ARCHIVED CONTENT: In December 2020, the CZO program was succeeded by the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZ Net) ×

Mary Power



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food webs; species interactions; aquatic insects; algae; stream metabolism; nutrient fluxes

Professor of Integrative Biology, University of California Berkeley

Power's page

Faculty Director of Angelo Coast Range Reserve

PhD, Zoology, University of Washington, 1981

Our group studies food webs in rivers and their watersheds. We are interested in how attributes and performances of species influence their effects in food webs, and how species interactions change under different environmental regimes. Topics of current interest include: Effects on river food webs of changes in hydrology, temperature, nutrient loading, energy source, and community structure. Impacts on meadow ecosystems of precipitation changes forecast by leading climate models for the California North Coast. Trophic impact of river-derived algal and aquatic insect production on consumers in the watersheds, estuaries, and coastal marine ecosystems. Landscape controls on stream metabolism, nutrient fluxes, and on consumer-resource interactions that influence biogeochemical fates of algal production.

CZO Publications