Geomorphology is one of more than 16 discipline tags that we use to categorize and aggregate our interdisciplinary information within and across CZOs. Much of our information has been tagged with 2-3 disciplines.
6 People
Mameyes and Bisley - Sediment Transport - Grain size and shape analysis (2013)
1 components •
Rio Mameyes, Bisley •
Geomorphology •
Litwin Miller, Kimberly; Szabo, Timea; Jerolmack, Douglas; Domokos, Gabor
Mameyes Watershed - Sediment Transport (2010-2012)
1 components •
Rio Mameyes •
Geomorphology •
Phillips, C.B.
National - LiDAR, Land Cover, GIS/Map Data - OpenTopography (2010-2017)
18 components •
Boulder Creek Watershed, Eel River Watershed, Jemez River Basin, Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, Northeastern Puerto Rico and the Luquillo Mountains, Sangamon River Basin, Clear Creek Watershed, Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory, Providence Creek Headwater Catchments (1660 - 2115 m elevation) •
Geomorphology, GIS / Remote Sensing, Hydrology, Biology / Ecology •
National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping; Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory; Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory; University of Arizona; University of California Merced; Valles Caldera National Preserve; Bandelier National Monument; National Park Service; Jemez River Basin and Santa Catalina Mountains Critical Zone Observatory; Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory; Reynolds Creek CZO; Eel River CZO; Shale Hills CZO
Puerto Rico - Geomorphology - Stream channel geomorphology (2009-2012)
1 components •
Northeastern Puerto Rico and the Luquillo Mountains •
Geomorphology •
Phillips, C.B.
Forest Structure Effects on Topography
Rio Icacos /Rio Blanco Forest structure effects on topography
River incisition, sediment and solute transport
Linking Climate and fluxes at the landscape, channel and reach scales
Hydrologic Control of Catchment-Scale Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Dynamics. Hang Wen*, Li Li, Julia N Perdrial, Benjamin Abbott, Thomas Adler, Susana Bernal, Remi Dupas, Sarah Godsey, Rebecca L Hale, Adrian Harpold, Donna M Rizzo, Gary Sterle, Kristen Underwood (2018): Abstract H13J-1880 presented at 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., 10-14 Dec Cross-CZO
Reviews and syntheses: on the roles trees play in building and plumbing the critical zone. Brantley, Susan L., David M. Eissenstat, Jill A. Marshall, Sarah E. Godsey, Zsuzsanna Balogh-Brunstad, Diana L. Karwan, Shirley A. Papuga, Joshua Roering, Todd E. Dawson, Jaivime Evaristo, Oliver Chadwick, Jeffrey J. McDonnell, Kathleen C. Weathers (2017): Biogeosciences, 14, 5115-5142 Cross-CZO National
Concentration-Discharge Relations in the Critical Zone: Implications for Resolving Critical Zone Structure, Function and Evolution. Chorover, J., Derry, L. A., McDowell, W. H. (2017): Water Resources Research 53(11): 8654–8659 Cross-CZO National
Influence of Linked Hydrologic and Geomorphic Processes on the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle. Dialynas, Ioannis Minas (Yannis) (2017): Doctoral dissertation, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology Cross-CZO
Block-controlled hillslope form and persistence of topography in rocky landscape. Glade, RC, Anderson, RS, and Tucker, GE (2017): Geology (2017) 45 (4): 311-314. Cross-CZO
Weathering and erosion of fractured bedrock systems. Lebedeva M.I., Brantley S.L. (2017): Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Controls on deep critical zone architecture: a historical review and four testable hypotheses. Riebe, C. S., Hahm, W. J., Brantley, S. L. (2017): Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42 (1): 128–156 Cross-CZO National
