CZO Dataset Listings on the website are the starting point for data access. New datasets are being uploaded every week.
Alternatively, data can be accessed via individual CZO data catalogs, independent data repositories, and CZO pilot projects as discussed below.
Downloading data from instruments placed on Critical Zone Trees. Credit: NSF Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory.
National | Boulder | Calhoun | Catalina-Jemez | Christina | Eel | IML | Luquillo | Reynolds | Shale Hills | Sierra
Dataset listings are in a standard format and include data produced by CZO as well as related data produced by non-CZO organizations (ie USGS, NOAA). Links to data files are provided. Data files are *not* hosted here on Instead, they are hosted by national data repositories, individual CZO data catalogs, federal data centers, and other sources. File types range widely, including CSV, Excel, and JPG. Files are grouped into collections called "datasets", which are organized by discipline, topic, creators, field areas and/or variables.
Boulder | Calhoun | Catalina-Jemez | Christina | Eel | IML-map | IML | Luquillo | Reynolds | Shale Hills | Sierra
These websites provide an alternative access point for an individual CZO, with differing ways of organizing data. Much of these data are also available via the standardized CZO Dataset Listings (primary access point).
IEDA EarthChem | CUAHSI Hydroshare | KNB | LTER-NIS | OpenTopography
Some CZO data is archived (or soon will be archived) by independent data center organizations such as those listed above.
Cinergi = Community Inventory of EarthCube Resources for Geosciences Interoperability. More than 700 CZO data resources are automatically ingested into the CINERGI inventory from the CZO Data Search Portal (see below pilot projects). CINERGI contains more than 450,00 interdisciplinary data resources across the geosciences.
May not be fully functional or complete.
THE CZO Data Portal enables rapid exploration and filtering of the many datasets used by the US NSF Critical Observatories program. These data span a wide range of disciplines in earth, environmental, and biological sciences.
National | Boulder Creek | Calhoun | Catalina-Jemez | Christina | Eel | IML | Luquillo | Reynolds | Shale Hills | Sierra
The Portal is based solely on extensive metadata, which includes pointers to data files. The files themselves are stored elsewhere, mostly on servers at the 10 individual CZO observatories. provides:
The website is a user interface to the CZO Central Data Catalog built upon a Geoportal Server.
Dataset component files of a certain specification, called CZO Display File v1, are automatically harvested into the CUAHSI Hydrological Information System (HIS) Central Catalog. These data can thus be accessed and analyzed using any software client to CUAHSI HIS, such as HydroDesktop or the CZO Data Visualization Portal.
The website is a web application that enables map-based discovery, access and visualization of point-observation data. The focus is on time-series data, but other data are shown when readibly available via centralized web services.
National | Boulder Creek | Calhoun | Catalina-Jemez | Christina | Eel | IML | Luquillo | Reynolds | Shale Hills | Sierra
Data used include
The CZO Data Visualization Portal is an adaptation of the "Vizer" framework originally developed by the Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems (NANOOS) for its NANOOS Visualization System (NVS).The CZO adaptation of Vizer first focused on developing it to be a web-based client of time series data cataloged by CUAHSI HIS, in much the same way that HydroDesktop is a Windows desktop client of the same CUAHSI HIS data catalog.