ARCHIVED CONTENT: In December 2020, the CZO program was succeeded by the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZ Net) ×


under construction

178 Publications


Modeling the Role of Root Exudation in Critical Zone Nutrient Dynamics. Roque-Malo, S., Woo, D.K., and P. Kumar (2020): Water Resources Research


Equilibrium Cross Section of River Channels With Cohesive Erodible Banks. Francalanci, S., Lanzoni, S., Solari, L., and Papanicolaou, A.N. (2020): JGR Earth Surface


Debates—Does Information Theory Provide a New Paradigm for Earth Science? Causality, Interaction, and Feedback. Goodwell, A.E., Jiang, P., Ruddell, B.L., and Kumar, P. (2020): Water Resources Research


Bundled Causal History Interaction. Jiang, P., and Kumar, P. (2020): Entropy


Debates—Does Information Theory Provide a New Paradigm for Earth Science?. Kumar, P. and Gupta, H.V. (2020): Water Resources Research


Critical Agents of Change at Earth’s Surface. Kumar, P., Herndon, E., and Richter D. (2020): Eos


A new dynamic wetness index (DWI) predicts soil moisture persistence and correlates with key indicators of surface soil geochemistry. Li, M., Foster, E.J., Le, P.V.V., Yan, Q., Stumpf, A., Hou, T., Papanicolaou, A.N., Wacha, K.M., Wilson, C.G., Wang, J., Kumar, P., and Filley, T. (2020): Geoderma


Soil Signals Tell of Landscape Disturbances. Lohse, K.A., Billings, S.A., DiBiase, R.A., Kumar, P., Berhe, A.A., and Kaye, J. (2020): Eos


The impact of tillage row orientation on physical and chemical sediment enrichment. Wacha, K.M., Papanicolaou, A.N., Abban, B.K., Wilson, C.G., Giannopoulos, C.P., Hou, T., Filley, T.R., and Hatfield, J.L. (2020): Agrosystems, Geosciences, and Environment


Sustainability of soil organic carbon in consolidated gully land in China’s Loess Plateau. Yan, Q., Kumar, P., Wang, Y., Zhao, Y., Lin, H., Ran, Q., An, Z., & Zhou, W. (2020): Nature Scientific Report


Ecological and genomic attributes of novel bacterial taxa that thrive in subsurface soil horizons. Brewer, Tess E., Emma L. Aronson, Keshav Arogyaswamy, Sharon A. Billings, Jon K. Botthoff, Ashley N. Campbell, Nicholas C. Dove, Dawson Fairbanks, Rachel E. Gallery, Stephen C. Hart, Jason Kaye, Gary King, Geoffrey Logan, Kathleen A. Lohse, Mia R. Maltz, Emilio Mayorga, Caitlin O’Neill, Sarah M. Owens, Aaron Packman, Jennifer Pett-Ridge, Alain F. Plante, Daniel D. Richter, Whendee L. Silver, Wendy H. Yang, Noah Fierer (2019): mBio Oct 2019, 10 (5) e01318-19 Cross-CZO National


Solute Fluxes Through Restored Prairie and Intensively Managed Critical Zones in Nebraska and Iowa. Dere, A.L., Miller, A.W., Hemje, A.M., Parcher, S.K., Capalli, C.A., and Bettis, E.A. (2019): Frontiers in Earth Science


Smart Sensor Technology and Infrastructure Safety. Elhakeem, M., Papanicolaou, A.N., and Gabr, W. (2019): Human Systems Engineering and Design II


Integrating Hydrodynamic Models and Satellite Images to Implement Erosion Control Measures and Track Changes Along Streambanks. Elhakeem, M., Papanicolaou, A.N., and Paleologos, E. (2019): Intelligent Human Systems Integration 2019


Impact of sample preparation methods for characterizing the geochemistry of soils and sediments by portable X‐ray fluorescence. Goff, K., Schaetzl, R.J., Chakraborty, S., Weindorf, D.C., Kasmerchak, and C., Bettis, E.A. III (2019): Soil Science Society of America Journal


A Changing Climatology of Precipitation Persistence across the United States Using Information-Based Measures. Goodwell, A.E. and Kumar, P. (2019): Journal of Hydrometeorology


The Power of Environmental Observatories for Advancing Multidisciplinary Research, Outreach, and Decision Support: The Case of the Minnesota River Basin. Gran, K.B., Dolph, C., Baker, A., Bevis, M., Cho, S.J., Czuba, J.A., Dalzell, B., Danesh-Yazdi, M., Hansen, A.T., Kelly, S., Lang, Z., Schwenk, J., Belmont, P., Finlay, J.C., Kumar, P., Rabotyagov, S., Roehrig, G., Wilcock, P., and Foufoula-Georiou, E. (2019): Water Resources Research


Information transfer from causal history in complex system dynamics. Jiang, P. and Kumar, P. (2019): Physical Review E v. 99, iss. 1, January 2019


Using Information Flow for Whole System Understanding From Component Dynamics. Jiang, P., and Kumar, P. (2019): Water Resources Research


Harnessing emerging technologies to reduce Gulf hypoxia. Khanna, M., Gramig, B., DeLucia, E., Cai, X., and Kumar, P. (2019): Nature Sustainability


