Geology / Chronology is one of more than 16 discipline tags that we use to categorize and aggregate our interdisciplinary information within and across CZOs. Much of our information has been tagged with 2-3 disciplines.
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Development of Martian regolith and bedrock simulants: Potential and limitations of Martian regolith as an in-situ resource. Fackrell, Laura E., Paul A. Schroeder, Aaron Thompson, Karen Stockstill-Cahill, Charles A.Hibbitts (2020): Icarus 354: 114055
Geology of the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory. Jordan, Barrett (2020): Master's Thesis, University of Georgia
Clays in the Critical Zone. Paul A. Schroeder (2018): Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK Cross-CZO National
GK Gilbert: A Life in Science for the Commonstock (Invited). Richter, Daniel deB. (2018): American Geophysical Union 2018 Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, 10-14 Dec 2018
Why the history of geoscience is relevant in the Anthropocene: The case of GK Gilbert . Richter, Daniel deB. (2018): American Geophysical Union 2018 Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, 10-14 Dec 2018
Stratigraphic and Earth system approaches to defining the Anthropocene. Steffen, W. and 27 co-authors including D.deB. Richter (2016): Earth's Future 4 (8): 324-345
The Anthropocene is functionally and stratigraphically distinct from the Holocene. Waters, C.N., and 23 co-authors, including D.deB. Richter (2016): Science 351(6269): 137
Diachronous beginnings of the Anthropocene: The lower bounding surface of anthropogenic deposits. Edgeworth, M., D.deB. Richter, C. Waters, P. Haff, C. Neal, S.J. Price (2015): The Anthropocene Review 2 (1): 33-58
Disputed start dates for Anthropocene. Zalasiewicz J., and 23 co-authors, including D. deB. Richter (2015): Nature 520: 436
When did the Anthropocene begin? A mid-twentieth century boundary level is stratigraphically optimal. Zalasiewicz J., C.N. Waters, M. Williams, A.D. Barnosky, A. Cearreta, P. Crutzen, E. Ellis, M.A. Ellis, I.J. Fairchild, J. Grinevald, R. Leinfelder, J. McNeill, C. Poirier, D. Richter, W. Steffen, D. Vidas, M. Wagreich, A.P. Wolfe, and A. Zhisheng (2015): Quaternary International 383: 204-207
Colonization of the Americas, ‘Little Ice Age’ climate, and bomb-produced carbon: Their role in defining the Anthropocene. Zalasiewicz, Jan, et al. including D. deB. Richter (2015): The Anthropocene Review 2 (2): 117-127
Evolution of Soil, Ecosystem, and Critical Zone Research at the USDA FS Calhoun Experimental Forest. Richter, D. deB., A.R. Bacon, S.A. Billings, D. Binkley, M. Buford, M.A. Callaham, A.E. Curry, R.L. Fimmen, A. S. Grandy, P.R. Heine, M. Hofmockel, J.A. Jackson, E. LeMaster, J. Li, D. Markewitz, M.L. Mobley, M.W. Morrison, M.S. Strickland, T. Waldrop, and C. G. Wells (2014): In: USDA Forest Service Experimental Forests and Ranges: Research for the Long Term, Chapter: 18, Publisher: Springer Verlag, Editors: D.C. Hayes, S.L. Stout, R.H. Crawford, A.P. Hoover, pp. 405-433
Coupling meteoric 10Be with pedogenic losses of 9Be to improve soil residence time estimates on an ancient North American interfluve. Bacon, Allan R., Daniel deB. Richter, Paul R. Bierman, and Dylan H. Rood (2012): Geology 40 (9): 847–850
05 Jun 2020 - Barrett "Bear" Jordan's MS thesis on the geology of the Calhoun is now posted! Bear's advisor Paul Schroeder says this is "a bit more...
09 Jun 2016 - On Thursday 9 June 2016, Paul Schroeder led a several hour tour of the Hanson Aggregates Quarry (AKA Mary Lou Rock Quarry) in Clinton SC, about 15...
20 Jan 2015 - Dan Richter helps answer the question "When did the Anthropocene begin?"
01 Apr 2014 - Wyoming Experts in Geophysics Visit the Calhoun CZO for Four Days of Measurements