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Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
29 Publications
An integrated monitoring network for hydrologic, geochemical, and sediment fluxes to characterize carbon-mineral fate in the Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory. A.H. Sawyer, Karwan, D. L., Lazareva, O. (2011): AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 5-9.
Riverine coupling of biogeochemical cycles between land, oceans, and atmosphere. Aufdenkampe, A. K., Mayorga, E., Raymond, P. A., Melack, J. M., Doney, S. C., Alin, S. R., Aalto, R. E., and Yoo, K. (2011): Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9:53-60.
Distribution and Speciation of Soil Organic Carbon along Hillslope Transects: Importance of Fe-redox Cycling . Chen, C. Leinweber, P., Aufdenkampe, A.K. and Sparks, D.L.. (2011): CZO National Meeting, Tuscon, Arizona, May 8-12
Soil Organic Matter-Mineral Interactions Along Hillslope Transects: Importance of Iron-Redox Coupling Processes. Chen, C., Leinweber, P., Aufdenkampe, A., Wang, J., Dynes, J. J., and Sparks, D.L. (2011): ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2011 International Annual Meetings, "Fundamental for Life: Soil, Crop, & Environmental Sciences," San Antonio, TX, Oct. 16-19.
Within-storm and Seasonal Differences in Particulate Organic Material Composition and Sources in White Clay Creek, USA. D.L. Karwan, A.K. Aufdenkampe, R. Aalto, J.D. Newbold, J.E. Pizzuto (2011): American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting, December 4-10, 2011
Characterization & Source Determination of Stream Suspended Particulate Material in White Clay Creek. D.L. Karwan, R. Aalto, A.K. Aufdenkampe, J.D. Newbold, J.E. Pizzuto (2011): National Critical Zone Observatory Program Meeting, May 8-13, 2011
Characterization & Source Determination of Stream Suspended Particulate Material in White Clay Creek. D.L. Karwan, R. Aalto, A.K. Aufdenkampe, J.D. Newbold, J.E. Pizzuto (2011): Geochemistry of the Earth Surface 9, June 2-6, 2011
Landscape-Scale Variation in Soil Microbial Communities Across a Forested Watershed. Eilers, Kathryn. (2011): Thesis, University of Colorado, Master of Arts, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Cross-CZO
Sensor Networks, Dataloggers, and Other Handy Gadgets Using Open-Source Electronics for the Christina River Basin CZO. Hicks, S., Aufdenkampe, A, and Montgomery, D. (2011): American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting, December 4-10, 2011
A wireless environmental sensor network using open-source electronics for the Christina River Basin CZO. Hicks, S., Aufdenkampe, A., Lazareva, O., Karwan, D. Montgomery, D. (2011): Joint USGS- CUAHSI Workshop on Optical Water Quality Sensor Networks, Shepherdstown, West Virginia, June
A wireless environmental sensor network based on open-source electronics for the Christina River Basin CZO. Hicks, S., Aufdenkampe, A., Lazareva, O., Montgomery, D., Kaplan, L., Newbold, D., Levia, D., Sparks, D.L. (2011): CZO National Meeting, Tucson, Arizona
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentration and quality in a forested mid-Atlantic watershed, USA . Inamdar, S., Finger, N., Singh, S., Mitchell, M., Levia, D., Bais, H., Scott, D., and McHale, P. (2011): Biogeochemistry 108 (1) 55-76
Fluorescence characteristics and sources of dissolved organic matter for stream water during storm events in a forested mid-Atlantic watershed. Inamdar, S., Singh, S., Dutta, S., Levia, D., Mitchell, M., Scott, D., Bais, H., and McHale P. (2011): J. Geophys. Res. 116:G03043.
