The CZ-EarthCube Google Drive Collection contains our Executive Summary, Breakout Group Notes, Presentation PDFs, Poster PDFs, and our complete workshop proposal.
Conveners & Organizing Committee: Anthony Aufdenkampe, Chris Duffy, Greg Tucker. Kerstin Lehnert, Ilya Zaslavsky, David Tarboton, James Syvitski, Jeff Horsburgh, Emilio Mayorga, Susan Gill.
Participants: Any critical zone scientist or cyber scientist interested in a future cyber-infrastructure that meets the needs of all earth surface sciences.
Critical Zone (CZ) scientists take as their charge the effort to integrate theory, models and data from the multitude of disciplines studying processes on the Earth's surface - from the atmosphere at the vegetation's canopy to the lower boundary of actively cycling ground waters. As such, critical zone scientists and their data managers are at the front line of efforts to effectively compile and use the "dark data in the Long Tail" of earth science and integrate that data with the "Big Data" produced by hydrologists, atmospheric scientists, geospatial modelers and molecular biologists.
The 16 CZO disciplines span the range from Big Data to Long Tail science, and have begun the process of building a community infrastructure that can serve as a pilot for the EarthCube endeavor.
The NSF EarthCube initiative aims to transform the conduct of research through the development of community-guided cyberinfrastructure to integrate information and data across the geosciences. NSF EarthCube is funding a series of workshops "designed to listen to the needs of the end-user groups that make up the geosciences and to understand better how data-enabled science can help them achieve their scientific goals."
This is our EarthCube workshop, convened to engage 45 cyber-literate critical zone scientists in the EarthCube process and to inform about 20 of EarthCube's cyberscientists of the diversity needs of CZ science.
The overall goal of the workshop is to develop a set of unifying requirements for the integration of "long tail" data and "big data" and to develop an interactive community of domain and cyber scientists to pursue solutions. After the opening evening and morning of invited talks introducing the various needs and capabilities of represented geo- and cyber-science communities, participants will break out repeatedly into four groups to discuss and produce draft documents that will contribute to each of the five specfic workshop outcomes:
Breakout group lists will be briefly presented at the end of each breakout session and collated in near-real time using Google Docs, and thus accessible by all breakout groups for subsequent rounds of discussion. A workshop report will be redacted from these documents, summarizing all workshop findings.
All participants are encouraged to present a poster to share current work and/or ideas on:
WebEx virtual meeting rooms connection information for the Plenary and each of the four breakout rooms. Browse WebEx meeting rooms for Plenary & Breakout Group A, or for Breakout Groups B, C, G. Gain access with "criticalzone". Links are also within the agenda below.
Monday, January 21, 2013 - in banquet hall of Courtyard Marriott Hotel of the Univ. of Delaware
5:30 pm Registration & cocktails
6:00 pm Dinner
6:45 pm Opening Presentations - in banquet hall during coffee/dessert. WebEx Welcome.
8:30 pm Conversation & cocktails. Cash bar closes at 9:00 pm, room closes at 9:30 pm.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 - Clayton Hall Conference Center
8:00 am Continental breakfast & poster setup
8:35 am Introductions of Participants
9:00 am Invited presentations by geoscientists on major scientific challenges, present data & cyber constraints and opportunities. WebEx Plenary.
10:45 am CZ Community Survey Results, Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, Univ. of Illinois. WebEx Plenary.
11:05 am Break & Posters
11:35 am Invited presentations by cyberscientists on how EarthCube activities might serve geoscientists. WebEx Plenary.
12:45 pm Lunch
1:45 pm Invited presentations by cyberscientists, continued.
2:15 pm Breakout Session 1: List scientific challenges for next 5-15 years. WebEx A, B, C, G.
3:15 pm Break & Posters
3:45 pm Breakout Session 2: List data & cyber-infrastructure constraints. WebEx A, B, C, G.
4:30 pm Breakout Session 3: Review list of community data and cyber resources. 30 min. WebEx A, B, C, G.
5:00 pm Breakout reports, sessions 1, 2 & 3. 10 min. each. WebEx Plenary.
6:00 pm Dinner
7:30 pm Poster Session and cocktails. Cash bar closes at 9:30 pm, room closes at 10:00 pm.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - Clayton Hall Conference Center
8:00 am Continental breakfast
8:40 am Charge to Participants. WebEx Plenary.
9:15 am Breakout Groups Session 4: List capabilities required. WebEx A, B, C, G.
10:30 am Break & Posters
11:00 am Breakout Groups Session 5: Develop Scenarios. WebEx A, B, C, G.
12:30 pm Lunch
1:15 pm Breakout reports, sessions 4 & 5. 15 min. each. WebEx Plenary.
2:15 pm Synthesis and Outline of Next Steps. WebEx Plenary.
3:30 pm Adjourn
Afternoon Organizing Committee Report Writing
Outcomes will be collaboratively developed in real-time via Google Docs, which will be shared by everyone so that participants can also simultaneously add notes to the same document. Each breakout room will have a projector for live note taking and WebEx for virtual participation. Each group will led by two co-facilitators and a lead a note taker and supported by a projectionist/WebExista.
Breakout groups will be organized around broad disciplinary themes, but with the charge to consider each topic as it applies:
Participants will self-select which group they want to participate in, but with guidance to balance group numbers.
Group themes
A. Aquatic - Room 121
B. Bio - Room 122
C. Cyber-Geo - Room 123
G. Geo - Room 124
Registration open for virtual participation! Registration for in-person participation closed on Sunday, January 6, 2013.
If you have registered, please remember to:
Venue: The workshop will primarily take place at the University of Delaware's Clayton Hall Conference Center. Opening evening events and participant lodging will be across the street at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel of the University of Delaware.
Lodging: The Courtyard Marriott Hotel of the University of Delaware.
Travel: General directions to University of Delaware's Clayton Hall Courtyard Marriott Hotel.
There are many examples of how cyber-infrastructure developed for geoscientists have broader impacts to the public. The national weather service data and model forecasts are highlighted on television and other media outlets. Fishermen, rafters and canoeists rely on USGS gauging data for their recreational activities. The Model My Watershed platform is harnessing GIS and hydrological modeling for educational purposes in classrooms and informal settings and also by citizen scientists.
NSF Proposal: EarthCube Domain End-User Workshop: Engaging the Critical Zone community to bridge “long tail” science with big data. Aufdenkampe, A.K.; Duffy, C.J.; Tucker, G.E. (2012): NSF Award #1252238
Data Infrastructure for the Critical Zone Observatories CZOData: an EarthCube Design Prototype. Zaslavsky, I., M. Williams, A. Aufdenkampe, K. Lehnert, E. Mayorga, J. Horsburgh (2012): EarthCube white paper