BcCZOII member, Rachel Gabor, and helpful INSTAAR (Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research) staff, Aneliya Sakaeva and Chris Jaros, collected large samples of floodwater from Boulder Creek at two sites - 30th St. and Eben G. Fine Park. Some of the water is being tested for various water quality parameters (e.g., metals, DOM quality, etc.) to help guide decisions on further sampling. They collected a large volume (five 15-20 L carboys at 30th St. and six at Eben G. Fine Park) so they could isolate the humic material from the DOM. They have a similar sample collected during snowmelt in May 2013 which will allow them to ompare the two high flow events.
Sampling the Boulder Creek floodwater on Monday September 16 2013 with a bucket method
Sampling the Boulder Creek floodwater on Monday September 16 2013
News Category:
18 Sep 2013 - Assessing Gordon Gulch continues
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