Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources and heads the Surface Water Hydrology group of the Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Arizona
Univ. of Arizona - University of Arizona
PhD, University of Ghent, Belgium, 1993
His research aims at a better understanding of catchment scale hydrological processes through advanced measurement, modeling and synthesis methods. The objectives are: (i) Developing, testing and applying advanced observation methods for hydrological fluxes and states at a range of spatial and temporal scales, (ii) Developing hillslope to catchment scale hydrological models for water and solute transport, and (iii) Hydrological synthesis at the catchment scale with special attention to hydrological extremes.
Controlled Experiments of Hillslope Coevolution at the Biosphere 2 Landscape Evolution Observatory: Toward Prediction of Coupled Hydrological, Biogeochemical, and Ecological Change. Volkmann T.H.M., Sengupta A., Pangle L.A., Dontsova K., Barron-Gafford G.A., Harman C.J., Niu G.-Y., Meredith L.K., Abramson N., Meira Neto A.A., Wang Y., Adams J.R., Breshears D.D., Bugaj A., Chorover J., Cueva A., DeLong S.B., Durcik M., Ferre T.P.A., Hunt E.A., Huxman T.E., Kim M., Maier R.M., Monson R.K., Pelletier J.D., Pohlmann M., Rasmussen C., Ruiz J., Saleska S.R., Schaap M.G., Sibayan M., Tuller M., van Haren J.L.M., Zeng X. and Troch P.A. (2018): in: Hydrology of Artificial and Controlled Experiments (eds. Jiu-Fu Liu and Wei-Zu Gu), IntechOpen, pp. 25-74
Pore water chemistry reveals gradients in mineral transformation across a model basaltic hillslope. Pohlmann M., Dontsova K., Root R., Ruiz J., Troch P., and Chorover J. (2016): Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 17(6): 2054–2069
Influence of terrain aspect on water partitioning, vegetation structure, and vegetation greening in high elevation catchments in northern New Mexico. Zapata-Rios X., Brooks P.D., Troch P.A., McIntosh J. and Guo Q. (2016): Ecohydrology 9(5): 782-795 Cross-CZO National
Influence of climate variability on water partitioning and effective energy and mass transfer in a semi-arid critical zone. Zapata-Rios X., Brooks P.D., Troch P.A., McIntosh J., and Rasmussen C. (2016): Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20: 1103-1115
Recent tree die-off has little effect on streamflow in contrast to expected increases from historical studies. Biederman J.A., Somor A.J., Harpold A.A., Gutmann E.D., Breshears D.D., Troch P.A., Gochis D.J., Scott R.l., Meddens A.J.H., and Brooks P.D. (2015): Water Resources Research 51(12): 9775-9789 Cross-CZO
Quantifying the effects of vegetation structure on snow accumulation and ablation in mixed-conifer forests. Broxton P. D., Harpold A. A., Biederman J. A., Troch P. A., Molotch N. P., and Brooks P. D. (2015): Ecohydrology 8(6): 1073-1094 Cross-CZO
Critical Zone Services: Expanding Context, Constraints, and Currency beyond Ecosystem Services. Field J.P., Breshears D.D., Law D.J., Villegas J.C., López-Hoffman L., Brooks P.D., Chorover J., Barron-Gafford G.A., Gallery R.E., Litvak M.E., Lybrand R.A., McIntosh J.C., Meixner T., Niu G-Y., Papuga S.A., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C.R., and Troch P.A (2015): Vadose Zone Journal 14(1)
Chapter 8 – Ecohydrology and the Critical Zone: Processes and Patterns Across Scales. Moore G., McGuire K., Troch P., Barron-Gafford G. (2015): Developments in Earth Surface Processes 19: 239-266
The Landscape Evolution Observatory: A large-scale controllable infrastructure to study coupled Earth-surface processes. Pangle L.A., DeLong S.B., Abramson N., Adams J., Barron-Gafford G.A., Breshears D.D., Brooks P.D., Chorover J., Dietrich W.E., Dontsova K., Durcik M., Espeleta J., Ferre T.P.A., Ferriere R., Henderson W., Hunt E.A., Huxman T.E., Millar D., Murphy B., Niu G-Y., Pavao-Zuckerman M., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C., Ruiz J., Saleska S., Schaap M., Sibayan M., Troch P.A., Tuller M., van Haren J., Zeng X. (2015): Geomorphology 244: 190-203 Cross-CZO
