My interests in environmental science are focused on the biogeochemical mechanisms that drive metal transformations and nutrient cycling in redox-fluctuating systems. My former research examined a mechanism whereby the reductive dissimilation of ferric (Fe(III)) oxides during microbial respiration, coupled to the oxidation of native organic carbon and possibly mediated by native humic substances (electron shuttles), can influence the phosphorus cycle in Appalachian soils. My current research at UGA seeks to investigate the dynamic mineralogical and microbial transformations/interactions in soils that undergo varying frequencies of anaerobic and aerobic cycles. Our goal is to track Fe transformations using advanced analytical techniques such as 57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy and ICP-MS, characterize changes in bacterial community structure using molecular techniques, and further define how carbon and phosphorus cycles are influenced under redox-fluctuating conditions.
Influence of pO2 on iron redox cycling and anaerobic organic carbon mineralization in a humid tropical forest soil. Chen, Chunmei, Christof Meile, Jared Wilmoth, Diego Barcellos, and Aaron Thompson (2018): Environmental Science & Technology 52 (14): 7709-7719 Cross-CZO
Transient O2 pulses direct Fe crystallinity and Fe(III)-reducer gene expression within a soil microbiome. Jared Lee Wilmoth, Mary Ann Moran, Aaron Thompson (2018): Microbiome
Rapid iron reduction rates are stimulated by high-amplitude redox fluctuations in a tropical forest soil. Ginn, Brian, Christof Meile, Jared Wilmoth, Yuanzhi Tang, and Aaron Thompson (2017): Environmental Science & Technology 51 (6): 3250-3259
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
Iron cycling under oscillatory redox conditions: from observations to processes (Invited). Meile, Christof D, Chunmei Chen, Diego Barcellos, Jared Wilmoth, Aaron Thompson (2017): American Geophysical Union 2017 Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 11-15 December 2017
Key features of redox fluctuating soils that influence iron cycling. Thompson, Aaron; Meile, Christof; Wilmoth, Jared; Barcellos, Diego; Chen, Chunmei; Ginn, Brian; Hodges, Caitlin (2017): American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2-6 April 2017
Iron reduction rates and carbon mineralization in a soil from Puerto Rico. Barcellos D, Wilmoth J, Cycle T, Thompson A (2015): Goldschmidt - Geochemical Conference, Prague, Czech Republic
Depth Variation of Soil Iron Crystallinity at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory. Thompson A, Barcellos D, Wilmoth J, & Richter D (2015): Goldschmidt Conference, Prague, CZ
Oxygen flux modulates net rates of Fe reduction and Fe solid phase composition in redox dynamic soils. Thompson A., and Wilmoth, J. (2015): American Chemical Society National Meeting, Denver, CO
Depth Variation of Soil Iron Crystallinity at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory. Thompson, A., Barcellos, D., Wilmoth, J., and Richter, D. (2015): Calhoun CZO 2015 Summer Science Meeting
57Fe isotope labeling of reactive Fe solid phases during redox transitions in a tropical forest soil using variable temperature Mössbauer spectroscopy. Wilmoth, J. and Thompson, A. (2015): Southeastern Biogeochemistry Symposium, 2015. Atlanta, GA,.
Linkages between soil Fe reduction rates and the characteristics of redox fluctuations at the Luquillo CZO, Puerto Rico. Barcellos D, Wilmoth J, Thompson A (2014): All Hands Meeting for the Critical Zone Observatories (CZO) network, Merced, California, USA
Redox fluctuations and carbon stabilization in a tropical soil from Puerto Rico. Barcellos D, Wilmoth J, Thompson A (2014): Plant and Soil Graduate Symposium, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia