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Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
3 Publications
Characteristics of fog and fogwater fluxes in a Puerto Rican elfin cloud forest. Eugester, W., Burkard, R., Holwerda, F., Scatena, F.N., Bruijnzeel, L.A., (2006): Agricultural and Forest Meterology
A spheroidal weathering model coupling porewater chemistry to soil thicknesses during steady-state denudation. Fletcher, R.C., Buss, H.L., Brantley S.L. (2006): Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Redox fluctuations in a humid tropical forest soil impact N-cycling rates by framing the composition of the soil microbial community. Pett-Ridge, J., W. L. Silver, and M. K. Firestone (2006): Biogeochemistry