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Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
8 Publications
Subcanopy solar radiation model: predicting solar radiation across a heavily vegetated landscape using LiDAR and GIS solar radiation models. Bode, C. A. Limm, M. P. Power, M. E. Finlay, J. C. (2014): Remote Sensing of Environment 154:387-397
Common questions of the US NSF–supported Critical Zone Observatories. Dietrich, W.E. and Lohse, K. (2014): A Guide Prepared By CZO PIs Cross-CZO National
Spatially variable water table recharge and the hillslope hydrologic response: Analytical solutions to the linearized hillslope Boussinesq equation. Dralle, D.N. Boisramé, G., and Thompson, S. E. (2014): Water Resources Research 50:8515-8530.
Process dominance shift in solute chemistry as revealed by long-term high-frequency water chemistry observations of groundwater flowing through weathered argillite underlying a steep forested hillslope. Kim, Hyojin Bishop, James K B Dietrich, William E. Fung, Inez Y. (2014): Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 140: 1-19.
Species differences in the seasonality of evergreen tree transpiration in a Mediterranean climate: Analysis of multiyear, half-hourly sap flow observations. Link, P., K. Simonin, H. Maness, J. Oshun, T. Dawson, and I. Fung (2014): Water Resources Research
Analytical model for flow duration curves in seasonally dry climates. Muller, M., D.N. Dralle and S.E.Thompson (2014): Water Resources Research 50 (7): 5510-5531
A bottom-up control on fresh-bedrock topography under landscapes. Rempe, D.M., Dietrich, W.D. (2014): Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (18): 6576-6581
Vegetation induced changes in the stable isotope composition of near surface humidity . Simonin, K.A., Link, P., Rempe, D., Miller, S., Oshun, J., Bode, C., Dietrich, W.E., Fung, I. and Dawson T.E. (2014): EcoHydrology 7(3): 936-949.