ARCHIVED CONTENT: In December 2020, the CZO program was succeeded by the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZ Net) ×

Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory Annual Meeting


Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory Annual Meeting

Luquillo, Puerto Rico

Monday 6-1-15 Catalina Station - USDA Forest Service
1. 8:30 AM Meeting kickoff – Welcome.
2. 8:40 AM State of the focal group presentations 15 minutes 10 minutes for discussion
    a. How well are we doing at addressing the big ideas of the project? Is what we are
    doing bigger than the sum of the parts?
    b. FA1: Hot spots and hot moments in the deep critical zone: Sue Brantley
    c. FA2: Hot Spots and Hot Moments in Redox Dynamics and Associated Fe-C
    interactions: Whendee Silver
    d. FA3: Watershed scale hot spots and hot moments: Jane Willenbring
    e. FA4: Hydrologic and Atmospheric Hot Spots and Hot Moments: Bill
3. 10:10 AM Discussion with advisory committee, regarding the focal area presentations
    and discussions.
    a. Are we missing topics or missing ways to effectively present ourselves?
    b. Do the focal areas work?
    c. Do they need to know more now to be effective participants in meeting?
4. 11:00 Break
5. 11:10 AM Presentations by all group members
    a. 5 minutes, no more than 2 slides
    b. We will organize the presenters by topic and send out the order before the
6. 12:30 PM lunch
7. 1:30 PM More presentations by group members
8. 10 minute break
9. 3:10 PM open times for discussions
    a. Please consider submitting a discussion topic for small groups. What would you
    like to discuss with the group or with a subset of the group?
    b. Regroup after 30 minutes, take 5 minutes to discuss anything that the entire
    group should be aware of, as needed, and then break up again.
10. Meet for dinner – location TBD

Tuesday 6-2-15 Catalina Station - USDA Forest Service
1. 8:30 AM - What are opportunities to expand the scope of the LCZO, Bill McDowell will
    discuss some contacts been working with. Other proposals for Luquillo work. Group
    discussion about opportunities. Cross-CZO – How to get more people involved and
    leading them?
2. 11:00 AM Business meeting
    a. Discuss subcontracts, plans for sampling, annual reporting process, getting
    things done.
    b. Time for the advisory committee to meet separately
3. 12 PM - lunch
4. 1 PM Advisory committee presents and discusses their thoughts
5. 2 PM Group discussion to consider advisory committee comments
6. depart for Ponce 3 P – Drive time is about 2 hours
    a. Dinner in Ponce on your own – strip of restaurants near hotel, no one place is
    large enough to hold everyone.
    i. We will share rental cars to drive there.
7. We will stay at the Holiday Inn just on west side of Ponce – on bluff overlooking the
8. Dinner on your own. There is a strip of restaurants nearby, on the water. No place large
    enough for the entire group. Another option would be to go into Ponce.

Wednesday 6-3-15 Depart for Ponce to visit NEON sites.
1. Start 8 or 8:30
2. Visit NEON headquarters
3. Visit NEON site: Guanica Forest - Core terrestrial site, limestone, very dry, cactus, short
    stature trees
4. Lunch on Your own – Limited options; Town of San Germán. Burger King near Sabana
    Grande off of Highway 2.
5. Visit NEON site: Rio Cupeyes - Core aquatic site, perennial, serpentinite bedrock
    i. We are working on gaining access to the site.
6. Discussion about NEON and how to leverage their efforts.
7. Head back to Luquillo or San Juan.


Various Meeting Locations which can be entered into Google maps:

The Meeting will be held at Catalina field station:

18.336121, -65.765223

Sabana Field station:

18.324913 -65.729763

Luquillo Sunrise Beach Inn:
A2 Ocean Boulevard
Luquillo, 00773
Puerto Rico

Holiday Inn Ponce & Tropical Casino
3315 Ponce Bypass
Ponce, 00731
Puerto Rico

NEON HQ is at:

17.977514, -66.905453

Neon headquarters is just down beyond the Burger King in Guanica. About 100 Meters down to the left.

Guanica Dry Forest:

17.954821, -66.903214

Off Highway 2,(Entering Route 334 & turning on to Route 333),Guánica,00653, Puerto Rico

NEON Aquatic site:

18.10855, -66.98339


You can join via goToMeeting at: 

LCZO Annual Meeting
Mon, Jun 1, 2015 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States : +1 (646) 749-3122

Access Code: 641-912-645


LCZO Annual Meeting day 2
Mon, Jun 1, 2015 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States : +1 (872) 240-3412

Access Code: 489-858-501



Directions Sabana Field Station to Catalina Field Station
(195 KB pdf)
Directions Sabana Field Station to Catalina Field Station

Luquillo Sunrise Beach Inn to Catalina Field Station
(452 KB pdf)
Luquillo Sunrise Beach Inn to Catalina Field Station

Catalina Field Station to Holiday Inn Ponce
(494 KB pdf)
Catalina Field Station to Holiday Inn Ponce

Holiday Inn Ponce to NEON HQ
(580 KB pdf)
Holiday Inn Ponce to NEON HQ

NEON HQ to Guanica Dry Forest
(213 KB pdf)
NEON HQ to Guanica Dry Forest

Guanica Dry Forest to NEON Aquatic Site
(661 KB pdf)
Guanica Dry Forest to NEON Aquatic Site

NEON Aquatic Site to San Juan
(578 KB pdf)
NEON Aquatic Site to San Juan

NEON Aquatic Site to Sabana Field Station
(573 KB pdf)
NEON Aquatic Site to Sabana Field Station

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