The Migration Diary of a Knickpoint in a Channelized Stream with a Cohesive Bed. Papanicolaou, A.N., Thomas, J.T., Wilson, C.G., Abban, B.K.B., Bettis, E.A., and Elhakeem, M (2019): Water Resources Research


Chapter 9: The Role of Management and Landscape on Aggregate Characteristics with the Soil Active Layer. Wacha, K.M., Hatfield, J.K., Papanicolaou, A.N., and Dold, C. (2019): Tools for Soil Management and Restoration: Strategies, Practices, and Future Challenges


Characterizing Relative Degrees of Clumping Structure in Vegetation Canopy using Waveform LiDAR. Wang, K. and Kumar, P. (2019): Remote Sensing of Environment


Impacts of Subsurface Tile Drainage on Age–Concentration Dynamics of Inorganic Nitrogen in Soil. Woo, D.K. and Kumar, P. (2019): Water Resources Research


Mapping Subsurface Tile Drainage Systems with Thermal Images. Woo, D.K., Song, H., and Kumar, P. (2019): Agricultural Water Management


An analysis of conservation practice adoption studies in agricultural human-natural systems. Yoder, L., Ward, A., Dalrymple, K., Spak, S., and Lave, R. (2019): Journal of Environmental Management


Impacts of Quaternary History on Critical Zone Structure and Processes: Examples and a Conceptual Model from the Intensively Managed Landscapes Critical Zone Observatory. Anders, A.M., Bettis, E.A., Grimley, D.A., Stumpf, A.J., and Kumar, P. (2018): Frontiers in Earth Science


Steering Operational Synergies in Terrestrial Observation Networks: Opportunity for Advancing Earth System Dynamics Modelling. Baatz, R., Sullivan, P.L., Li, L., Weintraub, S.R., Loescher, H.W., Mirtl, M., Groffman, P.M., Wall, D.H., Young, M., White, T., Wen, H., Zacharias, S., Kuhn, I., Tang, J., Gaillardet, J., Braud, I., Flores, A.N., Kumar, P., Lin, H., Ghezzehei, T., Jones, J., Gholz, H.L., Vereecken, H., and Van Looy, K. (2018): Earth System Dynamics


The C-biogeochemistry of a Midwestern USA agricultural impoundment in context: Lake Decatur in the intensively managed landscape critical zone observatory. Blair, N.E., Leithold, E.L., Papanicolaou, A.N., Wilson, C.G., Keefer, L., Kirton, E., Vinson, D., Schnoebelen, D., Rhoads, B., Yu, M., and Lewis, Q. (2018): Biogeochemistry


A Framework for Global Characterization of Soil Properties Using Repeat Hyperspectral Satellite Data. Dutta, D., Kumar, P. (2018): IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing


Understanding saturated hydraulic conductivity under seasonal changes in climate and land use. Elhakeem, M., Papanicolaou, A.N., Wilson, C.G., Chang, Y.-J., Burras, L., Abban, B., Wysocki, D.A., and Wills, S. (2018): Geoderma


Dynamic process connectivity explains ecohydrologic responses to rainfall pulses and drought. Goodwell, A.E., Kumar, P., Fellows, A.W., and Flerchinger, G.N. (2018): PNAS 115 (37) E8604-E8613 Cross-CZO


Control of tillage disturbance on the chemistry and proportion of raindrop-liberated particles from soil aggregates. Hou, T., Berry, T.D., Singh, S., Hughes, M., Tong, Y., Papanicolaou, A.N., Wacha, K.M., Wilson, C.G., Chaubey, I., and Filley, T.R. (2018): Geoderma


Interactions of information transfer along separable causal paths. Jiang, P. and Kumar, P. (2018): Physical Review


Critical Transition in Critical Zone of Intensively Managed Landscapes. Kumar, P., Le, P.V.V., Papanicolaou, A.N., Rhoads, B.L., Anders, A.M., Stumpf, A., Wilson, C.G., Bettis, E.A., Blair, N., Ward, A.S., Filley, T., Lin, H., Keefer, L., Keefer, D.A., Lin, Y.-F., Muste, M., Royer, T.V., Foufoula-Georgiou, E., and Belmont, P. (2018): Anthropocene


Stochastic Lattice-Based Modelling of Malaria Dynamics. Le, P.V.V., Kumar, P., and Ruiz, M.O. (2018): Malaria Journal


Impact of Hydraulic Redistribution on Multispecies Vegetation Water Use in a Semiarid Savanna Ecosystem: An Experimental and Modeling Synthesis. Lee, E., Kumar, P., Barron-Gafford, G.A., Hendryx, S.M., Sanchez-Canete, E.P., Minor, R.L., Colella, T., and Scott, R.L. (2018): Water Resources Research Cross-CZO


Integrating Unmanned Aerial Systems and LSPIV for Rapids, Cost-Effective Stream Gauging. Lewis, Q.W., Lindroth, E.M., and Rhoads, B.L. (2018): Journal of Hydrology


Flow Resistance Interactions on Hillslopes With Heterogeneous Attributes: Effects on Runoff Hydrograph Characteristics. Papanicolaou, A.N., Abban, B., Dermisis, D., Giannopoulos, C., Flanagan, D., Frankenberger, J., and Wacha, K. (2018): Water Resources Research


