Jon Chorover of the Santa Catalina Mountains & Jemez River Basin CZO has been invited to talk at the Hydro-Biogeochemical Processes: Mechanisms, Coupling, and Impact Workshop at Wuhan, China from October 27 to 31, 2015. The workshop, organized by China University of Geosciences (CUG), will focus on current research, challenges, and future research directions in hydro-biogeochemistry in Earth critical zones, groundwater and surface water interaction zones, aquatic systems, and land-atmosphere, land-ocean and human-nature interfaces. A current initiative of CUG is studying the hydrological and biogeochemical processes that affect water supply, elemental cycling, ecological life, and contaminant transport in JiangHan Basin where two world largest hydrological projects are operating: Three Gorge Dam, and China water supply project that transports water from South to North China (Beijing). There are various concerns regarding the impacts of these projects on ecology, environment, and economics. The JiangHan basin is also viewed as an Earth critical zone that is complexly affected by natural and human activities. This international workshop aims to bring together scientists from worldwide and various disciplines who share a common interest in addressing the challenges of understanding and managing the changing hydro-biogeochemistry of Earth critical zones. Jon will highlight U.S CZO research focused on the understanding of coupled hydrologic and biogeochemical processes, particularly in the subsurface. The research goal is to gain holistic understanding of these processes across multiple spatiotemporal scales and to provide effective prediction and management solutions in an integrated fashion.
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