling Perspective. Shrobe, C., Tucker, G.E., and Anderson, R.S. (2015): EB53B-1022 Erosion and Sediment Transport in Steep Landscapes III Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.
Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory (BcCZO-II) Annual report 2014. Anderson, S. (2014): Boulder Creek CZO, University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder Creek CZO II: Evolution, Form, Function, and Future of the Critical Zone. Anderson, R., Anderson, S., Molotch, N., Rajaram, H., Tucker, G. (2013): Submitted to NSF Solicitation NSF 12-575
Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory Annual report 2012. Anderson, S. (2012): Boulder Creek CZO, University of Colorado Boulder
NSF Proposal: EarthCube Domain End-User Workshop: Engaging the Critical Zone community to bridge “long tail” science with big data. Aufdenkampe, A.K.; Duffy, C.J.; Tucker, G.E. (2012): NSF Award #1252238 Cross-CZO National
Common Critical Zone Observatory Infrastructure and Measurements. J. Chorover, F.N. Scatena, T. White, S. Anderson, A.K. Aufdenkampe, R.C. Bales, S.L. Brantley, G. Tucker. (2012): A Guide Prepared By CZO PIs, September 27, 2012 Cross-CZO National
Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory Annual Report 2011 . Anderson, S. (2011): Boulder Creek CZO, University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory Annual Report 2010 . Anderson, S. (2010): Boulder Creek CZO, University of Colorado Boulder Cross-CZO
Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory Annual Report 2009. Anderson, S. (2009): Boulder Creek CZO, University of Colorado Boulder, NSF Award #724960
Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory Annual Report 2008. Anderson, S. (2008): Boulder Creek CZO, University of Colorado Boulder
Hillslopes between rapidly downcutting streams steepen in the wake of propagating knickpoints
Hillslopes between rapidly downcutting streams steepen in the wake of propagating knickpoints.
The geomorphic systems of the Front Range and the High Plains
The geomorphic systems of the Front Range and the High Plains are linked.
Landlab: A Python-language library for 2D numerical modeling
Landlab enables researchers to efficiently create and/or combine 2D numerical models.
1D model of gully longitudinal profile evolution
Calculates the long-profile evolution of a gully channel containing an abrupt step (headcut).
Using VS2Di to study aspect-related controls on vadose-zone moisture
2D model of subsurface moisture dynamics in the vadose zone. Model written by R. Healy, USGS.
Range and Basin: A Simple Model of Mountain Range and Basin Evolution on a Flexing Lithosphere
Computes the time evolution of mean elevation and “extra” crustal thickness for a hypothetical mountain range and adjacent forel
Numerical hillslope model and its thermal state
Computes evolution of topography, soil thickness, and damage in the underlying rock driven by spatial variations in the surface
Channel-Hillslope Integrated Landscape Development (CHILD) model
Computes time evolution of a topographic surface z(x,y,t) by erosion (fluvial, hillslope) and sediment transport
07 Sep 2015 - Professor, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) & Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder
30 Jul 2015 - Research Experience for Community College Students in Critical Zone Science interns gave talks and posters on their work on July 29 and 30,...
01 May 2015 - This animated fly-through was generated from ground-based laser scanning data (a.k.a. LiDAR: LIght Detection And Ranging). The data were collected...
01 Dec 2013 - Join the BcCZO and more than 22,000 Earth and space scientists, educators, students, and other leaders in San Francisco, California, 9-13 December,...
13 Sep 2013 - Investigators and staff rush into action to collect samples and observe impacts
24 Apr 2012 - The 2012 Ralph Alger Bagnold Medal is awarded to Gregory E. Tucker for his innovative modeling and field studies.
EarthCube Domain Workshop: Engaging the Critical Zone community to bridge long tail science with big data
University of Delaware, Newark, DE.