Dynamic Flow Resistance Interactions between Landscape Attributes and Overland Flow: Effects on Runoff Hydrograph Characteristics. Papanicolaou, A.N., Abban, B., Dermisis, D.C., Giannopoulos, C.P., Flanagan, D.C., Frankenberg, J.R., and Wacha, K.M. (2018): Water Resources Research


Flow Resistance Interactions on Hillslopes With Heterogeneous Attributes: Effects on Runoff Hydrograph Characteristics. Papanicolaou, A.N., Abban, B.K., Dermisis, D.C., Giannopoulos, C.P., Flanagan, D.C., Frankenberger, J.R., and Wacha, K.M. (2018): Water Resources Research


Groundwater Monitoring at the Watershed Scale: An Evaluation of Recharge and Nonpoint Source Pollutant Loading in the Clear Creek Watershed, Iowa. Schilling, K.E., Streeter, M.T., Bettis, E.A. III, Wilson, C.G., and Papanicolaou, A.N. (2018): Hydrological Processes


Use of Multispectral Satellite Remote Sensing to Assess Mixing of Suspended Sediment Downstream of Large River Confluences. Umar, M., Rhoads, B.L., and Greenberg, J.A. (2018): Journal of Hydrology


The Role of Hydraulic Connectivity and Management on Soil Aggregate Size and Stability in the Clear Creek Watershed, Iowa. Wacha, K.M., Papanicolaou, A.N. Giannopoulos, C.P., Abban, B.K., Wilson, C.G., Zhou, S., Hatfield, J.L., Filley, T.R., and Hou, T. (2018): Geosciences


Streambed Restoration to Remove Fine Sediment Alters Reach-Scale Transient Storage in a Low-Gradient Fifth-Order River, Indiana, USA. Ward, A.S., Morgan, J.A., White, J.R., and Royer, T.V. (2018): Hydrological Processes


The Intensively Managed Landscape Critical Zone Observatory: A Scientific Testbed for Understanding Critical Zone Processes in Agroecosystems. Wilson, C.G., Abban, B., Keefer, L.L., Wacha, K., Dermisis, D., Giannopoulos, C., Zhou, S., Goodwell, A.E., Woo, D.K., Yan, Q., Ghadiri, M., Stumpf, A., Pitcel, M., Lin, Y-F, Marini, L., Storsved, B., Goff, K., Vogelgesang, J., Dere, A., Schilling, K.E., Muste, M., Blair, N.E., Rhoads, B., Bettis, A., Pai, H., Kratt, C., Sladek, C., Wing, M., Selker, J., Tyler, S., Lin, H., Kumar, P., and Papanicolaou, A.N. (2018): Vadose Zone Journal


Three‐Dimensional Modeling of the Coevolution of Landscape and Soil Organic Carbon. Yan, Q., Le, P.V.V., Woo, D.K., Hou, T., Filley, T., and Kumar, P. (2018): Water Resources Research


Chapter 65: Channel Erosion and Sediment Transport . Papanicolaou, A.N. and Abban, B. (2017): Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Second Edition


Growing new generations of critical zone scientists. Wymore, Adam S., Nicole R. West, Kate Maher, Pamela L. Sullivan, Adrian Harpold, Diana Karwan, Jill A. Marshall, Julia Perdrial, Daniella M. Rempe and Lin Ma (2017): Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42 (14): 2498-2502 Cross-CZO National


Quantifying the changes of soil surface microroughness due to rainfall impact on a smooth surface. Abban, B., Papanicolaou, A.N., Giannopoulos, C.P., Dermisis, D.C., Wacha, K.M., Wilson, C.G., and Elhakeem, M. (2017): Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics


Impacts of hydraulic redistribution on grass–tree competition vs facilitation in a semi-arid savanna. Barron-Gafford G.A., Sanchez-Cañete E.P., Minor R.L., Hendryx S.M., Lee E., Sutter L.F., Tran N., Parra E., Colella T., Murphy P.C., Hamerlynck E.P., Kumar P. and Scott R.L. (2017): New Phytologist 215(4): 1451–1461 Cross-CZO


Impacts of Hydraulic Redistribution on Grass-tree Competition vs Facilitation in a Semi-arid Savanna. Barron-Gafford, G.A., Sanchez-Canete, E.P., Minor, R.L., Hendryx, S.M., Lee, E., Sutter, L.F., Tran, N., Parra, E., Colella, T., Murphy, P.C., Hamerlynck, E.P., Kumar, P., and Scott, R.L. (2017): New Phytologist


Designing a network of critical zone observatories to explore the living skin of the terrestrial Earth. Brantley, S.L., McDowell, W.H., Dietrich, W.E., White, T.S., Kumar, P., Anderson, S., Chorover, J., Lohse, K.A., Bales, R.C., Richter, D., Grant, G., and Gaillardet, J. (2017): Earth Surface Dynamics, 5, 841–860 Cross-CZO National


Identification and characterization of information-networks in long-tail data collections. Elag, M.M., Kumar, P., Marini, L., Myers, J.D., Hedstrom, M., and Plale, B.A. (2017): Environmental Modelling & Software


