Variables: Air temperature, Wind direction, Wind speed, Carbon dioxide flux, Sensible heat flux, Latent heat flux, Precipitation, Relative humidity, Carbon dioxide concentration, Radiation net, Radiation incoming PAR, Radiation incoming shortwave, Radiation outgoing shortwave, Radiation incoming longwave, Radiation outgoing longwave, Water vapor concentration, Skin temperature, Soil temperature, Ground heat flux, Soil Moisture.
Standard Variables: Temperature|Carbon dioxide|Carbon dioxide flux|Ground heat flux|Latent heat flux|Precipitation|Radiation, incoming longwave|Radiation, incoming PAR|Radiation, incoming shortwave|Radiation, net|Radiation, outgoing longwave|Radiation, outgoing shortwave|Relative humidity|Sensible heat flux|Volumetric water content|Water vapor concentration|Wind direction|Wind gust speed
Date Range: (2016-08-31 to 2017-12-31)
Dataset Creators/Authors: Yao Tang; Jingfeng Wang
Contact: Yao Tang, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 30332,
Field Area: Calhoun Long-Term Soil-Ecosystem Plots and Reference Areas | Calhoun CZO Research Area 1
DRAFT v.0.4.0
1. Use our data freely. All CZO Data Products* except those labelled Private** are released to the public and may be freely copied, distributed, edited, remixed, and built upon under the condition that you give acknowledgement as described below. Non-CZO data products — like those produced by USGS or NOAA — have their own use policies, which should be followed.
2. Give proper citation and acknowledgement. Publications, models and data products that make use of these datasets must include proper citation and acknowledgement. Most importantly, provide a citation in a similar way as a journal article (i.e. author, title, year of publication, name of CZO “publisher”, edition or version, and URL or DOI access information. See Also include at least a brief acknowledgement such as: “Data were provided by the NSF-supported Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory” (replace with the appropriate observatory name).
3. Let us know how you will use the data. The dataset creators would appreciate hearing of any plans to use the dataset. Consider consultation or collaboration with dataset creators.
*CZO Data Products. Defined as a data collected with any monetary or logistical support from a CZO.
**Private. Most private data will be released to the public within 1-2 years, with some exceptionally challenging datasets up to 4 years. To inquire about potential earlier use, please contact us.