Professor of Integrative Biology, University of California Berkeley
Power's page
Faculty Director of Angelo Coast Range Reserve
PhD, Zoology, University of Washington, 1981
Our group studies food webs in rivers and their watersheds. We are interested in how attributes and performances of species influence their effects in food webs, and how species interactions change under different environmental regimes. Topics of current interest include: Effects on river food webs of changes in hydrology, temperature, nutrient loading, energy source, and community structure. Impacts on meadow ecosystems of precipitation changes forecast by leading climate models for the California North Coast. Trophic impact of river-derived algal and aquatic insect production on consumers in the watersheds, estuaries, and coastal marine ecosystems. Landscape controls on stream metabolism, nutrient fluxes, and on consumer-resource interactions that influence biogeochemical fates of algal production.
Clades of huge phages from across Earth’s ecosystems. Al-Shayeb, B., R. Sachdeva, L.-X. Chen, F. Ward, P. Munk, A. Devoto, C. J. Castelle, M. R. Olm, K. Bouma-Gregson, Y. Amano, C. He, R. Meheust, B. Brooks, A. Thomas, A. Lavy, P. Matheus-Carnevali, C. Sun, D. S. A. Goltsman, M. A. Borton, A. Sharrar, A. L. Jaffe, T. C. Nelson, R. Kantor, R. Keren, K. R. Lane, I. F. Farag, S. Lei, K. Finstad, R. Amundson, K. Anantharaman, J. Zhou, A. J. Probst, M. E. Power, S. G. Tringe, W.-J. Li, K. Wrighton, S. Harrison, M. Morowitz, D. A. Relman, J. A. Doudna, A.-C. Lehours, L. Warren, J. H. D. Cate, J. M. Santini, and J. F. Banfield. (2020): Nature 578, 425–431
2020 (In Press)
Combined use of radiocarbon and stable carbon isotopes for the source mixing model in a stream food web. Ishikawa, N.F., Finlay, J.C., Uno, H., Ogawa, N.O., Ohkouchi, N., Tayasu, T., Power, and Power, M.E. (2020): Limnology and Oceanography 1-14
Partial migration alters population ecology and food chain length: evidence from a salmonid fish. Kelson, S. J., Power, M.E., Finlay, J.C., and S. M. Carlson (2020): Ecosphere 11 (2): e03044
Impacts of microbial assemblage and environmental conditions on the distribution of anatoxin-a producing cyanobacteria within a river network. Bouma-Gregson, K., Olm, M.R., Probst, A.J., Anantharaman, K., Power, M.E., & Banfield, J.F. (2019): The ISME Journal
Widespread anatoxin-a detection in benthic cyanobacterial mats throughout a river network. Bouma-Gregson, K., Kudela, R.M., Power, M.E. (2018): PLoS One
Rise and fall of toxic benthic freshwater cyanobacteria (Anabaena spp) in the Eel river: Buoyancy and dispersal. Bouma-Gregson, K., Power, M.E., and Bormans, M. (2017): Harmful Algae 66: 79-87
Attached Algae: The Cryptic Base of Inverted Trophic Pyramids in Freshwaters. Vadeboncoeur, Y. and Power, M.E. (2017): Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 48: 255-279
California’s River Ecosystems. Power, M. E., Kupferberg, S.J., Cooper, S. D., and Deas, M.L. (2016): In H. Mooney & E. Zavaleta (Eds.), Ecosystems of California (p. 1008). University of California Press.
High Time for Conservation: Adding the Environment to the Debate on Marijuana Liberalization. Carah, J., Howard, J., Thompson, S.E., Short Gianotti, A.G., Bauer, S., Carlson, S.M., Dralle, D.N., Gabriel, M.W., Hulette, L., Johnson, B., Knight, C., Kupferberg, S., Martin, S., Naylor, R., Power, M.E. (2015): BioScience (Advance Access)
The Thirsty Eel: Summer and Winter Flow Thresholds that Tilt the Eel River of Northwestern California from Salmon-Supporting to Cyanobacterially Degraded States. Power, M.E., Bouma-Gregson, K., Higgins, P. and Carlson, S.M. (2015): Copeia 1:200-211.
Subcanopy solar radiation model: predicting solar radiation across a heavily vegetated landscape using LiDAR and GIS solar radiation models. Bode, C. A. Limm, M. P. Power, M. E. Finlay, J. C. (2014): Remote Sensing of Environment 154:387-397
Algal mats and insect emergence in rivers under Mediterranean climates: Towards photogrammetric surveillance. Power, ME, R Lowe, PC Furey, J Welter, M Limm, JC Finlay, C Bode, S Chang, M Goodrich, J Sculley (2009): Freshwater Biology, V.54, p.2101-2115
Seasonal reassembly of a river food web: floods, droughts, and impacts of fish. Power, ME, MS Parker, WE Dietrich, (2008): Ecological Monographs, V.78, p.263-282
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
Eel River Critical Zone Observatory Annual Report 2019. Dietrich, W., Bishop, J., Carlson, S., Power M., Thompson, S. (2019): NSF Award #1331940
Eel River Critical Zone Observatory Annual Report 2018. Dietrich, W., Bishop, J., Carlson, S., Power M., Thompson, S. (2018): NSF Award #1331940
Eel River Critical Zone Observatory Annual Report 2017. Dietrich, W., Bishop, J., Carlson, S., Power M., Thompson, S. (2017): NSF Award #1331940
Eel River Critical Zone Observatory Annual Report 2016. Dietrich, W. (2016): Eel River CZO, UC Berkeley
Eel River Critical Zone Observatory Annual Report 2015. Dietrich, W. (2015): Eel River CZO, UC Berkeley
The Eel River Critical Zone Observatory: exploring how the critical zone will mediate watershed currencies and ecosystem response in a changing environment. Dietrich, WE, JK Bishop, SM Carlson, ME Power, and S Thompson (2013): NSF Proposal
27 May 2016 - Power spoke on 'Drought, floods, and alternate states of algal-based river food webs in the Thirsty Eel' at the 2016 SFS Annual Meeting.
21 Mar 2016 - The following is part nine in a series on the National Science Foundation's Critical Zone Observatories (CZO) Network.
29 Jul 2015 - Eel River CZO ecohydrologist Sally Thompson and ecologists Stephanie Carlson and Mary Power worked with The Nature Conservancy to explore the...
28 Jul 2015 - The Humboldt County Board of Supervisors have passed a resolution comending the Eel River Recovery Project (ERRP) and the Eel River Critical Zone...
17 Jul 2015 - An Organized Session On Critical Zone Ecology At The 100th Annual Meeting Of The Ecological Society Of America August 9-14, 2015 In Baltimore, Md.
14 Jul 2015 - On June 12-14, 2015, the Angelo Reserve was the site of another wonderful Eel River Algal Foray. Algal experts Dr. Paula Furey and Professors Rex...
14 Jul 2015 - The Eel River CZO is featured on the Morrison Planetarium show “Habitat Earth” at the California Academy of Sciences. The theme...
Heath and Marjorie Angelo Coast Range Reserve.
Angelo Coast Range Reserve.