Microbial diversity in an intensively managed landscape is structured by landscape connectivity . Griffin, J.S., Lu, N., Sangwan, N., Li, A., Dsouza, M., Stumpf, A.J., Sevilla, T., Culotti, A., Keefer, L.L., Kelly, J.J., Gilbert, J.A., Wells, G.F., and Packman, A.I. (2017): FEMS Microbiology Ecology


Using Magnetic Fly Ash to Identify Post-Settlement Alluvium and its Record of Atmospheric Pollution, Central USA. Grimley, D., Anders, A., Bettis, E.A., Bates, B., Wang, J. Butler, S., and Huot, S (2017): Anthropocene


Coupling flow with nutrient dynamics via BioChemFOAM in the Mississippi River. Hernandez Murcia, O.E., Schnoebelen, D.J., Papanicolaou, A.N., and Abban, B. (2017): Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research


A service-oriented architecture for coupling web service models using the Basic Model Interface (BMI). Jiang, P., Elag, M., Kumar, P., Peckham, S.D., Marini, L., and Rui, L. (2017): Environmental Modelling & Software


Interaction Between Ecohydrologic Dynamics and Microtopographic Variability Under Climate Change. Le, P.V.V. and Kumar, P. (2017): Water Resources Research


Monitoring of Unsteady Open Channel Flows Using Continuous Slope-area Method. Lee, K., Firoozfar, A.R., and Muste M. (2017): Hydrology and Earth Science Systems


Source-to-sink sedimentary systems and global carbon burial: A river runs through it. Leithold, E., Blair, N., and Wegmann, K. (2017): Earth-Science Reviews


Weather whiplash in agricultural regions drives deterioration of water quality. Loecke, T.D., Burgin, A.J., Riveros-Iregui, D.A., Ward, A.S., Thomas, S.A., Davis, C.A., and St. Clair, M.A. (2017): Biogeochemistry Letters


Understanding mass fluvial erosion along a bank profile: Using PEEP technology for Quantifying Retreat Lengths and Identifying Event Timing. Papanicolaou, A.N., Wilson, C.G., Tsakiris, A.G., Sutarto, T.E., Bertrand, F., Rinaldi, M., Dey, S., and Langendoen, E. (2017): Earth Surface Processes and Landforms


Hydrogeomorphological differentiation between floodplains and terraces. Qina Yan, Toshiki Iwasaki, Andrew Stumpf, Patrick Belmont, Gary Parker, Praveen Kumar (2017): Earth Surface Processes and Landforms


Patterns of change in high frequency precipitation variability over North America. Roque-Malo, S. and Kumar, P. (2017):


Functional Topology of Evolving Urban Drainage Networks. Yang, S., Paik, K., McGrath, G., Urich, C., Krueger, E., Kumar, P., and Rao, P. (2017): Water Resources Research


An enhanced Bayesian fingerprinting framework for studying sediment source dynamics in intensively managed landscapes. Abban, B., Papanicolaou, A.N., Cowles, M.K., Wilson, C.G., Abaci, O., Wacha, K., Schilling, K., and Schnoebelen, D. (2016): Water Resources Research


Radiogenic and stable Sr isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr, δ88/86Sr) as tracers of chemical weathering and biogeochemical cycling in the Milford Sound region of Fiordland, New Zealand. Andrews M. G., Jacobson A. D., Lehn G. O., Horton T. W., and Craw D. (2016): Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 173: 284-303


Soil microbial response to photo-degraded C 60 fullerenes. Berry, T.D., Clavijo, A.P., Zhao, Y., Jafvert, C.T., Turco, R.F., and Filley, T.R. (2016): Environmental Pollution 211: 338-345


Belowground competition among invading detritivores. Chang, C., Szlavecz, K., Filley, T., Buyer, J.S., Bernard, M.J., Pitz, S.L. (2016): Ecology 97: 160–170


Watershed scale impacts of bioenergy crops on hydrology and water quality using improved SWAT model. Cibin, R. E. Trybula, I. Chaubey, S. Brouder, and J.J. Volenec (2016): Global Change Biology-Bioenergy


Patterns of woody plant-derived soil carbon losses and persistence after brush management in a semi-arid grassland. DeMarco, J., Filley, T., and Throop, H.L. (2016): Plant and Soil 1-17


Characterizing Vegetation Canopy Structure Using Airborne Remote Sensing Data. Dutta, D., Wang, K., Lee, E., Goodwell, A., Woo, D.K., Wagner, D., and Kumar, P. (2016): IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing


Comment on ‘‘Climate and agricultural land use change impacts on streamflow in the upper midwestern United States’’ by Satish C Gupta et al. Foufoula-Georgiou, E., Belmont, P., Wilcock, P., Gran, K., Finlay, J.C., Kumar, P., Gzuba, J.A., Schwenk, J., and Takbiri, Z. (2016): Water Resources Research


Wavelet-compressed representation of landscapes for hydrologic and geomorphologic applications. Gangodagamage, C., E. Foufoula-Georgiou, S.P. Brumby, R. Chartrand, A. Koltunov, D. Liu, M. Cai, and S.L. Ustin (2016): IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 13 (4): 480-484


Weathering of pyrogenic organic matter induces fungal oxidative enzyme response in single culture inoculation experiments. Gibson, C., Berry, T.D., Wang, R., Spencer, J.A., Johnston, C.T., Jiang, Y., Bird, J.A., and Filley, T.R. (2016): Organic Geochemistry 92: 32-41


