03 Dec 2012 - A listing of more than 125 CZO-related presentations for the 2012 annual meeting of the AGU.
30 Oct 2012 - Scientists still don't know exactly how all that happens, and they have recently rigged the slopes of the Catalinas with a variety of...
30 Aug 2012 - The European magazine, International Innovation Environment, published bi-annually, focused the August issue on "How science must lead the way to a...
30 Jul 2012 - Jemez River Basin LiDAR datasets (snow-on and snow-off) have been published on the OpenTopography website.
05 Jun 2012 - Rebecca Lybrand was awarded the 2011 Outstanding Student Paper Award for her presentation “Quantifying elemental compositions of primary...
21 Feb 2012 - New research opportunities to advance hydrologic sciences promise a better understanding of the role of water in the Earth system that could help...