U.S. Geological Survey
University of Virginia; M.S. Environmental Sciences (Hydrology); 1989
University of Minnesota; Duluth; B.S. Geology; 1985, University of Virginia, University of Minnesota
A method for quantifying cloud immersion in a tropical mountain forest using time-lapse photography. Bassiouni, M., Scholl, M.A., Torres-Sanchez, A.J., Murphy, S.F., (2017): Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Tropical river suspended sediment and solute dynamics in storms during an extreme drought. Clark, K.E., Shanley, J.B., Scholl, M.A., Perdrial, N., Perdrial, J.N., Plante, A.F., McDowell W.H. (2017): Water Resources Research
2017 (In Review)
Extreme storms drive riverine particulate organic matter export from tropical mountians of estern Puerto Rico. Kathryn E. Clark, Robert F. Stallard, Martha A. Scholl, Alain F. Plante, Sheila F. Murphy, Grizelle Gonzalez, and William H. McDowell (2017): ...
Reassessing rainfall in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico: Local and global ecohydrological implications. Murphy SF, Stallard RF, Scholl MA, González G, Torres-Sánchez AJ (2017): PLOS ONE
Analyzing cloud base at local and regional scales to understand tropical montane cloud forest vulnerability to climate change . Ashley E. Van Beusekom, Grizelle González, and Martha A. Scholl (2016): Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Insights into plant water uptake from xylem-water isotope measurements in two tropical catchments with contrasting moisture conditions. Evaristo, J., McDonnell, J.J., Scholl,M.A., Bruijnzeel, L.A., and Chun, K.P. (2016): Hydrological Processes
High mercury wet deposition at a “clean air” site in Puerto Rico. J.B. Shanley, M. Engle, M.A. Scholl, D. Krabbenhoft, R. Brunette, M.E. Conroy (2015): Environmental Science and Technology
Stable-isotope and solute-chemistry approaches to flow characterization in a forested tropical watershed, Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico. Scholl, M.A., Shanley, J.B., Murphy, S.F., Willenbring, J.K., Occhi, M., and González, G. (2015): Appl. Geochem.
Precipitation isotopes link regional climate patterns to water supply in a tropical mountain forest, eastern Puerto Rico. Scholl M.A., Murphy S.F. (2014): Water Resources Research
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
Isotope hydrology research in the Luquillo CZO - overview and data resources . Scholl M. (2014): Luquillo CZO Cyber Seminar
30 Oct 2017 - Water Resources Research published a new special collection in September 2017 featuring concentration-discharge research from multiple CZOs.
20 Oct 2014 - We had an LCZO All-Scientist webinar meeting on Friday October 3rd at 12 PM Eastern / Atlantic, 9 AM Pacific, 5 PM BST. Youtube videos are now...
LCZO is sponsoring a Theme Session at the Southeastern regional GSA conference
San Juan, Puerto Rico.