Coupling freshwater mussel ecology and river dynamics using a simplified dynamic interaction model. Hansen, A.T., J.A. Czuba, J. Schwenk, A. Longjas, M. Danesh-Yazdi, D.J. Hornbach, and E. Foufoula-Georgiou (2016): Freshwater Science 35 (1): 200-215

2016 (In Press)

The Wabash sampling blitz: A case study on the effectiveness of citizen science. Logsdon, R.A., S. Peel, L.C. Bowling, M.H. Haas, R.F. Turco, J.R. Frankenberger, and I. Chaubey (2016): Citizen Science: Theory and Practice


Response of the hyporheic zone to transient groundwater fluctuations on the annual and storm event time scales. Malzone, J.M., Lowry, C.S., and Ward, A.S. (2016): Water Resources Research


Optimizing Sampling Strategies for Riverine Nitrate Using High-frequency Data in Agricultural Watersheds. Reynolds, K.N., Loecke, T.D., Burgin, A.J., Davis, C.A., Riveros-Iregui, D., Thomas, S.A., St. Clair, M.A., and Ward, A.S. (2016): Environmental Science & Technology


Hyporheic exchange controlled by dynamic hydrologic boundary conditions. Schmadel, N.M., Ward, A.S., Lowry, C.S., and Malzone, J.M. (2016): Geophysical Research Letters


Spatio-temporally variable controls confound transport process interpretation of stream solute tracers. Schmadel, NM, AS Ward, MJ Kurz, JH Fleckenstein, JP Zarnetske, DM Hannah, T Blume, T Datry, M Vieweg, C Schmidt, PH Blaen, MJ Klaar, J Knapp, P Romeijn, T Keller, S Folegot, A Marruedo, S Krause (2016): Water Resources Research


Decreasing, not increasing, leaf area will raise crop yields under global atmospheric change. Srinivasan, V., Kumar, P., and Long, S.P. (2016): Global Change Biology

2016 (In Press)

Water quality estimation of river plumes in Southern Lake Michigan using Hyperion. Tan, J, K.A. Cherkauer, I. Chaubey, C.D. Troy, and R. Essig (2016): Journal of Great Lakes Research


Quantifying the signature of sediment composition on the topologic and dynamic complexity of river delta channel networks and inferences toward delta classification. Tejedor, A., A. Longjas, R. Caldwell, D.A. Edmonds, I. Zaliapin, and E. Foufoula-Georgiou (2016): Geophysical Research Letters 43


Size and variability of crop productivity both impacted by CO2 enrichment and warming—A case study of 4 year field experiment in a Chinese paddy. Wang, J., Liu, X., Zhang, X., Smith, P., Li, T., Filley, T.R., Cheng, K., Shen, M., He, Y., and Pan, G. (2016): Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 221: 40-49


Hydrogeomorphic controls on hyporheic and riparian transport in two headwater mountain streams during base flow recession. Ward, A.S., Schmadel, N.M., Wondzell, S.M., Harman, C., Gooseff, M.N., and Singha, K. (2016): Water Resources Research


Dynamic Assessment of Current Management in an Intensively Managed Agroecosystem. Wilson, C.G., Wacha, K.M., Papanicolaou, A.N., Sander, H.,A., Freudenberg, V.B., Abban, B.K., and Zhao, C (2016): Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education


Mean Age Distribution of Inorganic Soil-nitrogen. Woo, D.K., and Kumar, P. (2016): Water Resources Research


6R-tetrahydrobiopterin treated PKU patients below 4years of age: Physical outcomes, nutrition and genotype. Aldámiz-Echevarría, L., Bueno, M.A., Couce, M.L., Lage, S., Dalmau, J., Vitoria, I., Llarena, M., Andrade, F., Blasco, J., Alcalde, C., Gil, D., García, M.C., González-Lamuño, D., Ruiz, M., Ruiz, M.A., Peña-Quintana, L., González, D., and Sánchez-Valverde, F. (2015): Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 115 (1): 10-16


Small rivers could have big impact on Arctic Ocean. Alkire M., Jacobson A. D., Lehn G. O., and MacDonald R. (2015): Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 96


Predictions in ungauged basins: an approach for regionalization of hydrological models considering the probability distribution of model parameters. Athira, P., K.P. Sudheer, R. Cibin, and I. Chaubey (2015): Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 30 (4): 1131-1149


Enhanced Vadose Zone Nitrogen Removal by Poplar During Dormancy. Ausland, H., Ward, A., Licht, L., and Just, C (2015): International Journal of Phytoremediation


A computationally efficient approach for watershed scale spatial optimization. Cibin, R., and I. Chaubey (2015): Environmental Modelling and Software 66: 1-11


Ca isotope stratigraphy across the Cenomanian-Turonian OAE 2: links between volcanism, seawater geochemistry, and the carbonate fractionation factor. Du Vivier A. D. C., Jacobson A. D., Lehn G. O., Selby D., Hurtgen M. T., and Sageman B. B. (2015): Earth and Planetary Science Letters 416: 121–131


