ARCHIVED CONTENT: In December 2020, the CZO program was succeeded by the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZ Net) ×

Southern Sierra CZO Videos

© University of California

04 May 2020

Onward California - University of California television spots showcase Southern Sierra CZO research

Image: © University of California [Click image to enlarge]

Featured Videos

WSKG Public Media - Explore the Critical Zone  

The Critical Zone supports terrestrial life on Earth.  It is the region above and below the Earth surface, extending from the tops of the trees down through the subsurface to the bottom of the groundwater.


KQED QUEST - The Secret Life of a Raindrop (November 2015)

San Francisco's KQED public television features the Eel River and the Southern Sierra CZOs in an episode of QUEST, a science and technology program. "The Secret Life of a Raindrop" aired on KQED Wednesday, November 11, 2015.


NBC Learn - Sustainability: Water – Sierra Nevada Snow Pack & Snow Melt (July 2013)

The snow pack of the Sierra Nevada is critical to California's economy, feeding the agricultural bounty, dense population centers, and cerebral and tangible manufacturing across the state. In March, NBC Learn visited the Southern Sierra CZO site at Providence Creek, as well as the University of California, Merced campus, to discuss research on snow pack, water resource management, and the water cycle. Our new featured video covers snow pack and snow melt in the Sierra range, with another below on the water cycle. UC Merced Professors Martha Conklin and Tom Harmon, and SSCZO Field Hydrologist Matt Meadows appear in this with additional research staff. Additional videos are available on the NBC Learn website.



Other Videos

National Science Foundation & NBC Learn - Sustainability: Water – The Water Cycle (July 2013)

Learn about the water cycle in this short, comprehensive video from NBC Learn and the National Science Foundation. UC Merced Professors Martha Conklin and Tom Harmon appear in these videos.

University of California - California's Water Tower (October 2012)

University of California television spot showcases Southern Sierra CZO research. Additional videos are available on the Onward California website.

CITRIS UC - Data Innovation Day: Visualizing the Environment, Roger Bales (January 2013).

On January 24, 2013, UC Merced researcher Roger Bales presented at the CITRIS Data and Democracy symposium entitled Streams, Gardens, and Clouds: Visualizing Dynamic Data for Engagement, Education and the Environment to celebrate Data Innovation Day.

Video by CITRIS. Original video link.

Radio and Television of Portugal (September 2011)

In Spring 2011, CZO colleagues participated in a video project with Radio and Television of Portugal (RTP). The project focused on how U.S. National Parks and scientists are dealing with climate change issues. The video aired on Portuguese public television in September 7, 2011. Video by Philip Pinto and Edson Tanaka.

Video narration is in Portuguese and interviews in English. Segment begins at 24:41. Video link

UC Merced - Senator Barbara Boxer visits Sierra Nevada Research Center and learns about the Southern Sierra CZO (August 2011)

On August 24, 2011, Barbara Boxer visited the UC Merced campus and met with students and professors at the Sierra Nevada Research Institute. During her visit, she learned about research activities at the CZO as it relates to California's climate and water resources.

Segment begins at 1:07. Video by UC Merced Office of Communications.  Original video link

University of California Research - A Critical Research Zone in the Sierra (July 2011)

Released on July 26, 2011, this video was made by the University of California Office of Research to illustrate the activities going on at the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory. Students and staff are interviewed, displaying a solid introduction to the cutting edge research going on at the CZO.  More information: University of California Research website

Video by Nick Strayer, Office of the President.  Original video link

UC Berkeley CNS News - Around California (April 2011)

On April 29th, 2011, the CNS News team from the University of California Berkeley School of Journalism released a film describing how CZO students and investigators use wireless sensor technology to collect climate, soil moisture and snow depth data in remote locations.

Segment begins at 21:10.  Original video link

KVIE PBS television - California Heat (2008)

In 2008, KVIE PBS television released a video featuring UC Merced professor Martha Conklin and graduate student Peter Kirchner discussing climate change, Sierra Nevada snow, and advanced measurement programs they developed at the Wolverton area of the CZO.

Segment starts at 19:55.  Original video link

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