Data highlights
For AGU 2018, we've assembled a two-page document with examples of CZO data activities.
On this page:
CZ science uses integrated, diverse data
Critical Zone scientists need integrated data to inform our theoretical frameworks, constrain our conceptual and numerical models, and test our hypotheses -- both within a CZO and across the CZO network.
Highly interdisciplinary data.
Very wide range of timescales.
Many data types (sensors & samples).
Current data access
Start at
Search our centralized metadata catalog
Browse 70+ main topics including Meteorology, Soil Moisture, GIS/MapData,
Streamflow/Discharge, Precipitation, Soil Temperature, LiDAR, Stream Water Chemistry, and many more.
Access additional resources
Data catalogs at individual observatories.
Domain-specific, long-term repositories (i.e. LiDAR at
Network data products
Assembling cross-CZO datasets
In the past few years, CZO data managers have been synthesizing more of CZO’s common measurements into cross-network data products. Some products are complete and available on via the national/data webpage. Transfer of some of the datasets to CUAHSI's HydroShare repository is underway.
Example cross-CZO datasets
Tool development
Data management software
With our partners, CZO has contributed to a series of software projects that help structure and manage our diverse data. They include:
ODM2 - Robust data model for Critical Zone science.
ODM2 Admin - Management of sensor and sample-based
data collected from a field site.
Clowder - Customized data catalogs in the cloud to help
manage research data for groups and communities.
Dendra - Interface for sensor database, University of
California’s SensorBase.
Improved data discovery across the CZO network, in one location
CUAHSI HydroShare enables groups and individuals to share data and models:
storage, analysis, and publication
CZO is partnering with CUAHSI to migrate our data catalog from to CUAHSI’s repository later in 2019
Partnering will provide a more sustainable data management solution for the CZO community. Improvements to HydroShare made on behalf of CZO will benefit the entire HydroShare user community.
Central, long-term repository
Migrated data will have improved long-term viability and enhanced discoverability.
Our current storage is limited to individual CZOs and
domain-specific repositories like
Migration is especially important for data at risk of
becoming inaccessible (i.e. grad student research).
Completed data resources can be issued DOIs.
Using HydroShare infrastructure will reduce our
dependence on hardware and software at all CZOs.
Note: Not all CZO data can be migrated to HydroShare in 2019. Although we will migrate all the metadata, transferring all data is too large of a project for the short term. We will start with easily accessible flat files.
Improved search & browse
We gain a metadata catalog with more functionality.
Current system has limited functionality derived from a
standard Content Management System (CMS).
HydroShare is optimized for science metadata, i.e.,
automatic extraction of metadata from some file types.
More controlled vocabulary (CV) terms than before.
Yields better search results, improved data interoperability
among CZOs and with outside organizations.
More standardization of terms, especially for variables.
For example, instead of a half dozen ways to denote
dissolved calcium, there will be one.
Initial work condensed ~1900 variable names down to
340 standard terms (within ODM2 information model).
Enhanced collaboration
CZO researchers can work together more easily and share more widely.
Work privately with others on preliminary data. When
ready, make data discoverable and/or downloadable.
Explore data with others via the JupyterHub app, including online analysis & modelling.
Share all products of a study, including primary data,
supporting data, workflows, and models.
Connect to the robust HydroShare API for data access
and reuse by individuals and applications.
HydroShare + Clowder
CZO and CUAHSI are collaborating with the Clowder team (led by NCSA), with emphasis on authoring metadata and interoperability between HydroShare and Clowder.
Clowder is online software that helps communities manage research data via customized data catalogs and data
processing tools.
Clowder has strengths in incrementally adding data and
metadata, data visualization, & other custom functionality.
HydroShare has strengths in long-term data archival,
publication, discovery, and connections to models via apps.
Migration of CZO data catalog to HydroShare