On the Feasibility of Characterizing Soil Properties From AVIRIS Data. Dutta, D., Goodwell, A.E., Kumar, P., Garvey, J.E., Darmody, R.G., Berretta, D.P., and Greenberg, J.A. (2015): IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing


Hydrologic/water quality impacts and biomass production potential on marginal lands. Feng, Q., I. Chaubey, Y. Her, R. Cibin, B. Engel, J. Volenec, and X. Wang (2015): Environmental Modelling and Software 72: 230–238


Bi-national research and education cooperation in the US-China EcoPartnership for Environmental Sustainability 7 (4):. Filley, T.R., Li, M., Zhuang, J., Yu, G., Sayler, G., Ouyang, Z., Han, X., Zhang, X., Jiang, G., Zhou, C., Wang, F., and Bickham, J.W. (2015): Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy


Information Theoretic Measures to Infer Feedback Dynamics in Coupled Logistic Networks. Goodwell, A., Kumar, P. (2015): Entropy 2015, 17, 7468-7492


Amino acid geochronology of gastropod-bearing Pleistocene units in Illinois, central USA. Grimley, D.A. and Oches, E.A. (2015): Quaternary Geochronology 25: 10-25

2015 (In Press)

Effect of conservation practice implementation by USDA programs at field and watershed scales. Her, Y, I. Chaubey, and J. Frankenberger (2015): Journal of Soil and Water Conservation


Impact of the numbers of observations and calibration parameters on equifinality, model performance, and output and parameter uncertainty. Her, Y. and I. Chaubey (2015): Hydrological Processes 29 (19): 4220–4237


Simple parallel computing methods using ‘spmd’ and ‘parfar’ for improving efficiency of optimization in hydrologic model applications. Her, Y., C. Raj, and I. Chaubey (2015): Applied Engineering in Agriculture 31 (3): 455-468


Threshold effects in HRU definition of Soil and Water Assessment Tool. Her, Y., J. Frankenberger, I. Chaubey, and R. Srinivasan (2015): Transactions of the ASABE [American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers] 58(2):367-378


Defining Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrologic response units (HRUs) by field boundaries. Kalcic, M.M., I. Chaubey, and J. Frankenberger (2015): International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 8 (3)


Spatial optimization of six conservation practices using SWAT in tile drained agricultural watersheds. Kalcic, M.M., J. Frankenberger, and I. Chaubey (2015): Journal of the American Water Resources Association 51 (4)


Adaptive targeting: Engaging farmers to improve targeting and adoption of agricultural conservation practices. Kalcic, M.M., J. Frankenberger, I. Chaubey, L. Prokopy, and L. Bowling (2015): Journal of the American Water Resources Association 51 (4)


Hydrocomplexity: Addressing Water Security and Emergent Environmental Risks. Kumar, P. (2015): Water Resources Research, 51: pp12


GPU-based high-performance computing for integrated surface–sub-surface flow modeling. Le, P.V.V., Kumar, P., Valocchi, A.J., and Dang, H.-V. (2015): Environmental Modelling & Software


Optimization of a 48Ca–43Ca double-spike MC-TIMS method for measuring Ca isotope ratios (δ44/40Ca and δ44/42Ca): limitations from filament reservoir mixing. Lehn G. O. and Jacobson A. D. (2015): Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 30: 1571-1581


The major ion, 87Sr/86Sr, and δ11B geochemistry of groundwater in the Wyodak-Anderson Coal Bed aquifer (Powder River Basin, Wyoming, USA). Lemarchand D., Jacobson A. D., Cividini D., Chabaux F. (2015): Comptes Rendus Geoscience 347: 348-357


Ecosystem services in Indiana agriculture: farmer and conservation perceptions. Logsdon, R.A., M.M. Kalcic1, E.M. Trybula, I. Chaubey, and J.R. Frankenberger (2015): International Journal of Biodiversity, Science, Ecosystem Services, and Management 11 (3): 264-282


Seasonally varying contributions to urban CO2 in the Chicago, IL, USA region: Insights from a high-resolution CO2 concentration and δ13C record. Moore J. M. and Jacobson A. D. (2015): Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene


Suspended sediment supply dominated by bank erosion in a low-gradient agricultural watershed, Wildcat Slough, Fisher, Illinois, United States. Neal, C.W.M. and Anders, A.M. (2015): Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 70 (3): 145-155


Edaphic controls on soil organic carbon stocks in restored grasslands. O'Brien, S.L., Jastrow, J.D., Grimley, D.A., and Gonzalez-Meler, M.A. (2015): Geoderma 251-252: 117–123


Spatial variability of saturated hydraulic conductivity at the hillslope scale: Understanding the role of land management and erosional effect. Papanicolaou, A.N., Elhakeem, M., Wilson, C.G., Burras, C.L., West, L.T., Lin, H., Clark, B., and Oneal, B.E. (2015): Geoderma


From soilscapes to landscapes: A landscape-oriented approach to simulate soil organic carbon dynamics in intensively managed landscapes. Papanicolaou, A.N., K.M. Wacha, B.K. Abban, C.G. Wilson, J. Hatfield, C. Stanier, and T. Filley (2015): Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences


A Web Tool for STORET/WQX Water Quality Data Retrieval and Best Management Practice Scenario Suggestion. Park, Y.S., B.A. Engel, J. Kim, L. Theller, I. Chaubey, V. Merwade, K.J. Lim (2015): Journal of Environmental Management 150: 21-27


