Rendered LiDAR image illustratingdeep seated landslide underneath vegetative cover. South Fork Eel River confluence with Tenmile Creek. Image: Collin Bode, 2010. LiDAR: 2004, NCALM.
Eel River CZO benefits from the rich history of research done at the Angelo Reserve. It was one of the 3 primary field sites for the National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics (NCED). NCED supported collection of GIS datasets for the Reserve and local watershed. The UMN NCED website continues to host some of the GIS datasets in the NCED Data Repository. Please contact the Eel River Data manager if you would like more information.
Our area is also the beneficiary of 2 prior LiDAR flights by the National Center for Airborn Laser Mapping (NCALM). These datasets are available on (2004, 2009). The 2004 dataset covers the headwaters of the South Fork Eel River down to the confluence of Tenmile Creek. This area covers the Angelo Reserve. It has a point density of 2.64 points/m2. The 2009 dataset is a narrow swath running down the mainstem of the South Fork Eel River to the confluence of the South Fork with Middle Fork. The 2009 has a point density of 9.64 points/m2. We have processed the 2004 dataset into all the standard bare-earth data products (1m DEM, hillshade, slope, aspect, flow direction, flow accumulation, and derived river channel).
Google EarthEngine programming interface, showing javascript for displaying slope in two-color gradient. Feb, 2014.
The Keck Foundation HydroWatch project supported neutron probe surveys and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) on our intensively instrumented site, Rivendell.
Eel River network colored by drainage area. NHD, 2010.
Electrical Resistive Tomography (ERT) performed by Daniella Rempe and Rohit Salve, 2008.
LiDAR derived Topographic map of the Angelo Reserve and surrounding area, combined with existing GIS of infrastructure.
Google EarthEngine programming interface, showing javascript for displaying slope in two-color gradient. Feb, 2014.