Submit an abstract for the CZO-hosted session "Observing the Mountain Water Cycle"" Registration for this is now closed.
A 3-day/2-night trip field trip after the Workshop will visit several water and ecosystem monitoring sites across the range. Registration for this is now closed.
Christine Hedge (SSCZO staff, now alumnae) checks on a Judd ultrasonic snow depth sensor at the Providence P301 meadow.
This global event is a step toward more comprehensive observing systems for the world‘s mountain regions by building up from the grass-roots of existing observing systems.
a) Expositions in which participants explain their observ-ing network or products in a poster session format and
b) Side Meetings for more in-depth discussions.
a) Sessions where speakers present state-of- the-art thinking regarding mountain observations and
b) Ateliers where participants work together to develop common solutions.
One day will be devoted to field trips to observing sites around the Reno/Tahoe area, with longer field trips available after July 19th to visit sites and facilities in the Sierra Nevada, Great Basin and Cascade ranges.
For ongoing updates, please see the Mountain Observatories Initiative website.
Christine Hedge (SSCZO staff, now alumnae) checks on a Judd ultrasonic snow depth sensor at the Providence P301 meadow.