Quantifying Topographic and Vegetation Effects on the Transfer of Energy and Mass to the Critical Zone. Rasmussen C., Pelletier J.D., Troch P.A., Swetnam T.L., and Chorover J. (2015): Vadose Zone Journal 14 (11)
Consequences of mixing assumptions for time-variable travel time distributions. van der Velde Y., Heidbüchel I., Lyon S.W., Nyberg L., Rodhe A., Bishop K. and Troch P.A. (2015): Hydrological Processes 29(16): 3460–3474
Climatic and landscape controls on water transit times and silicate mineral weathering in the critical zone. Zapata-Rios X., McIntosh J., Rademacher L., Troch P.A., Brooks P.D., Rasmussen R., Chorover J. (2015): Water Resources Research 51(8): 6036-6051
What makes Darwinian hydrology "Darwinian"? Asking a different kind of question about landscapes. Harman C. and Troch P.A. (2014): Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18: 417-433 Cross-CZO
Spatial patterns of vegetation, soils and microtopography from terrestrial laser scanning on two semi-arid hillslopes of contrasting lithology. Harman C.J., Lohse K.A., Troch P.A., Sivapalan M. (2014): Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 119(2): 163-180 Cross-CZO
Structure and processes controlling resource islands and microtopography on semi-arid hillslopes. Harman, C., Lohse, K.A., Troch, P., and M. Sivapalan (2014): Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences Cross-CZO
An integrated modelling framework of catchment-scale ecohydrological processes: 1 Model description and tests over an energy-limited watershed. Niu G.-Y., Paniconi C., Troch P.A., Scott R.L., Durcik M., Zeng X., Huxman T. and Goodrich D.C. (2014): Ecohydrology 7(2): 427–439
An integrated modelling framework of catchment-scale ecohydrological processes: 2 The role of water subsidy by overland flow on vegetation dynamics in a semi-arid catchment. Niu G.-Y., Troch P.A., Paniconi C., Scott R.L., Durcik M., Zeng X., Huxman T. Goodrich D.C., and Pelletier J. (2014): Ecohydrology 7(2): 815–827
Stream water carbon controls in seasonally snow-covered mountain catchments: impact of inter-annual variability of water fluxes, catchment aspect and seasonal processes. Perdrial J.N., McIntosh J., Harpold A., Brooks P.D., Zapata-Rios X., Ray J., Meixner T., Kanduc T., Litvak M., Troch P.A., Chorover J. (2014): Biogeochemistry 118(1-3): 273-290 Cross-CZO
Separating physical and meteorological controls of variable transit times in zero-order catchments. Heidbüchel I., Troch P.A., Lyon S.W. (2013): Water Resources Research 49 (11): 7644–7657
Coevolution of nonlinear trends in vegetation, soils, and topography with elevation and slope aspect: A case study in the sky islands of southern Arizona. Pelletier J.D., Barron-Gafford G.A., Breshears D.D., Brooks P.D., Chorover J., Durcik M., Harman C.J., Huxman T.E., Lohse K.A., Lybrand R., Meixner T., McIntosh J.C., Papuga S.A., Rasmussen C., Schaap M., Swetnam T.L., and Troch P.A. (2013): Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 118(2): 741-758
Climate-vegetation-soil interactions and long-term hydrologic partitioning: signatures of catchment co-evolution. Troch P.A., G. Carrillo, M. Sivapalan, T. Wagener, and K. Sawicz (2013): Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17: 2209–2217
The master transit time distribution of variable flow systems. Heidbüchel I., Troch P.A., Lyon S.W., and Weiler M. (2012): Water Resources Research 48(6): W06520
Does the composition of streamwater colloidal and particulate matter change during monsoon storms?. Prescott-Smith J., Pohlmann M. A., Perdrial J. N., Perdrial N., Troch P. A., Chorover J. (2012): Abstract EP43A-0866 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec (Poster).
