Gauged Stream near El Verde, drains into the Rio Espiritu Santo, boulder strewn stream bed underline by volcanoclastic rock.
2.6159 km2 Area
Parent Field Area:
El Verde Field Station ▲
A gauged stream near El Verde Research Station, with a long record of stream chemsitry samples, ongoing measurements of conductivity, dissolved oxygen, water and air temperature. Also recently added instrumentation for nitrate, turbidity, pH, CDOM, and specific conductance.
LCZO collected data are available here
USGS collected data are availabe here
Sonadora at high flow
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Icacos and Quebrada Sonadora - Streamflow / Discharge, Stream Suspended Sediment, Electrical Conductivity - Hysteresis Analysis (2016-2017)
2 components •
Rio Icacos, Quebrada Sonadora •
Water Chemistry, Hydrology •
Wymore, Adam S.; Leon,Miguel C.; Shanley, James B.; McDowell, William H