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Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
15 Publications
Investigating the complex interface where bedrock transforms to regolith. Brantley, S. L., Buss, H., Lebedeva, M., Fletcher R.C., Ma L. (2011): Applied Geochemistry. Vol 26. S12-S15. Cross-CZO
Twelve testable hypotheses on the geobiology of weathering. Brantley, S.L., Megonigal, J.P., Scatena, F.N., Balogh-Brunstad, Z., Barnes, R.T., Bruns, M.A., Van Cappellen, P., Dontsova, K., Hartnett, H.E., Hartshorn, A.S., Heimsath, A., Herndon, E., Jin, L., Keller, C.K., Leake, J.R., McDowell, W.H., Meinzer, F.C., Mozdzer, T.J., Petsch, S, Pett-Ridge, J., Pregitzer, K.S., Raymond, P.A., Riebe, C.S., Shumaker, K., Sutton-Grier, A., Walter, R., and Yoo, K. (2011): Geobiology 9(2): 140-165, Cross-CZO National
Effects of chronic nitrogen additions on above- and belowground carbon dynamics in two tropical forests. Cusack, D. F., Silver, W. L., and McDowell, W. H. (2011): Biogeochemistry
Recognizing the importance of tropical forests in limiting rainfall-induced debris flows. De Graff, J.V., Sidle, R.C., Ahmad, R. Scatena, F.N. (2011): Environmental Earth Science
Wet canopy evaporation from a Puerto Rican lower montane rain forest: the importance of realistically estimated aerodynamic conductance. Holwerda F., Bruijnzeel L.A., Scatena F.N., Vugts H.F., Meesters A.G.C.A (2011): Journal of Hydrology 414, 1-15.
Geochemical Model of Redox Reactions in a Tropical Rain Forest Stream Riparian Zone: DOC Oxidation, Respiration and Denitrification. Jiménez R.A., (2011): Master's Capstone and Thesis. University of Pennsylvania
Atypical soil carbon distribution across a tropical steepland forest catena. Johnson K.D., Scatena F.N., Silver W.L. (2011): Catena, Volume 87, Issue 3, December 2011, Pages 391–397
Germanium-silicon as a flow path tracer: Application to the Rio Icacos watershed. Kurtz A.C., Lugolobi F., Salvucci G. (2011): Water Resources Research
Rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility zonation of Puerto Rico. Lepore C., Kamal S.A., Shanahan P., Bras R.L. (2011): Environmental Earth Sciences, 1-15
Occurrence of halloysite nanotubes and bacteria at the interface between saprolite and quartz diorite bedrock, Rio Icacos Watershed, Puerto Rico. Minyard, M.L., M.A. Bruns, C.E. Martinez, L.J. Liermann, S.L. Brantley (2011): Soil Science Society of America Journal
Strong climate and tectonic control on plagioclase weathering in granitic terrain. Rasmussen C., Brantley S., Richter D.D., Blum A., Dixon J., and White A.F. (2011): Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 301(3-4): 521-530, Cross-CZO
2011 Interim Report CZO: Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory. Scatena F.N. (2011): University of Pennsylvania
Streams of the Montane Humid Tropics. Scatena, F.N., Gupta A. (2011): Treatise on Geomorphology. Editors E. Wohl. Academic Press, San Diego Ca. Vol 9.
Long-term patterns and short-term dynamics of stream solutes and suspended sediment in a rapidly weathering tropical watershed. Shanley, J.B., McDowell, W.H., Stallard, R.F. (2011): Water Resource Research, 47 W07515
Mineralogy of Soils Overlying the Two Main Geologic Provinces of the El Yunque National Forest, Puerto Rico. Wang, Z. (2011): University of Pennsylvania