EarthChem will conduct a 1-day community workshop at the Goldschmidt Conference 2012. The goal of this workshop is to raise awareness of new resources for the discovery, access, publication, citation, and management of geochemical and geochronological data and samples, and to engage the community in planning and designing new capabilities.
The workshop will include lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on exercises of EarthChem data systems and tools, and a set of mini-workshops focused on specific data types (e.g., soil geochemistry, experimental petrology, geochronology, kinetics) and new EarthChem tools (data submission; linking data and publications; data management plans/data compliance reporting).
Participants are eligible to a stipend of $500 to be used toward travel and hotel costs.
When: Sunday, June 24, 2012, 8:30am to 5pm
Where: Palais des Congrès de Montréal, 1001 Place Jean-Pau, Montreal, QC H2Z 1H, Canada
For questions, please contact
Data Management / CyberInfrastructure
Geochemistry / Mineralogy