Analyzing high resolution topography for advancing the understanding of mass and energy transfer through landscapes: A review. Passalacqua, P., Belmont, P., Staley, D.M., Simley, J.D., Arrowsmith, J.R., Bode, C.A., Crosby, C., DeLong, S.B., Glenn, N.F., Kelly, S.A., Lague, D., Sangireddy, H., Schaffrath, K., Tarboton, D.G., Wasklewicz, T., and Wheaton, J.M. (2015): Earth-Science Reviews 148: 174–193


Radiocarbon dating loess deposits in the Mississippi Valley using terrestrial gastropod shells (Polygyridae, Helicinidae, and Discidae). Pigati, J.S., McGeehin, J.P., Muhs, D.R., Grimley, D.A., and Nekola, J.C. (2015): Aeolian Research 16: 25-33


Carbon isotopic composition of lignin biomarkers: Evidence of grassland over the Gangetic plain during LGM. Sarkar, A., Filley T.R., and Bera, S. (2015): Quaternary International 355: 194–201


Landscape-scale geomorphic change detection: Quantifying spatially variable uncertainty and circumventing legacy data issues. Schaffrath, K.R., Belmont, P, and Wheaton, J.M. (2015): Geomorphology 250: 334-348


Effects of Land Cover on Streamflow Variability in a Small Iowa Watershed: Assessing Future Vulnerabilities. Schilling, K., M. Streeter, K. Hutchinson, C.G. Wilson, B.K. Abban, K.M. Wacha and A.N. Papanicolaou (2015): American Journal of Environmental Sciences


Using field and remotely sensed hyperspectral data to quantify water quality parameters in the Wabash River and its tributary, Indiana. Tan, J., K.A. Cherkauer, and I. Chaubey (2015): International Journal of Remote Sensing 36 (21): 5466-5484


Deglacial hydroclimate of midcontinental North America. Voelker, S.L., Stambaugh, M.C., Guyette, R.P., Feng, X., Grimley, D.A., Leavitt, S.W., Panyushkina, I., Grimm, E.C., Marsicek, J.P., Shuman, B., and Curry, B.B. (2015): Quaternary Research 83 (2): 336–344


Responses of enzymatic activities within soil aggregates to 9-year nitrogen and water addition in a semi-arid grassland. Wang, R., Dorodnikov, M., Yang, S., Zhang, Y., Filley, T.R., Turco, R.F., Zhang, Y., Xu, Z., Li, H,, and Jiang, Y. (2015): Soil Biology and Biochemistry 81: 159–167


The evolution and state of interdisciplinary hyporheic research. Ward, A. (2015): WIREs Water 2015


Coupled reversion and stream-hyporheic exchange processes increase environmental persistence of trenbolone metabolites. Ward, A.S., Cwiertny, D.M., Kolodziej, E.P., and Brehm, C.C. (2015): Nature Communications


Chapter 2 – The Role of Critical Zone Observatories in Critical Zone Science. White T., Brantley S., Banwart S., Chorover J., Dietrich W., Derry L., Lohse K., Anderson S., Aufdendkampe A., Bales R., Kumar P., Richter D., McDowell B. (2015): Developments in Earth Surface Processes 19: 15–78 Cross-CZO National


Incipient changes of lignin and substituted fatty acids under N addition in a Chinese forest soil. Wu, N., Filley, T.R., Bai, E., Han, S., and Jiang, P. (2015): Organic Geochemistry


A Model for Knickpoint Migration in First- and Second-order Streams. Bressan, F., Papanicolaou, A.N., and Abban, B. (2014): Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 4987–4996


Antecedent Moisture Controls on Stream Nitrate Flux in an Agricultural Watershed. Davis. C.A., Ward, A.S., Burgin, A.J., Loecke, T.D., Riveros-Iregui, D.A., Schnoebelen, D.J., Just, C.L., Thomas, S.A., Weber, L.J., St. Clair, M.A. (2014): Journal of Environmental Quality


Simultaneous improvement in productivity, water use, and albedo through crop structural modification. Drewry, D.T., Kumar, P., and Long, S.P. (2014): Global Change Biology


Prediction of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Dynamics in an Iowan Agriculture Watershed. Elhakeem, M., Papanicolaou, A.N., Wilson, C., and Chang, Y. (2014): International Journal of Biological, Veterinary, Agricultural, and Food Engineering


Power law scaling of topographic depressions and their hydrologic connectivity. Phong, V. V. Le and Praveen Kumar, P. (2014): Geophysical Research Letters


Emergent and divergent resilience behavior in catastrophic shift systems. Srinivasan, V. and Kumar, P. (2014): Ecological Modelling


A stability analysis of semi-cohesive streambanks with CONCEPTS: Couple field and laboratory investigations to quantify the onset of fluvial erosion and mass failure. Sutarto, T.E., Papanicolaou, A.N., Wilson, C.G., and Langendoen, E. (2014): Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE


Threshold Dynamics in Soil Carbon Storage for Bioenergy Crops. Woo, D.K., Quijano, J.C., Kumar, P., Chaoka, S., Bernacchi, C.J. (2014): Environmental Science & Technology


