Education-Outreach highlights.
For AGU 2018, we've assembled a two-page document with examples of CZO education-outreach activities.
On this page
It extends from tops of trees to bottom of groundwater
Special CZO Issue, Fall 2016
We offer professional development programming
“Adventures in the Critical Zone”
A comic about each of the 9 CZOs
CZO is partnering with WSKG on short videos
See a collection of educational activities produced by the CZO Network.
Many CZO educational resources are aligned to the NGSS.
The interdisciplinary nature of CZO science and its relevance to every terrestrial environment makes it well-suited to satisfying the new science standards. The new standards value inclusion of locally relevant environmental content, and give far more attention to complex systems and climate change than prior standards.
Teaching materials for a 15-week, upper-level undergraduate course. Developed by 7 CZO investigators and collaborators. Hosted by InTeGrate (Science Educ. Resource Center).
A project focused on cross-CZO, common measurements, and collaboration
Online presentations of CZO science
Online content for 3 Critical Zone Observatory field sites
Special issue: “Exploring the Critical Zone, Earth’s Outer Skin”, Oct 2017
News, events, research highlights, upcoming meetings, Jobs/Opportunities and more
Illustration of the Critical Zone. After Chorover et al, 2007. Catalina-Jemez CZO
Locations of the nine Critical Zone Observatories
NESTA's The Earth Scientist special CZO issue, Fall 2016.
Access past issues (NESTA members only)
PBS/WSKG videos. CZO is partnering with WSKG on short videos.
"Adventures in the Critical Zone"
CZO comics. A comic about each of the 9 CZOs.
CZO Educational Resources
Undergrad course in Critical Zone Science. Hosted by InTeGrate (Science Educ. Resource Center).
NAGT's In the Trenches special issue: “Exploring the Critical Zone, Earth’s Outer Skin”, Oct 2017
View the issue (NAGT members only)
CZO offers professional development training.
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