CZO Partner Organization
The Pacific Southwest Research Station represents Forest Service Research & Development in the states of California and Hawaii and the U.S.-affiliated Pacific islands. The region has the lowest, driest desert in the country, the highest elevations within the 48 contiguous States, and the wettest tropical forests. It is the home of an abundant diversity of native plants and animals and nearly 50 percent of the nation's threatened and endangered species. PSW scientists conduct a broad array of natural resources research to achieve our mission to "develop and communicate science needed to sustain forest ecosystems and their benefits to society."
The flagship research area of the Southern Sierra CZO is co-located the Kings River Experimental Watersheds (KREW), a set of research catchments operated by the Pacific Southwest Research Station (PSW), USDA Forest Service. The SSCZO foothill site (located at ~400m in elevation) is at the San Joaquin Experimental Range.
(list may be incomplete)
06 Nov 2017 - By Michelle Gilmore and Leigh Bernacchi Ever wonder how we know what we know about water? Twenty-five intrepid water and forest managers,...
01 Apr 2016 - A study by Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory researchers was featured in a recent issue of Natural Inquirer, a middle school...
13 Mar 2015 - The Kings River Experimental Watershed (KREW) Group led by Dr. Carolyn Hunsaker form the Pacific Southwest Research Station are recognized for their...
19 Mar 2013 - Research Ecologist Carolyn Hunsaker presented a USFS Landscape Science webinar on the Kings River Experimental Watershed on March 19th. This hourly...
Science & forest management in the mixed-conifer forest
Sierra National Forest - Providence Creek & other sites.