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Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
4 Publications
Facing reality: Late Cenozoic evolution of smooth peaks, glacially ornamented valleys, and deep river gorges of Colorado's Front Range In Willet SD, Hovius N, Brandon MT, Fisher D (eds) Tectonics, climate, and landscape evolution. Anderson RS, Riihimaki CA, Safran EB, MacGregor KR (2006): Geological Society of America Special Paper 398 Penrose Conference Series, p 397-418.
Geomorphic inferences from regolith thickness, chemical denudation and CRN erosion rates near the glacial limit, Boulder Creek catchment and vicinity, Colorado. Dethier DP, Lazarus ED (2006): Geomorphology 75: 384-399.
State of the Watershed: Water Quality of Boulder Creek, Colorado. Murphy, S. F. (2006): U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1284
Geochemistry and source waters of rock glacier outflow, Colorado Front Range. Williams M. W., Knauf M., Caine TN, Liu F., and Verplanck P. (2006): Permafrost and Periglacial Processes