Development of a mechanistic interpretation of chemical dynamics in natural subsurface porous media is often limited by an incomplete understanding of the coupled biotic and abiotic processes that govern chemical phase partitioning and transport. These heterogeneous systems are characterized by a range of possible molecular-scale reactions, separated in space and time, whose relative importance may be affected by pore, pedon and catchment or watershed scale drivers. At the same time, to the extent that subsurface porous media operate as biogeochemical reactors, reaction chemistry should be reflected in large scale structure (e.g., regolith formation) and phenomena (e.g., catchment hydrologic response). This symposium invites all papers that seek to enlighten the linkages between underlying molecular processes and higher-scale observations of biogeochemistry pertaining to soils, sediments, aquifers and fractured bedrock systems.
Registration and abstract submission are now open http://goldschmidt.info/2013/index
Abstract submission
DEADLINE 12 April, 2013 (23:59 UTC)
Please consider submitting to a second session related to Critical Zone research. Look below for the related news story about Session 16B.
The Duomo, or main cathedral, in Florence, Italy. (Image credit: M. Derrick)
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