A 13C DOC tracer approach to estimate the contribution of semi- labile dissolved organic carbon to stream ecosystem metabolism. Kaplan, L.A., J. D. Newbold and A. K. Aufdenkampe. (2011): Goldschmidt 2011 conference, Prague, Czech Republic, August 14-19. p. 1147
Characterization and Source Determination of Stream Suspended Particulate Material in White Clay Creek, USA. Karwan, D.L., R. Aalto, A.K. Aufdenkampe, J.D. Newbold, J.E. Pizzuto (2011): Applied Geochemistry 26:5354-5356
Role of Fe- and Mn- Redox Coupling on the Carbon Cycle in a Mixed Land Use Watershed. Lazareva, O., D.L. Sparks, A.. Aufdenkamp, K. Yoo, S. Hicks and J. Kan. (2011): CZO National Meeting, Tuscon, Arizona, May 8-12
Role of Fe- and Mn- redox coupling on the carbon cycle in a mixed land use watershed: Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory. Lazareva, O., D.L. Sparks, A.. Aufdenkampe, K. Yoo, S. Hicks and J. Kan. (2011): Goldschmidt 2011 conference, Prague, Czech Republic, August 14-19. p. 1279.
Atmospheric deposition and corresponding variability of stemflow chemistry across temporal scales in a mid-Atlantic broadleaved deciduous forest canopy. Levia, D.F., J.T. Van Stan, C.M. Siegert, S.P. Inamdar, M.J. Mitchell, S.M. Mage, & P.J. McHale (2011): Atmospheric Environment 45: 3046-3054
Improving biogeochemical knowledge through technological innovation. Melack, J., Finzi, A. C., Siegel, D., MacIntyre, S., Nelson, C., Aufdenkampe, A. K., and Pace M. (2011): Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9:37-43.
Geologic and hydrologic control of porewater chemistry and submarine groundwater discharge into Indian River Bay, Delaware. Michael, H.A., C. Fernandez, C.J. Russoniello, A.S. Andres, K.D. Kroeger, D.E. Krantz, J.F. Banaszak, A. Musetto, K. Myers, L.F. Konikow and J.F. Bratton. (2011): Goldschmidt 2011 conference, Prague, Czech Republic, August 14-19. p. 1462
2011 CRB-CZO Annual Report to National Science Foundation. Sparks, D., Aufdenkampe, A., Kaplan, L., Pizzuto, J., and Yoo, K. (2011): NSF Award #0724971
Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory (CRB-CZO): Wireless environmental sensor network. Sparks, D.L., Aufdenkampe, A., Lazareva, O., Hicks, S., Montgomery, D., Arscott, D., Kaplan, L., Newbold, D., Levia, D. (2011): University of Delaware on the Hill. Capitol Hill, Washington, DC, March.
Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory (CRB-CZO): Wireless environmental sensor network. Sparks, D.L., Aufdenkampe, A., Lazareva, O., Hicks, S., Montgomery, D., Arscott, D., Kaplan, L., Newbold, D., Levia, D. (2011): EPSCoR Annual Meeting, Dover, Delaware, April.
Effects of wind-driven rainfall on stemflow generation between two codominant tree species with differing crown characteristics. Van Stan, J.T., C.M. Siegert, D.F. Levia, & C.E. Scheick (2011): Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151: 1277-1286
Reducing error associated with compression derived measurements of whole-tree rainfall interception within the Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory. Van Stan, J.T., Levia, D.F., Jarvis, M.T. and Friesen, J. (2011): 3rd Annual National CZO PI meeting, Boulder, CO, September 13-15
Technical note: Instrumental method for reducing error in compression-derived measurements of rainfall interception for individual trees. Van Stan, J.T., M.T. Jarvis, D.F. Levia, & J. Friesen (2011): Hydrological Sciences Journal 56: 1061-1066
Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory: Carbon-mineral interactions from molecular to basin scales in the Anthropocene. Yoo, K., Aufdenkampe, A., Chen, C. and Sparks, D.L.. (2011): Invited Talk, Goldschmidt 2011 conference, Prague, Czech Republic, August 14-19. p. 1224.
Rates of soil mixing and associated carbon fluxes in a forest vs tilled agricultural field: implications for modelling the soil carbon cycle. Yoo, K., Ji, J., Aufdenkampe, A., and Klaminder, J. (2011): Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 116:G01014.
The Initial Design of Data Sharing Infrastructure for the Critical Zone Observatory. Zaslavsky, I., T. Whitenack, M. Williams, D. G. Tarboton, K. Schreuders, and A. Aufdenkampe (2011): Proceedings of the Environmental Information Management Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, 28-29 September, EIM'2011, pp. 145-150 Cross-CZO National