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Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
7 Publications
On the role of aspect to quantify water transit times in small mountainous catchments. Broxton P. D., Troch P. A., and Lyon S. W. (2009): Water Resources Research 45: W08427
Interactions between biogeochemistry and hydrologic systems. Lohse K.A., Brooks P.D., McIntosh J.C., Meixner T., and Huxman T.E. (2009): Annual Review of Environment and Resources 34: 65-96
Ecohydrological controls on snowmelt partitioning in mixed-conifer sub-alpine forests. Molotch N.P., Brooks P.D., Burns S.P., Litvak M., Monson R.K., McConnell J.R., and Musselman K. (2009): Ecohydrology 2(2): 129-142 Cross-CZO
Quantifying the climatic and tectonic controls on hillslope steepness and erosion rates. Pelletier J.D. and Rasmussen C. (2009): Lithosphere 1(2): 73-80
Geomorphically based predictive mapping of soil thickness in upland watersheds. Pelletier J.D. and Rasmussen C. (2009): Water Resources Research 45: W09417
Tectonic and structural control of fluvial channel morphology in metamorphic core complexes: The example of the Catalina-Rincon core complex, Arizona. Pelletier J.D., Engelder T.M., Comeau D., Hudson A., Leclerc M., Youberg A., and Diniega S. (2009): Geosphere 5(4): 363-384
Quantifying the effects of forest canopy cover on net snow accumulation at a continental, mid-latitude site. Veatch W., Brooks P.D., Gustafson J.R., and Molotch N.P. (2009): Ecohydrology 2(2): 115-128 Cross-CZO