Passive regulation of soil biogeochemical cycling by root water transport. Quijano, J. C., P. Kumar, and D. Drewry (2013): Water Resources Research 49(6): 3729–3746,


Climatic and biotic controls on silt production and accumulation of loess. Bettis, E.A. (2012): Nature Education Knowledge


Wepp: Model use, calibration, validation. Flanagan, D.C., Frankenberger, J.R., and Ascough, J.C. (2012): Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering


A graphical user interface for numerical modeling of acclimation responses of vegetation to climate change. Le, P., P. Kumar, D. Drewry, and J. Quijano (2012): Computers & Geosciences 49(0): 91-101


Competitive and mutualistic dependencies in multispecies vegetation dynamics enabled by hydraulic redistribution. Quijano, J. C., P. Kumar, and D. Drewry, A. Goldstein, and L. Misson (2012): Water Resources Research 48(5): 1-22


Quantifying and partitioning fine sediment loads in an intensively agricultural headwater system. Wilson, C.G., Papanicolaou, A.N., and Denn, K.D. (2012): Journal of Soil and Sediments


Typology of hydrologic predictability. Kumar, P. (2011): Water Resources Research 47 (3):1-9


Implications for the hydrologic cycle under climate change due to the expansion of bioenergy crops in the Midwestern United States. Le, P., P. Kumar, and D. Drewry (2011): Proceedings of the National Academy for the Sciences 108(37): 15085-15090


Evaluating the effects of grassed waterways in southeastern Iowa. Dermisis, D.O., Abaci, O., Papaniclaou, A.N., and Wilson, C.G. (2010): Soil and Use Management


Ecohydrological responses of dense canopies to environmental variability: 2 Role of acclimation under elevated CO2. Drewry, D.T., Kumar, P., Long, S., Bernacchi, C., Liang, X.-Z., and Sivapalan, M. (2010): Journal of Geophysical Research


Ecohydrological responses of dense canopies to environmental variability: 1 Interplay between vertical structure and photosynthetic pathway. Drewry, D.T., P. Kumar, S. Long, C. Bernacchi, X.-Z Liang, and M. Sivapalan (2010): Journal of Geophysical Research 115(G4):1-22


A 1-D Morphodynamic Model for Rill Erosion. Papanicolaou, A.N., Sanford, J.T., Dermisis, D.C., and Mancilla, G.A. (2010): Water Resources Research, 46, W09541


Long-term effects of management practices on water-driven soil erosion in an intense agricultural sub-watershed: Monitoring and modeling. Abaci, O. and Papanicolaou, A.N. (2009): Hydrological Processes


Estimation of the runoff curve number via direct rainfall simulator measurements in the state of Iowa, USA. Elhakeem, M. and Papanicolaou, A.N. (2009): Water Resources Management


Nitrogen mass balance of a tile-drained agricultural watershed in east-central Illinois. Gentry, L.E., David, M.B., Below, F.E., Royer, T.V., and McIsaac, G.F. (2009): Journal of Environmental Quality


High-frequency diel dissolved Oxygen stream data modeled for variable temperature and scale. Loperfido, J.V., Just, C.L., and Schnoor, J.L. (2009): Journal of Environmental Engineering-ASCE 2009.135:1250-1256


In situ sensing to understand diel turbidity cycles, suspended solids, and nutrient transport in Clear Creek, Iowa. Loperfido, J.V., Just, C.L., Papanicolaou, A.N., and Schnoor, J.L. (2009): Water Resources Research 46:W06525


Soil quality in Clear Creek, IA: SOM loss and soil quality in the Clear Creek, IA, Experimental Watershed. Papanicolaou, A.N., Wilson, C.G., Abaci, O., Elhakeem, M., and Skopec, M. (2009): Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science 116(1–4):14–26


Landscape change in an agricultural watershed in the US Midwest. Rayburn, A.P. and Schulte, L.A. (2009): Landscape and Urban Planning 93:123–141


SOM dynamics and erosion in an agricultural test field of the Clear Creek, Iowa, watershed. Wilson, C.G., Papanicolaou, A.N., and Abaci, O. (2009): Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions


Upland erosion modeling in a semi-humid environment via the Water Erosion Prediction Project model. Papanicolaou, A.N. and Abaci, O. (2008): Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering


Observations of soils at the hillslope scale in the Clear Creek watershed in Iowa, USA. Papanicolaou, A.N., Elhakeem, M., Wilson, C.G., Burras, C.L., and Oneal, B. (2008): Soil Survey Horizons 49:83–86


Uncertainty of weekly nitrate forecasts using artificial neural networks. Markus, M., Tsai, C.W.-S., and Demissie, M. (2003): Journal of Environmental Engineering 129(3):267-274


Uncertainty of nitrate-N load computation for agricultural watersheds. Guo, Y., Markus, M., and Demissie, M. (2002): Water Resources Research


Impact of Euro-American Settlement on a Riparian Landscape in Midwestern USA: An Integrated Approach Based on Historical Evidence, Floodplain Sediments, Fossil Pollen, Plant Macrofossils and Insects. Baker, R.G., D.P. Schwert, E. A. Bettis III, and C.A. Chumbley (1993): The Holocene 3(4): 314-323.


Quaternary landscapes in Iowa. Ruhe, R.V. (1969): Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa

Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.