Quantifying mountain block recharge by means of catchment-scale storage-discharge relationships. Ajami H., Troch P.A., Maddock III T., Meixner T., and Eastoe C. (2011): Water Resources Research 47: W04504
Quantifying regional-scale ecosystem response to changes in precipitation: Not all rain is created equal. Brooks P.D., Troch P.A., Durcik M., Gallo E., and Schlegel M. (2011): Water Resources Research 47: W00J08
How Water, Carbon, and Energy Drive Critical Zone Evolution: The Jemez-Santa Catalina Critical Zone Observatory . Chorover J., Troch P.A., Rasmussen C., Brooks P., Pelletier J., Breshears D.D., Huxman T., Lohse K., McIntosh J., Meixner T., Papuga S., Schaap M., Litvak M., Perdrial J. Harpold A., and Durcik M. (2011): Vadose Zone Journal 10(3): 884-899
The effects of climate and landscape position on chemical denudation and mineral transformation in the Santa Catalina mountain critical zone observatory. Lybrand R., Rasmussen C., Jardine A., Troch P.A., and Chorover J. (2011): Applied Geochemistry, 26(S): S80-S84
An open system framework for integrating critical zone structure and function. Rasmussen C., Troch P.A., Chorover J., Brooks P., Pelletier J., and Huxman T. (2011): Biogeochemistry 102(1-3): 15-29
On the role of aspect to quantify water transit times in small mountainous catchments. Broxton P. D., Troch P. A., and Lyon S. W. (2009): Water Resources Research 45: W08427
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
Development of a hybrid 3-D hydrological model to simulate hillslopes and the regional unconfined aquifer system in Earth system models. Hazenberg P., Broxton P., Brunke M., Gochis D., Niu G.-Y., Pelletier J., Troch P., Zeng X. (2015): Abstract GC22A-06 presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.
Accessing Topographic Effects on Solar Radiation Distribution and Ecohydrological Processes. Fang Y., Niu G-Y., Troch P., Paniconi C., Durcik M., Chorover J. (2014): Abstract H51D-0642 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 Dec.
Representing surface and subsurface hydrology at hyperresolution for Earth system models: Development of a hybrid 3-D approach. Hazenberg P., Broxton P., Brunke M., Gochis D., Lawrence D., Niu G-Y., Pelletier J., Troch P., Zeng X. (2014): Abstract GC33A-0497 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 Dec.
A Terrestrial Integrated Modeling System (TIMS) at a catchment scale – implications for Earth System Modeling. Niu G-Y., Fang Y., Wu R., Mathias A., Paniconi C., Troch P., Zeng X., Chorover J., Monson R. (2014): Abstract H53J-05 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 Dec.
Development of High-Resolution Regolith Thickness and Topographic Datasets for Regional/Global Land-Surface Modeling. Pelletier J., Broxton P., Hazenberg P., Zeng X., Troch P., Niu G-Y., Brunke M., Gochis D. (2014): Abstract H43G-1027 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 Dec.
Rapid CO2 consumption during incipient weathering of a granular basaltic hillslope in the Landscape Evolution Observatory, Biosphere 2. Ruiz J., Van Haren J., Dontsova K., Barron-Gafford G., Troch P., Chorover J. (2014): Abstract V23A-4778 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 Dec.
Flow and transport modeling of a tracer isotope experiment at B2 LEO using integrated and distributed multisensor observation data. Scudeler C., Pangle L., Pasetto D., Niu G-Y., Paniconi C., Putti M., Troch P. (2014): Abstract H13E-1165 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 Dec.
Monitoring and Modeling Water, Energy and Carbon Fluxes at the Hillslope Scale in the Landscape Evolution Observatory. Troch P., Barron-Gafford G., Dontsova K., Fang Y., Niu G-Y., Pangle L., Tuller M., Van Haren J. (2014): Abstract H43L-1128 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 Dec.
Reactive Transport Modelling of Mineral Evolution in the Biosphere 2 Hillslope Experiment. Wu R., Niu G-Y., Steefel C., Paniconi C., Chorover J., Dontsova K., Troch P. (2014): Abstract H53A-0843 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 Dec. Cross-CZO
Co-evolution of Climate, Soil, and Vegetation and their interplay with Hydrological Partitioning at the Catchment Scale (Invited). Zapata-Rios X., Brooks P., Troch P., McIntosh J. (2014): Abstract EP22B-04 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 Dec.
Precipitation pulse dynamics of carbon sequestration and efflux in highly weatherable soils. Barron-Gafford G., Minor R., Van Haren J.L., Dontsova K., Troch P.A. (2013): Abstract EP13C-0879 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec.