Accounting for Soils Parameter Uncertainty in a Physically-Based and Distributed Approach for Rainfall-Triggered Landslides. Arnone, E., Y. G. Dialynas, L. V. Noto, and R. L. Bras (2016): Hydrological Processes 30(6): 927-944
Impact of hydrologically driven hillslope erosion and landslide occurrence on soil organic carbon dynamics in tropical watersheds. Dialynas,Y.G., Bastola, S., Bras, R.L., Marin-Spiotta, E., Silver, W.L., Arnone, E., and Noto, L.V. (2016): Water Resources Research 52(11): 8895-8919 Cross-CZO
Self-organization of river channels as a critical filter on climate signals. Phillips, C.B., Jerolmack, D.J. (2016): Science
The null hypothesis: steady rates of erosion, weathering and sediment accumulation during Late Cenozoic mountain uplift and glaciation . Willenbring, J.K. Jerolmack, D.J. (2016): Terra Nova
Abrupt change in forest height along a tropical elevation gradient detected using airborne LiDAR. Wolf, J., Brocard, G.Y., Willenbring, J.K., Porder, S., Uriarte, M. (2016): Journal of Geophysical Research- Earth Surface
Interplay of forest and topography during the growth of the Luquillo Mountains. Brocard G. (2015): Luquillo CZO Cyber Seminar
Effects of a tectonically-triggered wave of incision on riverine exports and soil mineralogy in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico. Brocard G., Willenbring J.K., Scatena F.N., Johnson A.H. (2015): Applied Geochemistry
Effect of rainforest development on the pace of knickpoint retreat during the growth of a tropical mountain Insights from the Luquillo CZO, Puerto Rico. Brocard, G.Y., Willenbring, J.K., and Miller T. (2015): GSA 2015
Hot spots of sediment sources and links to Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics. Dialynas, Y., Bastola, S. (2015): Luquillo CZO Cyber Seminar 2-20-2015
Do wormholes prevent landslides? The link between biological restructuring of soil and hillslope processes. Harrison, E. J., Willenbring, J. K., and Kovalovich, A. (2015): GSA 2015
Linking geomorphology, weathering and cation availability in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico. Porder S., Johnson A.H., Xing H.X., Brocard G., Goldsmith S. PettRidge J. ( (2015): 10.1016/j.geoderma.2015.03.002
Reconstructing the transport history of pebbles on Mars. Szabó T., Domokos, G., Grotzinger, J.P., Jerolmack, D.J. (2015): Nature Communications
Age and weathering rate of sediments in small catchments: the role of hillslope erosion. Anthony Dosseto, Heather Buss, François Chabaux (2014): AGU Fall Meeting. San Fransisco, CA
Parameter Uncertainty in Shallow Rainfall-Triggered Landslide Modeling at Basin Scale: a Probabilistic Approach. Arnone, E., Y. G. Dialynas, L. V. Noto, and R. L. Bras (2014): Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 9: 101-111
Migration of a slow wave of erosion and its effect on nutrient availability in a tropical rainforest: detrital 10Be signature and soil mineralogy, Luquillo CZO, Puerto Rico . Brocard G., Willenbring J., Johnson A., and Scatena F.N. (2014): EGU General Assembly 2014
The Threshold of Motion Filters Extreme Climatic Fluctuations in Gravel Bedded Alluvial and Bedrock Rivers Resulting in Near-Threshold and Transported-Limited Systems. Colin Phillips, Douglas Jerolmack, Jane Willenbring (2014): AGU Fall Meeting. San Fransisco, CA
Connecting grain motion to large-scale fluctuations in bed load transport: The role of collective dynamics. Dylan Lee, Douglas Jerolmack (2014): AGU Fall Meeting. San Fransisco, CA
Watershed Hydrologic modeling. Elisa Arnone (2014): All-hands Meeting of the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory, Luquillo, PR.
