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Only the publications tagged "national" are shown. Use the above "move laterally" menu to access additional publications for each CZO.
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
8 Publications
Integrated Data Management System for Critical Zone Observatories (EAR-1332257). Anthony Aufdenkampe, Jeff Horsburgh, Kerstin Lehnert, David Lubinski, Emilio Mayorga, Ilya Zaslavski and Mark Williams (2011): Awarded Proposal to NSF National
Twelve testable hypotheses on the geobiology of weathering. Brantley, S.L., Megonigal, J.P., Scatena, F.N., Balogh-Brunstad, Z., Barnes, R.T., Bruns, M.A., Van Cappellen, P., Dontsova, K., Hartnett, H.E., Hartshorn, A.S., Heimsath, A., Herndon, E., Jin, L., Keller, C.K., Leake, J.R., McDowell, W.H., Meinzer, F.C., Mozdzer, T.J., Petsch, S, Pett-Ridge, J., Pregitzer, K.S., Raymond, P.A., Riebe, C.S., Shumaker, K., Sutton-Grier, A., Walter, R., and Yoo, K. (2011): Geobiology 9(2): 140-165, Cross-CZO National
Report of the Steering Committee. Grant, G., Bales, J., Derry, L., Driscoll, C., Kendall, C., and Firestone, M. (2011): Critical Zone Observatory All Hands Meeting, May 8-12, 2011, Tucson, AZ National
Mt Lemmon ‐ Santa Catalina Mountains Field Trip. JRB-SCM CZO Team (2011): CZO All-Hands Meeting, Biosphere 2, May 8-12, 2011 Cross-CZO National
CZChemDB and EarthChem: Advancing management and access of critical zone geochemical data. Niu, X., Lehnert, K. A.. Williams, J., Brantley, S. L. (2011): Applied Geochemistry 26:S108–S111, Cross-CZO National
Observations and Measurements - XML Implementation. Open Geospatial Consortium (2011): OGC Document 10-025r1 National
CZO Display File Specification. Whitenack, T., Zaslavsy, I., Tarboton, D., and Williams, M. (2011): CZO Central Data Management Project National
The Initial Design of Data Sharing Infrastructure for the Critical Zone Observatory. Zaslavsky, I., T. Whitenack, M. Williams, D. G. Tarboton, K. Schreuders, and A. Aufdenkampe (2011): Proceedings of the Environmental Information Management Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, 28-29 September, EIM'2011, pp. 145-150 Cross-CZO National