Assistant Professor; School of Engineering; University of California, Merced
UC Merced - University of California, Merced
Guo's UC Merced page
Ph.D., Environmental Science, University of California, Berkeley, 2005
Geographic Information Science, Remote Sensing, Spatial Analysis, Statistical Learning Methods, Environmental Modeling, Climate Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems.
Comparison of Canopy Cover Estimation from Airborne LiDAR. Ma Q., Su Y., Guo Q. (2016): IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.
Influence of terrain aspect on water partitioning, vegetation structure, and vegetation greening in high elevation catchments in northern New Mexico. Zapata-Rios X., Brooks P.D., Troch P.A., McIntosh J. and Guo Q. (2016): Ecohydrology 9(5): 782-795 Cross-CZO National
LiDAR-derived snowpack data sets from mixed conifer forests across the Western United States. Harpold, A.A., Q. Guo, N. Molotch, P. D. Brooks, R. Bales, J.C. Fernandez-Diaz, K.N. Musselman, and T.L. Swetnam, P. Kirchner, M. Meadows, J. Flanagan, R. Lucas (2014): Water Resources Research 50(3): 2749-2755 Cross-CZO
LiDAR measurement of seasonal snow accumulation along an elevation gradient in the southern Sierra Nevada, California. Kirchner, P.B., Bales, R.C., Molotch, N.P., Flanagan, J., Guo, Q (2014): Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18: 4261-4275 Cross-CZO
A New Method for Segmenting Individual Trees from the Lidar Point Cloud. Li, W., Guo, Q., Jakubowski, M., Kelly, M. (2012): Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 78: 75-84
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
Relative resiliency of Giant Sequoia groves to multi-year dry periods in a warming climate. Su, Y., Bales, R., Ma, Q., Nydick, K., Ray, R., Li, W., Guo, Q. (2017): 2017 AAG Annual Meeting
"Seeing the Snow Through the Trees: Accumulation in forested catchments as determined from snow depth sensor and LiDAR measurements. Kirchner, P. B., Bales, R. C., Musselman K. N., Flanagan J., and Guo, Q. (2011): National CZO Program 2011 All Hands Meeting