An updated agenda has been on the Events page and Main page
**RECENTLY UPDATED** Final Abstract Program added
- Can I still submit an abstract?
No, the last Abstract deadline was August 29, 5 pm Pacific.
- How should I design my poster?
All submitted abstracts will be posters, with session conveners inviting some presenters for a short (~8 min) oral presentation. Portrait-orientation, 4' tall x 3' wide maximum. Refer to the abstract booklet for the Theme where your abstract has been classified. Your CZO research often applies to multiple Themes. Because of the structure of the conference, all posters will be shown at the same time.
You should include on your poster: the number code for your abstract (e.g., T2J) to help attendees find your poster, AND the visual Theme tags available below. Recommended sizing for Theme tags is 1"x1" to 1.5"x1.5"
Applicable themes can be found in the Abstract booklet. The Abstract numbers should remain constant from here. The "Primary Theme" is the one in which your abstract is listed. If you feel another Theme also applies to your abstract, feel free to add a secondary tag.
- What are the breakout groups?
The working list of breakout groups is posted to the Events page and periodically updated. Suggestions are encouraged - please submit to Roger Bales.
- Should I book my travel? Will I be reimbursed?
Yes! Please book as soon as possible. Once booked, please add your travel times to the lodging/travel spreadsheet). A few guidelines to know for reimbursements:
Please book COACH (that means we cannot reimburse for extra leg room, upgrades or first class; adjustments for a medical condition will need a doctor's note to process the reimbursement). If you can obtain an itemized receipt for the flight, we may be able to reimburse your flight less upcharges
Reimbursements will cover flights, and we will try to cover costs for rental cars. Information on discounted rental car rates now available! See attached document at bottom of page. Reimbursements can only be made for the amount of the cheapest travel option (If it would be cheaper to fly, we cannot cover your gas and hotel from Maine. At a maximum, we could reimburse the amount of the airplane ticket). For simplicity and the budget, food during travel times will be your responsibility. Baggage fees, airport parking and personal vehicle mileage between home and the airport will not be covered at this time.
- What if I need to book a rental car?
We are encouraging people to use the shuttles between Fresno Airport and the hotel. These are provided at no cost to you and it is more cost-effective for us. If you need to book your travel to a different airport or at a different time, then a rental car may be best. There are already some travelers who have earlier flights on Wednesday, and someone traveling from SFO. Find rides to share on the lodging/travel spreadsheet or by contacting Erin.
Additional insurance on a rental car cannot be reimbursed.
- How much does the conference cost?
A certain number of people for each CZO are covered by the main budget. For these people, food and lodging will be covered, and we will aim to reimburse travel costs for the CZO travelers. The travel budget may be stretched so please be mindful when booking travel. International attendees should cover their travel, while we will cover your lodging and food costs.
We request that single occupancy requests cover the difference between double occupancy and single – if you requested single occupancy, you will be contacted with instructions. This difference is $113 per night.
Additional people are welcome but should already be registered. The additional cost will come with a commitment from your CZO. Please contact your CZO's organizer and Erin.
- How do I get to Tenaya Lodge?
Some CZOs have made arrangements to drive, but for many, flying into Fresno Air Terminal will be the best option. We will have shuttles on Sunday afternoon to get you to Tenaya Lodge (approximately 1 hour from the airport). Shuttles will be scheduled around arrival times. On Wednesday, shuttles will take you from Tenaya Lodge to the airport for departure times, or to hotels in the area for Thursday morning departures.
Sunday arrivals at the airport between 12 and ~6:30 pm are recommended. Wednesday departures after 6:30 pm are recommended.
- Where do I stay if my return flight is on Thursday morning?
There are three hotels near the Fresno airport. Shuttles on Wednesday will drop you off at those hotels.
- Food? Good food?
Good! I like food too. Food is included for conference attendees. We would like to meet your dietary needs. However, we have to work with the hotel around specific numbers. If you have any dietary restrictions please contact us as soon as possible. Meals will be prepared according to these numbers and there will be less room for adjustment at the conference.
Applicable themes can be found in the Abstract booklet. The Abstract numbers should remain constant from here. The "Primary Theme" is the one in which your abstract is listed. If you feel another Theme also applies to your abstract, feel free to add a secondary tag.
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CZO All Hands Meeting Agenda
(329 KB pdf)
Final version, Sept 16
All Hands Meeting Program
(698 KB pdf)
Final version, Sept 17
Primary Theme 1
(9 KB png)
Rec sizing 1-1.5" sq/2.5-4 cm sq
Primary Theme 2
(14 KB png)
Rec sizing 1-1.5" sq/2.5-4 cm sq
Primary Theme 3
(15 KB png)
Rec sizing 1-1.5" sq/2.5-4 cm sq
Primary Theme 4
(11 KB png)
Rec sizing 1-1.5" sq/2.5-4 cm sq
Secondary Theme 1
(8 KB png)
Rec sizing 1-1.5" sq/2.5-4 cm sq
Secondary Theme 2
(12 KB png)
Rec sizing 1-1.5" sq/2.5-4 cm sq
Secondary Theme 3
(14 KB png)
Rec sizing 1-1.5" sq/2.5-4 cm sq
Secondary Theme 4
(10 KB png)
Rec sizing 1-1.5" sq/2.5-4 cm sq