Bridging from Soil to Ecosystem Goods and Services Provided by the Critical Zone. Field J.P., Breshears D.D., Law D.J., Brooks P.D., Chorover J., Pelletier J.D., Troch P.A., López-Hoffman L., Rasmussen C., Papuga S., Harpold A., Biederman J.A., Barron-Gafford G.A., McIntosh J.C., Litvak M. (2013): Abstract presented at AGU Chapman Conference on Soil-mediated Drivers of Coupled Biogeochemical and Hydrological Processes Across Scales, Biosphere 2, Tucson, Arizona, 21-24 October 2013 (Poster) Cross-CZO
Using Hydrologic Response Functions and Transit Time Distributions to Investigate Dynamic Catchment Behavior (Invited). Heidbuechel I., Troch P.A. (2013): Abstract H44B-02 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec.
Hydrologic discovery through controlled experimentation, data analysis, and numerical and analytical modeling at the Landscape Evolution Observatory (Invited) . Troch P.A., Gevaert A., Smit Y., Niu G., Nakolan L., Kyzivat E. (2013): Abstract H11C-1167 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec.
Pedon Scale Soil Moisture and Water Fluxes Dynamics During Extremely Dry Years in a High Elevation Snow Dominated Landscape. Zapata-Rios X., Troch P.A., McIntosh J. (2013): Abstract presented at AGU Chapman Conference on Soil-mediated Drivers of Coupled Biogeochemical and Hydrological Processes Across Scales, Biosphere 2, Tucson, Arizona, 21-24 October 2013 (Poster)
Insects, Fires, and Climate Change: Implications for Snow Cover, Water Resources and Ecosystem Recovery in Western North America . Brooks P.D., Harpold A.A., Biederman J.A., Litvak M.E., Broxton P.D., Gochis D., Molotch N.P., Troch P.A., Ewers B.E. (2012): Abstract B21I-02 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec (Talk). Cross-CZO
Connections between transport in events and transport at landscape-structuring timescales (Invited). Harman C.J., Lohse K.A., Troch P.A., Sivapalan M. (2012): Abstract H52E-04 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec (Talk).
What controls the shape of transit time distributions?. Heidbuechel I. and Troch P.A. (2012): Abstract H31B-1117 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec (Poster)
Carbon and water, the energy for weathering and chemical denudation. Perdrial J. N., Rasmussen C., McIntosh J. C., Zapata X., Harpold A. A., Vazquez A., Porter C. M., Brooks P. D., Meixner T., Mitra B., Troch P. A.,, Chorover J. (2012): Abstract EP41I-05 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec (Talk) Cross-CZO
Resolving dissolved versus colloidal and particulate weathering product forms across the storm hydrograph. Pohlmann M. A., Perdrial J. N., Prescott-Smith J., Amistadi M., Troch P. A., Chorover J. (2012): Abstract EP43A-0867 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec (Poster)
Does the composition of streamwater colloidal and particulate matter change during monsoon storms?. Prescott-Smith J., Pohlmann M. A., Perdrial J. N., Perdrial N., Troch P. A., Chorover J. (2012): Abstract EP43A-0866 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec (Poster).
The Effect of Terrain Aspect on Interannual Variability of Hydrologic Response In Mountainous Catchments in New Mexico. Zapata X., Troch P.A., McIntosh J.C., Broxton P.D., Brooks P.D. (2012): Abstract B23H-0541 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec (Poster)
Co-evolution of Vegetation, Sediment Transport and Infiltration on semi-arid hillslopes . Harman, C.J., Troch, P.A., Lohse, K.A., Sivapalan, M. (2011): AGU Fall Meeting Presentations (Poster) Abstract B33G-0555.
Determining Controls on Variable Response Times from Nested Sub-catchments. I. Heidbuechel, Troch, P.A. (2011): AGU Fall Meeting Presentations Abstract H43N-05.
Carbon, water and weathering limitations in the semi-arid critical zone. J. Chorover, P.A. Troch, J.D. Pelletier, C. Rasmussen, P.D. Brooks, J.C. McIntosh, D.D. Breshears, T.E. Huxman, S.A. Papuga, K.A. Lohse, T. Meixner, M.G. Schaap, M.E. Litvak, A.A. Harpold, J.N. Perdrial, M. Durcik (2011): AGU Fall Meeting Presentations Abstract B41H-05.
