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Clades of huge phages from across Earth’s ecosystems. Al-Shayeb, B., R. Sachdeva, L.-X. Chen, F. Ward, P. Munk, A. Devoto, C. J. Castelle, M. R. Olm, K. Bouma-Gregson, Y. Amano, C. He, R. Meheust, B. Brooks, A. Thomas, A. Lavy, P. Matheus-Carnevali, C. Sun, D. S. A. Goltsman, M. A. Borton, A. Sharrar, A. L. Jaffe, T. C. Nelson, R. Kantor, R. Keren, K. R. Lane, I. F. Farag, S. Lei, K. Finstad, R. Amundson, K. Anantharaman, J. Zhou, A. J. Probst, M. E. Power, S. G. Tringe, W.-J. Li, K. Wrighton, S. Harrison, M. Morowitz, D. A. Relman, J. A. Doudna, A.-C. Lehours, L. Warren, J. H. D. Cate, J. M. Santini, and J. F. Banfield. (2020): Nature 578, 425–431
Combined use of radiocarbon and stable carbon isotopes for the source mixing model in a stream food web. Ishikawa, N.F., Finlay, J.C., Uno, H., Ogawa, N.O., Ohkouchi, N., Tayasu, T., Power, and Power, M.E. (2020): Limnology and Oceanography 1-14
Lifetime eurythermy by seasonally matched thermal performance of developmental stages in an annual aquatic insect. Uno, H. and Stillman, J.H. (2020): Oecologia 192: 647–656
Tributary confluences are dynamic thermal refuges for a juvenile salmonid in a warming river network. Wang, T., Kelson, S.J., Greer, G., Thompson, S.E., and S.M. Carlson (2020): River Research and Applications
Partial migration alters population ecology and food chain length: evidence from a salmonid fish. Kelson, S. J., Power, M.E., Finlay, J.C., and S. M. Carlson (2020): Ecosphere 11 (2): e03044
Eel River Critical Zone Observatory Annual Report 2019. Dietrich, W., Bishop, J., Carlson, S., Power M., Thompson, S. (2019): NSF Award #1331940
Eel River Critical Zone Observatory Annual Report 2018. Dietrich, W., Bishop, J., Carlson, S., Power M., Thompson, S. (2018): NSF Award #1331940
Investigating Hillslope Self-Similarity: Field Observations of Weathering Profiles Across a Sequence of Repeating Ridges and Valleys. Pedrazas, M., Hahm, W.J., Huang, M.-H., Nelson, M.D., Bryk, A.B., Dralle, D., Fauria, K., Dietrich, W.E., and Rempe, D.M. (2019): American Geophysical Union 2019 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 December 2019 Abstract #EP53F-2213
The role of small shallow landslides in landscape evolution as revealed by high resolution differential lidar surveys and field mapping. Sanders, M., Nelson, M.D., Bryk, A.B., Huang, M.-H., Fauria, K., and Dietrich, W.E. (2019): American Geophysical Union 2019 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 December 2019 Abstract #EP43D-2399
Dry season changes in soil carbon composition: tracking decomposability, mobility, and chemistry over a Mediterranean-type summer. Vaughn, L.S., Santos, F., Wahab, L.M., Berhe, A.A., Dawson, T.E. (2019): American Geophysical Union 2019 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 December 2019 Abstract #B33C-08
Food, Phenology, and Flow—How Prey Phenology and Streamflow Dynamics Affect the Behavior, Ecology, and Recovery of Pacific Salmon. Rossi, G.J. (2020): University of California, Berkeley
Linkages between fluid flow paths, reactive gases, and chemical weathering across a shale bedrock hillslope. Wang, Jia (2019): University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Critical Zone Ecohydrology of the Northern California Coast Ranges. Hahm, W.J. (2019): University of California, Berkeley