Generalized sorting profile for alluvial fans. Litwin Miller K., Reitz M.D., and Jerolmack D.J. (2014): Geophysical Research Letters
Quantifying the significance of abrasion and selective transport for downstream fluvial grain size evolution. Miller, Szabo, Jerolmack and Domokos (2014): Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
The Causes and Consequences of Particle Size Change in Fluvial Systems. Litwin Miller, Kimberly; Jerolmack, Douglas (2014): University of Pennsylvania
The Contribution of Abrasion and Size-Selective Sorting to Downstream Fining in a Tropical Montane Stream. Timea Szabo, Kimberly Miller, Douglas Jerolmack, Gabor Domokos (2014): AGU Fall Meeting. San Fransisco, CA