Non-linear feedbacks between climate change, hydrologic partitioning, plant available water, and carbon cycling in montane forests . P.D. Brooks, M.E. Litvak, A.A. Harpold, N.P. Molotch, J.C. McIntosh, P.A. Troch, X. Zapata (2011): AGU Fall Meeting Presentations (Invited) Abstract GC34A-08. Cross-CZO
Sources and Amounts of Nitrogen Deposited in Sky-Island Ecosystems. Zapata, X., McIntosh, J.C., Sorooshian, A., Lohse, K.A., Brooks, P.D., Troch, P.A., Chorover, J., Heidbuechel, I. (2011): AGU Fall Meeting Presentations (Poster) Abstract B13G-0652.
Future Directions for Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) Science. Anderson, R.S., Anderson, S., Aufdenkampe, A.K., Bales, R., Brantley, S., Chorover, J., Duffy, C.J., Scatena, F.N., Sparks, D.L., Troch, P.A., Yoo, K. (2010): CZO Community, December 29, 2010 Cross-CZO National
Quantifying the effects of mountain pine beetle infestation on water and biogeochemical cycles at multiple spatial and temporal scales . Brooks, P.D., Harpold, A.A., Somor, A.J., Troch, P.A., Gochis, D.J., Ewers, B.E., Pendall, E., Biederman, J.A., Reed, D., Barnard, H.R., Whitehouse, F., Aston, T., Borkhuu, B. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting Abstract U33B-04 (was B31E-0348).
Can Landscape Heterogeneity Buffer or Exacerbate Changes in Mountain Hydrology under Different Climatic Conditions?. Broxton, P.D., Troch, P.A., Brooks, P.D. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting (Poster) Abstract H33C-1143.
Tracking Varying Mean Transit Time in a Semi-Arid Catchment . Heidbuechel, I., Troch, P.A., Lyon, S.W. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting (Poster) Abstract H11C-0813.
Coevolution of topography, hydrology, soil development, and vegetation in sky islands of the southwestern United States. Pelletier, J.D., Rasmussen, C., Breshears, D.D., Brooks, P.D., Chorover, J., Huxman, T.E., Lohse, K.A., Meixner, T., McIntosh, J.C., Kurc, S.A., Schaap, M.G., Swetnam, T., Troch, P.A. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting Abstract EP42A-03.
Climate and landscape controls on chemical weathering - regional to pedon-scale analysis. Rasmussen, C., Lybrand, R., Jardine, A.B., Heidbuechel, I., Troch, P.A., Chorover, J. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting (Invited) Abstract EP42A-02.
Application of thermodynamics to quantify the energetics of pedogenesis and critical zone evolution. Rasmussen, C., Troch, P.A., Brooks, P.D., Pelletier, J.D., Chorover, J. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting (Invited) Abstract H52B-03.
Environmental Energy and Mass Transfer: Key to Understanding Catchment Evolution. Troch, P.A., Rasmussen, C., Broxton, P.D., Heidbuechel, I. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting (Invited) Abstract H32B-01.
Semi-Distributed Hydrologic Model
Semi-distributed hydrological model called hsB-SM (hillslope storage Boussinesq-Soil Moisture)
10 Mar 2016 - EOS article written by Lily Strelich features research conducted by CZO investigators and their colleagues, which shows that bark beetle epidemics...
03 Mar 2016 - The 2016 MG Anderson Award for Outstanding Paper in Hydrological Processes, Wiley is presented to Jemez-Catalina CZO investigators.
14 Jan 2016 - CZOs at AGU 2015: Award recipients and agenda
22 Nov 2013 - UA College of Science ‘Superstars of Science’ series features Dr. Peter Troch, CZO Co-PI and Science Director at the UA Biosphere 2
01 Oct 2011 - The European Geosciences Union (EGU) has awarded the John Dalton Medal to Peter A. Troch for his seminal contributions to hydrology in the areas of...
CUAHSI Watershed Science Master Class
Biosphere2, Oracle, Arizona.
Collaborative Research Opportunities at the Landscape Evolution Observatory of Biosphere 2
Marley 230.
A short course for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows Sponsored by CUAHSI and the University of Arizona
Biosphere 2 near Tucson, Arizona.
AGU Chapman Conference on Soil-mediated Drivers of Coupled Biogeochemical and Hydrological Processes Across Scales
Biosphere II, Tucson AZ, USA.
2nd Biannual National CZO Network All-Hands Meeting, Biosphere II & Univ. of Arizona
Biosphere II, Tucson AZ, USA.