Tropical Hydrology/Hydrogeochemistry Field Course
May 13-24, 2013
Hosted by the Technological University of Panama, University of Wyoming, The Ohio State
University, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Purdue University
This field course in Panama is aimed at graduate and upper-division undergraduate students
with interests in either hydrological or/and geochemical processes in the humid tropics. The course
will include lectures on tropical processes and field data collection (3 days), field work (7 days), and
tours of the Panama Canal and watershed (2 days).
The students will work at field sites associated with NSF-funded project EAR-1045166
“Hydrogeochemical Investigation of Seasonal Transition and Land Use Change Effects on Tropical
Hydrology”, and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Agua Salud ecosystem services project
(www.ctfs.si.edu/aguasalud/). All data collected by students in this project will be shared.
The course will consist of an approximate 50-50 mix of Panamanian and U.S. Students.
Instruction will be provided in both Spanish and English. Panama is one of the most scenic and
historical places to visit in the Americas. Not only will you learn about tropical hydrology and
geochemistry, and water quality issues in a developing country, but you will also tour the Panama
Canal, interact with local Panamanians, and gain experience off the beaten path.
Prof. Jose Fabrega, Technological University of Panama (water quality)
Prof. Fred Ogden, University of Wyoming (hydrology and runoff generation)
Prof. W. Berry Lyons, The Ohio State University (geochemistry, isotope hydrology, weathering)
Prof. Jan Hendrickx, New Mexico Tech. (tropical soils, infiltration, evapotranspiration)
Prof. Chad Jafvert, Purdue University (water quality and treatment)
Field course registration is $2000 per student plus air fare, which is typically between $500 and
$700 round trip from the U.S. Included in the registration are all in-country lodging, transportation
and meals. Knowledge of Spanish is not required but will be helpful. If you are interested, please send
an application stating: your name, nationality, current university, advisor, reason for interest in the
course, source of funding, and any special considerations that might affect your ability to participate in
this course. Applications are due by February 28, 2013, by e-mail to: Prof. Fred Ogden
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