ARCHIVED CONTENT: In December 2020, the CZO program was succeeded by the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZ Net) ×

Annual LCZO Scientists and Student meeting


Annual Scientists and Student Meeting for Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory

Luquillo and Yunque Mar Hotel



Please follow this link to register for the conference



Discuss results and plan synthesis activities. Initiate discussion on future research and the renewal proposal.



Thursday May 31, 2012: Field trip and meeting with Luquillo scientists and students

Meet NSF-CZO group in the forest at 930 AM…end by 4:00PM.
Lunch at Sierra Palm picnic site: LCZO graduate students will meet with CZO review committee. LCZO scientists will meet with CZO PI’s

Friday June 1, 2012: Open Day

Free day for groups to self-organize, interact, and conduct field work. Some individuals may be asked to take LCZO advisory group on field trip.

Saturday, June 2: LCZO Group meeting – Hotel Yunque Mar

AM: Introductions and breakup into thematic working groups. Lunch will be provided
PM: Groups report on status of research, individual papers, and synthesis activities.

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