20 People
pedology & anthropedology, terrestrial biogeochemistry, forest ecology, non-traditional isotopes
Mark Bartlett
currently postdoc at Princeton, former grad student at Duke
Watershed modeling
stable isotope biogeochemistry; terrestrial ecosystem ecology; land use change; SOM & N2O dynamics.
Water Resources, Environmental Engineering
Email, 706-559-4321
USFS Southern Research
soil ecology, macroinvertebrates
accelerator mass spectrometry; radiocarbon dating; soil chemistry
Anthropology, Historical ecology
Watershed Hydrology; Surface water-Groundwater Interactions; Numerical Modeling; GIS-Model Coupling.
soil site productitvity, nutrient and hydrologic cycles, land use change, biogeochemistry
Email, 919 684 1743
DU Nicholas School
anthropology; interactions between people and their environments; interdisciplinary research
Email, 540-375-2508
Ecosystem Ecology; Education & Outreach; Rhizosphere Ecology
Hydrology; Geophysics; Nonlinear Dynamics; Environmental Engineering.
Pedology, biogeochemistry
clay mineralogy; X-ray diffraction; vibrational spectroscopy; NMR spectroscopy
Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Water Resources
See Alumni/former >