Landscape Disturbance History and Belowground Carbon Dynamics. Erika Marin-Spiotta, A. Peyton Smith, Emily Atkinson, Nina Chaopricha (2014): AGU Fall Meeting. San Fransisco, CA
Form follows function: can tropical mountain forest competition drive the growth of topography?. Gilles Brocard, Jane Willenbring, Frederick Scatena (2014): AGU Fall Meeting. San Fransisco, CA
The Tool-size Effect: old weathered soils limit the erosive power of bedrock streams. Jane Willenbring, Gilles Brocard (2014): AGU Fall Meeting. San Fransisco, CA
Molybdenum isotope fractionation in the critical zone. Julie Pett-Ridge, Christopher Siebert, Sophie Opfergelt, Kevin Burton, and Alexander Halliday (2014): AGU Fall Meeting. San Fransisco, CA
Bringing a Smart Rock to Luquillo- A Tool to Constrain the Onset of Motion and Gravel Bed Impact Energies. Lee D., Jerolmack, D. (2014): Luquillo CZO Cyber Seminar
Generalized sorting profile for alluvial fans. Litwin Miller K., Reitz M.D., and Jerolmack D.J. (2014): Geophysical Research Letters
The Causes and Consequences of Particle Size Change in Fluvial Systems. Litwin Miller, Kimberly; Jerolmack, Douglas (2014): University of Pennsylvania
Quantifying the significance of abrasion and selective transport for downstream fluvial grain size evolution. Miller, Szabo, Jerolmack and Domokos (2014): Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface
Analytical model for flow duration curves in seasonally dry climates. Müller, M.F., Dralle, D.N., and Thompson, S.E. (2014): Water Resources Research 50(7): 5510-5531. Cross-CZO
Dynamics and Mechanics of bed load tracer particles. Phillips, C. B. and Jerolmack, D. J. (2014): Earth Surface Dynamics Discussion
The Control of Grain-Scale Mechanincs on Channel Form Landscape Dynamics, and Climatic Perturbations in Gravel-Bedded Rivers. Phillips, C.B., Jerolmack, D.J. (2014): Earth and Environmental Science, University of Pennsylvania
The Contribution of Abrasion and Size-Selective Sorting to Downstream Fining in a Tropical Montane Stream. Timea Szabo, Kimberly Miller, Douglas Jerolmack, Gabor Domokos (2014): AGU Fall Meeting. San Fransisco, CA
Effect of DEM resolution on rainfall-triggered landslide modeling within a triangulated network-based model A case study in the Luquillo Forest, Puerto Rico. Arnone, E., Dialynas, Y. G., Noto, L. V., Bras, R. L. (2013): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Abstract NH23A-1522
Relating Grain-Scale Weathering Observations to Catchment-Scale Critical Zone Morphology. Buss, H.L., Moore, O.W., Chapela Lara M., Schulz, M., White, A.F (2013): Goldschmidt2013 Conference Abstracts. Florence Italy.
Physically based modeling of rainfall-triggered landslides: a case study in the Luquillo forest, Puerto Rico. C. Lepore, E. Arnone, L. V. Noto, G. Sivandran, R.L. Bras (2013): Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci.
Mg isotopes: insights into weathering in tropical volcanoclastic regolith. Chapela Lara, M., Buss, H.L., Pogge Von Strandman, P.A.E., Dessert, C. Gaillardet, J. (2013): Goldschmidt2013 Conference Abstracts. Florence Italy.
A probabilistic approach for shallow rainfall-triggered landslide modeling at basin scale A case study in the Luquillo Forest, Puerto Rico. Dialynas, Y. G., Arnone, E., Noto, L. V., Bras, R. L. (2013): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting; Abstract NH32A-06
Parent material and topography determine soil phosphorus status in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico. Mage S.M., Porder S. (2013): Ecosystems
Impulse framework for unsteady flows reveals super-diffusive bed load transport. Phillips, C. B., Martin, R. L., and Jerolmack D. J. (2013): Geophysical Research Letters
Linking geomorphology, weathering and soil cations in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico. Porder, S. Johnson, A.H., Xing H., Brocard G.Y., Goldsmith S.T. (2013): 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif
2013 (In Press)
Disequilibrium Erosion in Eastern Puerto Rico – Is this How Many Clastic Sediment deposits are made? . Stallard, R.F. (2013): GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO , 27-30 October, 2013.
Long-term climatic and topographic controls on sedminent export in the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory. Willenbring, J.K., Brocard, G.Y., Scatena, F.N. (2013): GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO , 27-30 October, 2013
Factors influencing storm-generated suspended-sediment concentrations and loads in four basins of contrasting land use, humid-tropical Puerto Rico. Gellis, A.C. (2012): Catena
Long-term dynamics of organic matter and elements exported as coarse particulates from two Caribbean montane watersheds. Heartsill Scalley, T., Scatena, F.N., Moya S., Lugo A.E. (2012): Journal of Tropical Ecology
Reduced channel morphological response to urbanization in a flood-dominated humid tropical environment. Phillips C.B. and Scatena F.N. (2012): Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Stream Channel Response to Urbanization in the Humid Tropical Region of Northeast Puerto Rico. Phillips, C. B. (2012): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 44, No. 7, p.105
Recognizing the importance of tropical forests in limiting rainfall-induced debris flows. De Graff, J.V., Sidle, R.C., Ahmad, R. Scatena, F.N. (2011): Environmental Earth Science
Atypical soil carbon distribution across a tropical steepland forest catena. Johnson K.D., Scatena F.N., Silver W.L. (2011): Catena, Volume 87, Issue 3, December 2011, Pages 391–397
Rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility zonation of Puerto Rico. Lepore C., Kamal S.A., Shanahan P., Bras R.L. (2011): Environmental Earth Sciences, 1-15
Streams of the Montane Humid Tropics. Scatena, F.N., Gupta A. (2011): Treatise on Geomorphology. Editors E. Wohl. Academic Press, San Diego Ca. Vol 9.
Long-term patterns and short-term dynamics of stream solutes and suspended sediment in a rapidly weathering tropical watershed. Shanley, J.B., McDowell, W.H., Stallard, R.F. (2011): Water Resource Research, 47 W07515
Mineral-specific chemical weathering rates over millennial timescales: Measurements at Rio Icacos, Puerto Rico. Ferrier, K. L., Kirchner, J. W., Riebe, C. S. & Finkel, R. C. (2010): Chemical Geology 277:101-114 Cross-CZO
Reduction of Bedrock blocks as corestones in the weathering Profile: Observations and Model . Fletcher R. C., Brantley S.L. (2010): American Journal of Science, Col. 310, March 2010, 131-164
Lithological and fluvial controls on the geomorphology of tropical montane stream channels in Puerto Rico. Pike, A.S., Scatena, F.N., Wohl, E.E., (2010): Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Geomorphology, disturbance, and the soil and vegetation of two subtropical wet steepland watersheds of Puerto Rico. Scatena, F.N., Lugo, A.E. (1995): Geomorphology
04 Apr 2018 - The milky, smooth texture of beach glass evokes a history of turbulent transport, rough edges abraded away to produce curves. The same smooth...
13 Jul 2017 - Researchers at NSF Critical Zone Observatory and Long-Term Ecological Research sites are finding out.
15 Nov 2015 - Assistant Professor of Earth and Environmental Science, University of Pennsylvania
10 Nov 2015 - Scientific investigations sometimes take unexpected twists and turns. When Emma Harrison, a graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania,...
14 Oct 2015 - Reconstructing the transport history of pebbles on Mars.
28 Oct 2014 - Two speakers this year are presenting about the Critical Zone so you may find this Gilbert Club meeting of interest - read on.
18 Jun 2013 - Combining old-fashioned field work and the latest LiDAR images provides new insight into the evolution of the Luquillo Critical Zone. Our...
24 May 2013 - {embed1} The slow erosion of mountains is driven by the cumulative effects of innumerable storms. There are few places more stormy than the Luquillo...
16 May 2013 - Job Title: Section Head, Surface Earth Processes Section Agency: National Science Foundation Job Announcement Number: ...
17 Jan 2013 - A new data set on stream channel response to urbanization in the humid tropical region of NE Puerto Rico has been published on the LCZO data...
19 Oct 2012 - El Yunque rock is a majestic, anvil shaped promontory that has been an icon of the island of Puerto Rico since pre-Columbian times. The barren...
10 Oct 2012 - F.N. Scatena recently gave a presentation about the LCZO for the CUAHSI Cyber seminar series. Click here to view this and other presntations! ...
01 Oct 2011 - We will be giving presentations at the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco, Dec 5-9
01 Jan 2010 - Web page at Colorado State University is a good source for information regarding the interaction of River and Road networks. ...
Abstract Deadline: EGU 2016- Form and Function – Life’s Impact on Landscape
Vienna, Austria.
Age and weathering rate of sediments in small catchments: the role of hillslope erosion
Moscone West 2007.
The Tool-size Effect: old weathered soils limit the erosive power of bedrock streams
Moscone West 2005.
Granular controls on the dispersion of bed load tracers
Moscone West 2005.
Migration of a slow wave of erosion and its effect on nutrient availability in a tropical rainforest: detrital 10Be signature and soil mineralogy, Luquillo CZO, Puerto Rico
EGU General Assembly 2014 Vienna Austria.
Long-term increase in local relief enhanced by forest competition: detrital 10Be and LiDAR topographic evidence in the tropical rainforest of Puerto Rico, Luquillo CZO
Vienna Austria, European Geosciences Union General Assembly .
Disequilibrium Erosion in Eastern Puerto Rico – Is this How Many Clastic Sediment deposits are made?
GSA Session No. 81 Colorado Convention Center: Room 504.
2013 Amtrak Club meeting, 2nd annual symposium on "Soil to Sea Geomorphology"
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland.
University of Pennsylvania - Hayden Hall Rm 252.