ARCHIVED CONTENT: In December 2020, the CZO program was succeeded by the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZ Net) ×

CZ-tope: Using multiple isotopes to understand watersheds

We would like to introduce CZ-tope, an international effort the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory is initiating to promote isotopic measurements on identical CZ samples.  This new initiative will promote cross-CZO activities and is highly useful because many “nontraditional” isotopic systems are being newly developed and have not yet been tested thoroughly in the field.

For CZ-tope to date, the following isotopes have been measured or proposed for Shale Hills on identical samples: Fe, 10Be, U series, Mg (L. Ma, Univ TX El Paso; F. Zhen), S and C (L. Jin, Univ TX El Paso), Si (F. von Blanckenburg), B (J. Gaillardet), Li (M. Feinemann, PSU), and Ca (M. Fantle, PSU).

To promote this effort, an AGU 2013 Fall Meeting Session "H014, CZ-tope:  Using multiple isotope to understand watersheds" is now open for abstract submission:

Session Conveners:  Jérôme Gaillardet, Lin Ma, Matthew Fantle, Pamela Sullivan, Susan Brantley

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